My local GameStop was robbed this morning and I have the full scoop. Because I was there. Green text coming up

My local GameStop was robbed this morning and I have the full scoop. Because I was there. Green text coming up.


was there piracy involved

Where's the greentext???

>search news

Epic OP.


Did you get a copy of Persona 5?

don't fuck around OP

Nigger spam detection

>11:00 am heading home after 8 hr shift.
>drives past GameStop, sees a clearance banner. I decide to check it out just for the hell of it.
>I walk in side and see an e played who looks like Lenny from the Simpsons, suspenders and all.
>i just browse around.
>2 minutes later a woman in her fifties walks in with a huge purse and approaches me. Asks if I work there.
>Lenny raises his hand and says he does.
>she then asks where the security cams are. He actually points the, out.
>She then pulls out a gun and shoots them. I dive for cover and he runs in to the back store area.

did this really require you heralding your own story? couldn't you have just typed out the details and made that the post?

i don't wanna be rude or nothing -- it's just confusing.

>She then pulls out a gun and shoots them
nice fake story OP, I'm out

ok well already this didn't happen.

everyone can go home.

That's bullshit but I believe it

Was she one of the mini Godzillas spawning from Godzilla's tail?

>Stand around during manslaughter
>Being this fucking dumb

Sage. This is just bullshit

Attention seeking child, finish thine homework and commence ye slumber for you've schooling on the morrow.

Your gamestop was holding the plans for Metal Gear


8 hr shit? You took 8 hour shit? I don't believe you or did you eat something special?

Why would a GameStop being robbed make the news?

>so i'm sitting there jacking off beneath my mario blankey in the 3DS section when this fine ass ho walks by and i'm like, that's a fine ass ho
>so i go to tap that ass but i see she's packin some fuckin heat
>she pulls out the desert eagle four four and im like IM SORRY MISS I WAS JUST TRYIN TO SAY HI YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL
>and she's pointing and screaming and shit
>im like, aw shit she's tryin a rob the place fuck that
>so i run out and the dude's like HEY MAN YOU GOTTA CALL THE COPS
>so i head into chick fil a and i tell everyone what happened
>they gave me a free 5 piece meal and im watching the cops show up an shit on my phone

sageing this

fake story

>working at blockbuster in Ashevegas back in 07
>rockband is the big thing for the christmas season
>at counter, doing blockbuster stuff
>pretty late, no customers in store, only me in front and manager and coworker doing shit at the end away from door
>door opens, typical dude walks in
>look back down
>sudden movement, he had snatched a big rockband box from display near door and was assing the door open with a sheepish look on his face
>runs out to car idling out front
>takes off
His expression was just funny, I hope his kids had a good Christmas.

>She then chuckles and turns to me. asks if i have a phone. I tell her yes and she tells me to give it to her. I then slide it across the floor and she says she says she'll give it back when she's done. She hops the counter smashes the cash register and steals whats inside. Casually walks out from behind and said "That was easy" tosses my phone back and sprints to the door. peels out and I immediately call 911. I look for Lenny who in having a panic attack in the back. get him some water and tell him i called the cops. He calms down and a few minutes later the cops show up. They question both of us and see the cameras she shot out. Lenny steps in and asks if they could keep the incident quiet because he doesn't want any bad publicity for his store. I tell them her description and the car she was driving. GameStop was closed for the rest of the day. Looked on facebook and saw they caught the woman today at 5 pm.

>So there I was in the Silithus Desert.

at least try to make it believable

A thread died for this.

OP here, I don't know who this is but they're not me

OP here, disregard him i suck cocks!

I love the escalation, I'm dying laughing

>doesn't want any bad publicity for his store
You really got your bases covered OP, now there's no way we could tell the story is fake.

the good ole robber shooting everyone but me for literally no reason story

OP here, how do I log in? These guys aren't me.

I assume he meant she shot the cameras but thats even more unrealistic

OP here, I just wanted an excuse to upload a photo of a girl in a swimsuit on Sup Forums. You guys can just ignore this thread now.

Which 0007 movie should i watch?