Can we have a comfy thread? I'm in FFXIV right now just doing GATEs because the gold saucer is so comfy

Can we have a comfy thread? I'm in FFXIV right now just doing GATEs because the gold saucer is so comfy


So if Lyce was just as good at punching as us the whole time, and has the Echo, why wasn't she out their handing Primals their ass along with us?

ffxi/v/ thread?
does hiro play as a lala?

She doesn't have the Echo.


will gobbies ever be playable?

so how has sargatanas been going lately? i used to play there until i moved to fucking balmung because a few friends of mine played on there and i thought i could play with them, but they're never fucking on.

>he wants me to load a 2.5MB png that could have been a 500KB jpeg of the same quality
>it's a pixelated blurry mess where you can't tell what's happening
thank god for your filename user... these are good graphics?

>people selling a9s-a12s runs in PF
what does this mean


I want phoneposters to die

>savage unlocked and echo'd
>DS is still limited
nigga why

did they replace connie cinnamon again?


What did she mean by this

Kan E Senna sounds like she has a different VA again

xth for Healers are the real carry for parties. Remember to give them Commendations after every roulette you do with one, because they deserve it.

EN or JP?
i play with JP client so i didnt notice anything

Only DPSing healers who never goes OOM.

>this image again

>falling for the "my friend plays on balmung so I'll pay for a transfer" meme

Only if you dps


is ffxiv good if im not in love with japan?

Are there any good action MMOs out there? I like MMOs but I've evolved passed being able to enjoy hotkey based gameplay

But if I wanted to queue as DPS, I would do that. Why can't the 2 DPS do their job?

Nope. The only thing it has different from other MMOs is being a weeb heaven

Is any FF good if you are not inlove with japan?

They are, why can't you do yours?

Except that "any FF" can be a fun and unique experience.

This is just a dumbed down WoW.

Please consider changing to something more your speed, such as BRD, you fucking brainlet.

I do. Healing requires you to heal, not be a crutch for DPS not doing their job right.

Yeah, and guess what? It's your fault that every run takes 5-8 minutes longer than it should if you'd just DPS. Of course, this is why you've never cleared a progression Savage as a healer though.

>hurr why should tanks pop CDs if healers are there
>fucking DPS using party utilities, just do damage, stop using Mantra

damn tasty bait, user. I could not resist

>STILL bragging about Savage on the easiest raiding tier

Can we have Gordias back so these shitters stop thinking that they're good?

Healers require their healer to heal and dps just like the tank role requires keeping aggro and dealing damage
If I just stood there spamming flash I would be just as lazy and shit as you

Sorry, I don't believe you. YoshiP said himself that the game isn't balanced around doing healer DPS.


OK, I'll just use an attack skill whenever you actually heal damage, I'm putting in just as much effort as you so I must be doing things right

No, they really can't. The only reason this isn't shit is because it's trying harder to be WoW than it is to be final fantasy.

Yoshida said that they balance encounters for tanks doing only their enmity rotation.

If you only use Flash you won't hold aggro. Ergo, you wouldn't be lazy, you'd be inefficient at your job (tanking).

So shut up about healer DPS already.

>The only reason this isn't shit is because it's trying harder to be WoW than it is to be final fantasy.
Either fishing or delusional. Let me guess, you're yet another FFXI hater?


She stills sounds like the same one they've been using in Heavensward.


The game is vanilla WoW with an anime boy skin

sorry you can't accept that, but it would be garbage if it were more like final fantasy

Post more.

That's fine. I don't pay your sub. It might go a little slow, though.


shinryu is a faglord

>The game is vanilla WoW
With none of the itemization
With content finders
With tiny raids and dungeons
With homogenized classes
With easy teleports
With braindead aggro and MP (re)generation
With huge AoE heals
With quest pointers
Oh I guess it's not Vanilla WoW at all.

Thank god things like quelling, shadewalk, smoke screen, and provoke exist, plus mchs and bards can help with my mp regen
It's great knowing that I can literally just press one button and maybe a ogcd if things get really bad and force the dps to just work harder and if they complain who cares, dps is easily replaceable unlike tanks or healers so no one will ever kick us for putting in the bare minimum and this behavior isn't selfish at all

>roast beef flaps bulging out of her shorts

nasty woman

Lyse did nothing wrong.

She is pure!


Why do people like you always resort to hyperbole? Is it because you know that you're wrong?

Wow dude, Japanese World of Warcraft. How did you get such advanced taste in games?

Except its not, a dpsing performing well is going to easily do their portion of damage as well as a tank that only does their enmity combo, even more so when you have 4 dps to make up for it
I'm putting in exactly the same amount of effort as you, why are you complaining

Wow, I'm sorry

it's vanilla WoW if it were made in modern times, I had thought this would be assumed, but I guess not when you're retarded.


>backpedalling this hard
There's no point in even offending you as it's clear that you've realized that FFXIV has no redeeming qualities.

>tfw resubbed just to see the end of heavensward and keep from losing my house

welp that was fun

and now I have a whole 29 days left of playtime I don't know what to do with

Damn i didn't know you could play XIV on the Ouya

>these graphics
Post more

Really Koji?

Except I quite enjoy playing it, it's vanilla WoW with an anime boy skin, I love it.

I only use one bar to play

HW made the game uncomfy

it's fine in ye olde englishe

It's way too try hard should have just been "Why did you come to Eorzea" It's not flavor, it's shit.

The game has been built on olde english since 1.0, stop fucking crying.

Shit is also a flavor. Sounds like thous must need receive succor, post haste.

Ye olde English is fine
That sentence isn't and is forced as fuck.

>you will never receive the succor

mayhap youre a faggot

*unsheathes gosestu*

the garleans fear the samurai

anyone who says this is vanilla wow has never played vanilla wow.

Mayhap.. but methinks only under the cove o'darkness, savvy?

anyone who says this isn't vanilla wow has never played vanilla wow

Poor Thancred, in the time we took on airship back and forth from Gridania to Carteneau to Rising Stones, he's probably still walking wondering if we had come up with a way to fight the Primal yet.

>Omega and Shinryu actually fight for the first time ever
>WoWfugees don't understand and scratch their heads
This game was a mistake.

it isn't vanilla wow

t. played wow since 2005

now shut the fuck up faggot

Nah, it's most comparable to WOTLK.

t. wow player on nov 26 2006.

I have tried on 4 different occasions resubbed to this game to see if I could get past the combat system. I can't. It's so boring. The dreadful combination of MUH ROTATION plus spells/abilities/weapon skills not actually feeling distinct and having no impact.

>played wow since 2005

>SE tried to copy Beth
>doesn't have anything that was fun in Beth
>predicably, the encounter becomes a borefest
Top kek

dude.. woa.. 2 spider bosses in different games...

Not even close.

you must needs be joking me

>first boss of the raid
>two floors
>fight on the web
>must split party
Why don't you tell us of another MMO boss with this setup? Anyone without Yoshida's cock on their mouths can see that this was a blatant copy.

>we will never see talent trees in a good MMO again

Did you think talent trees in wow were good? Hmmm.

Yda and Lyse are twins right? I don't understand how Yda was fighting in a revolution 20 years ago when her sister was like 5 unless Yda is supposed to be the older sister, and if that the case why would Lyse even attempt to pretend to be Yda who would be about early to mid thirties at least by the time she died when Lyse would clearly be much younger.

They are not twins and Lyse said yda was her OLDER sister.

not twins, Lyse just figured they looked alike enough that no one would be able to tell she wasn't really Yda.
But the Scions knew the whole time and decided to play along, kind of a dick move letting her live a lie for 6 years.

Yes, they were good.

Well, not really from a customization perspective.

>being a frost tank DK
>being a blood DPS DK
>being a hybrid DK
Yes, they were. Can't even imagine how expansive it was for the other classes

Do people actually play this game? Ever since the Heavensward announcement I've been trying to shill myself into buying it and rolling an Au Ra (Got a soft spot for cute dragongirls with cute horns and cute scales) and actually playing the game, like pvp and pve.
But every time I click on /ffxivg/ I'm just blasted with weaponized autism and waifufagging that makes me believe the people playing the game are nothing but 300lb carebears who do nothing but erp as highschool catgirls.

I'm kind of a wowbabby but I tried branching out to things like Tera, Blade and Soul, Black Desert and Archeage Online. I've always liked FFs atmosphere and visual style, and even with the long ass gcds I still found it pretty comfy. I'd still rather play a faster-paced class which I've heard exist. I feel most comfortable when there's a high skill ceiling and shit to be done, especially if it's PvP and it makes other people mad.

This game got any room for people like me and where would you reckon I find a community more suited for that kind of playstyle?

From a customization perspective, they were better than nu-talent trees and cross class skills

wow talents were boring

every other level you got to increase something by 1%

around level 40 and at level 60 you got a skill out of it - ok

everyone went all the way down one tree, and halfway down another

and in raids only one of your specs was viable

You can give it a try, if you want a faster paced class NIN is pretty solid, DRG can be too but it's dull as shit until 60 or somewhere close to it
The community is fucking awful, it isn't just /xivg/, it's the entire game, you need to find people you don't despise to play with on your own