The final boss is EASY

>the final boss is EASY

is there a game that DOESN'T do this?!?

Other urls found in this thread:

tfw you beat das
tfw easiest boss in the game
tfw linked fire before doing dlc
tfw didn't wan to play again

Ys: Oath in Felghana


this and everything else by Falcom

also every SaGa

A Nintendo game? No, there isn't they all have easy ass bosses.

Old Hunters

Hello, my baby. Hello, my honey. Hello, my ragtime gal. Send me a kiss by wire. Baby, my hearts on *atomic explosion kills everyone including you*

Its about the Journey, not the Destination. even if they weren't very Hard You have to Admit they were pretty Badass, i mean Fighting Bowser on the Verge of being Sucked into a Black hole? thats pretty fucking cool.

Xenoblade games have difficult as fuck final boss sequences provided you didn't grind to hell


Threatening until the IG user mount locks him.

Besides the bullshit arrow knight this boss was fucking impossible. Beat it on my billionth try from sheer luck. The phases after that aint shit.


The final boss on Ys: Origin was harder imo

Cave Story was pretty intense

what is the top game?

Gog is fucking piss easy, at least Shaggy puts pressure on you with the exploding flares.

does a True Arena boss count

Does this count?

Ascension is canon

someone before described them as "victory lap" boss fights. The actual fight was just before.

NEver met anyone who beat this bastard. I thought I was shit until I read that this was a huge problem.

>The final boss of Arc the Lad II; the Dark One is the hardest boss in the entire game. He's so strong that, unless you have a powered up Choko in your party, you're going to have to level grind a ton if you want to even be able to scratch him. It's not recommended to take him on with a party below level 100. You can also expend 2-3 hours of real time constantly buffing Elc and Gruga over and over before taking a single swing each at him and then running back out of range to repeat the process until he dies.

Only because you have to start over at the beginning of the stage when you die.

Optional bosses don't count.

>any phase of Star Dream
I bet you went full fag and cheesed with Leaf too.

This motherfucker

dong freeze final boss was pretty hard, or maybe I'm just bad

Prime 3? Even after all these years I've yet to beat it on Hypermode.

This feels like more of an exception then a rule.

But there aren't many games where the final boss is harder then the other bosses unless a gimmick is involved.

Are you motivated?

not final boss, but dropped my hard mode run because of this fagget

>that boss on Nightmare

>is there a game that DOESN'T do this?!?

There's an entire genre that doesn't do this. Bullet Hell

Most fighting games

i spent 6 hours trying to beat this boss fight on normal

Undertrash is "bullet hell" your opinion is invalid.


retards dont count

if all you play are games for children no

>eating his complete combo without DT tank
>eating his complete combo WITH SUMMONED SWORDS on DMD

Drakengard 1 and 3. The game tries to fuck you over.

aw shit man cmon


could have been cooler


More like Under age. You should look at a real bullet hell game.

final final boss of gunvolt had one attack that was mild RNG that made the fight more difficult than it would have been

> MGR page
>6 1/2 hrs average for main story

Last game I played with a hard final boss was Rabi Ribi.

The Wolfenstein game that came out in 2009. The entire game is very easy and then suddenly the last boss is a rape machine.
Also, Metal Gear Rising.

Final boss Shinobi PS2. This guy was an ass.

It's the final boss of the dlc though

How big do you like your difficulty spike fampai?

This fucker on Phantasy Star Portable was nightmarish.
>3 forms.
>2 minions that hit like a truck.
>unavoidable super attack and general attacks.
>Retarded AI won't help you.
>Have to clear a hard dungeon first.
>If you fail at any point you have to do the dungeon again and fight the 3 forms again.

Most of that just sounds tedious, at least the dungeon part.

Can you imagine if playing tennis with Ganondorf was that intense in a Zelda game? Like when you're playing tennis with Galbalan he's summoning black holes that try to suck you around and miss your timing and shooting spirals of bullets at you and lasers and shit. What the fuck did Ganondorf or Agahnim ever do?