He calls himself a gamer

>he calls himself a gamer
>doesn't own at least one shelf of video game figurines/collectibles

Ummm, no sweetie try again.

Is that the lady who made that weird looking 3d video game with the pointy noses and weird proportions?
She looks seventy years old but without the wrinkles.

>The freak is a Dangan Ronpaulan fan
I knew you faggots were rotten.






>that big as fuck belt

>all that dust

I didn't think he could get any worse

Why would I buy colectibles alone anyway? If I have any it's from x-editions of games, I wouldn't go out of my way to buy junk I'll never use or think looks good. It's the same with people who cover their walls with posters, I don't understand it

nothing screams "poser" louder than actually buying merch


Gee, never would have guessed.

>garantee'ed replies

nah, its only when you take pictures of your merch for points

>be a woMAN
>doesn't clean around the house

looks like a 70 year old lady, that hag face and thinning hair

It helps create the illusion of having a feminine waist.

I'm getting asthma just by opening that picture.

If you don't have 10k hours played when all games are combined, with one having at least 3k hours in it, you don't play vidya

>calls himself a gamer because he has cringy collectibles
>doesn't own more than 10 consoles

Try again. No funko pops don't count either.

Look at the ravages of all those drugs.

"she"' looks like a fucking grandmother

>shitty plastic toys are video games

Holy shit that dust

>calls self a gamer
>owns consoles

>spending 3k hours on one game

My longest time spent was 500 hours on MonHun Tri

>calls self a collector
>nothing but funkopop

>tfw you fap to her nudes

She looks like a future librarian.

If the game has deep enough gameplay that you enjoy it's not hard at all

RTS, fightan games, Dota 2 are examples

>all that dust
What a fucking degenerate, can't wait to see the votes "she" gets running for congress

>he calls himself a gamer

Thats quite the shrine to sexually objectified women and male power fantasies.

All that dust though.


No wonder, I don't play any of those game types besides fightan for fun. They don't seem very fun

Does this make me legit?

who is "he"?


rate my Room Sup Forums. dont mind the gf haha

Dude that is a crossdressing fag that tucks his small pee pee

>Calls himself a gamer
>doesnt have a single platinum

Do you guys realize that now Neogaf controls pretty much everyone who is in the business of making video games?
If you are not a marxist you'll get persecuted and the company will fire you afraid of bad marketing

I just donate my money to publishers directly. I don't even buy their shit. Get on my level

>spending money on video game toys instead of video games


>call himself a gamer

No im not retarded

That better be an old picture, because there's a better sunbutt horse figure that isn't pink and blue to have on that shelf.

Never understood collecting stuff like that.

Why not just buy more video games?

>tfw you didn't post her nudes

this is pretty decent bait.

in any case, fuck you OP

I unironically find her attractive.

But I very much dislike her as a person.

I did more then once

quinn is so weird, she looks fine in some pictures but a troll in others

she's not a ten, but she sin't THAT ugly. If she dropped 10 lb's, and got longer hair, she'd be a qt.


This image is genuinely terrifying.

It can. There's the Advent Children figurines, multiple Squalls, and a low quality Sailor Moon.

As for your question. That's just a thing with people. Baseball cards, stamps, tcgs, sports memorabilia, etc. Some of the more autistic collect mechanical pencils or used condoms, but most have the decency of keeping their collection area relatively clean.

>black and brown
>big belt with just a t-shirt and jeans

Does this faggot even try. I'm a literally tranny and I put together a much better outfit. Also that middle school girl tier basic bitch makeup job Jesus fucking Christ there are thousands of tutorials on YouTube (and your a fucking Internet personality too lol?!?!) and you decide to take a quirky gamer pick LIKE THAT.

Triggered desu

Why the fuck wouldn't you take 10mins to dust if you knew you would be taking a picture of them holy shit.

shit, i've always wanted to meet will ferrell. what a lucky GUY

Where would I get money for that kind of shit? I barely have money for video games? I just bought Nier Automata and I am literally eating rice, eggs, and beans this whole week.

Fuck rich people*

*Unless you want to be my friend and buy me things.

fucking poorfags
get a job or try to get some autism bucks

>am literally eating rice, eggs, and beans this whole week.
nice, im not the only one.

>mentally ill tranny likes weeb shit and mlp
it's like poetry

Which video game, user?

danganronpa on pc was a mistake

Look at all that fucking dust.

Also, he should stop dressing like a woman.

>im a tranny blah blah blah
neck yourself before you wreck yourself, familia

I only have 1

and its a bootleg one

>mfw this lunatic is running for congress in my state

>she's a Barneyfag

No fucking way. Holy shit what a hypocrite

>calling yourself a gamer when you spend that much buying plastic shit instead of buying games
>almost all of it is Final Fantasy to boot

This is exactly the kind of audience BioWare wanted: they wanted the modern Sqeenix audience.

I will never understand collectors. I like to keep my possessions to a manageable minimum. Why would you spend so much money on useless garbage. Buy a fucking shelf just to fill it with shit that doesn't do anything. Goddamn.

While I'm waiting for barneyfag i will answer your thread with because I'm not 12 and raise you because I'm not a virgin.

Your move gayboi

>Ummm, no sweetie
this needs to be put down before it spreads. this is beyond cringe.

I'm already here though

dude just look at congress in general. i'm sure there are fucktard repubs but there are quite a few senile democrats that somehow made it in. people need to seriously pay attention and vote sane people in.


Definitely an imposter. I haven't seen a single post insisting op ended his life.

Waiting for the real deal

Lee Goldson is unironically my favourite Sup Forums poster.

Even if he does fuck dogs.

>Even if he does fuck dogs.
stop forcing this false narrative

>MAGA hat
>half black action figure

>wasting money you could use to buy more games on useless pieces of plastic

plz god no... which state?

Have a job. Not autistic enough. I am a college student working 30 hours a week trying to save money and get the hell out of my home/home town/state/possibly country.

It isn't so bad.

>all that dust

really uh tickles my autism


Makes up fake origin stories. What the fuck. Does he have multiple personality disorder and makes crazy stories about his life to make himself feel good. Is Brianna Wu another one of his made up stories and life's that just went too far and had no way of going back, so now he's running for Congress to "change" life's again.

this she nigger needs to clean her figures, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>that dust
As a buy fag I am fucking triggered
All of my shit is kept in a enclosed container
God imagine being able to just half-ass everything in life, and fill up the other half with falsified cries of abuse

What is the red head behind Squall supposed to be? looks like the protag of Growlanser 4


The guy he's running against won 72% of the vote and he's an incumbent.

Wu is lose

I don't expect Barneyfags to clean up well at all.

Do you still browse kiwifarms? You're my favorite cow

>thick layer of dust
Why can't trannies clean their fucking rooms?

She's attractive at certain angles, but her shitty personality and believes are a huge then off, same thing with Anita.

>sunbutt horse figure that isn't pink

I didn't think they existed.

Because they're disgusting people.