What's the MMO with the best gameplay?

What's the MMO with the best gameplay?


World of Warcraft

Elite Dangerous

>tfw wanna buy Elite Dangerous but it's apparently boring without the expansion but it's never on sale


BDO, but you have to deal with everything else being shit. Everything else.

Even the graphics, way too uncanny valley to me.

That one.

That's one of the few amongst all those action-oriented ones that are praised for their mobility that actually almost never locks you in place when fighting or even casting spells.

Depends on what you mean by best gameplay. Black Desert Online would probably appeal the most to new players.

It's boring with the expansion as well.

Just get this instead.

BDO is a meme game it doesn't even have dungeons.


That's the most casual-friendly MMO in the market;and has one of the better combat systems around.

Is Guild Wars 2 still alive? Too late to start?

Yeah, but we're not talking about dungeons, are we? OP didn't ask for the best and most complete MMO out there.

Guild Wars 2. Or ArcheAge pvp wise. But everything else about AA was shit

You can literally build a boat and go out hunting whales with harpoons though, or board other people's boats and kill them

>good combat system
>but utterly garbage world design with repetitive 'meta events' that are simply button mashing and take no advantage of said combat system

fucking why

It has F2P so you don't have to invest shit if you want to just try it. I have no idea where people get "GW2 is dead" even from considering there's no numbers and even server indicator doesn't show current population but how many players made the server their Home World.

On the other hand though, the skill system only allows for a very limited selection of builds and the entire fights revolve around smashing out your cooldowns as fast as possible.

I would say its alive. You will be able to find teams for all end game content with the lfg tool. You might not find that many players early game but once you reach level 80 and gain access to the late game areas then there will be more than enough players

It's still alive and going well, a second expansion is coming.

I know people said 5 years ago that the game would be dead within 2 or 3 months but it's far from it even now.

pic not related

Most MMO's play the same when you boil them down to just their gameplay anyway, GW2 being one of the few exceptions, but not in a good way. Better off judging them by the lore, worldbuilding, the NPCs, etc.

Better yet, don't fucking play MMOs.

I don't really like the GW2 combat system. It's deceptive. Some of the fights can be cool and take advantage of it, but at its core it's not much different from WoW and WoW clones where you're trying to leave yourself in range where you auto-attack between your rotations and avoid bad. I mean it's active, but it feels needlessly active for how much of it actually matters.

GW1 had it right, being in the opposite direction of WoW from all these more actiony games by having slower limited movement options but focusing more on positioning and prediction with your focus.

its dead but they merge the servers into one so it doesn't feel dead. its boring though. end game is farming gold for skins. i tried the game recently and the easiest way for people to get gold (outside of being an AH jew) was to just run around a desert with a shovel whacking at piles of dirt for loot. thats it. following huge trains of players for hours digging up dirt. its that or farm the same piss easy events everyday. or you can spam these 10 minute mini dungeons. WPvP is dead, no one even touches that failed meme and for some reason SPvP has the same exact maps that they've had since launch, nothing new, which is retarded, its been how many years now? the skills aren't interesting and you feel like you're hitting people with a wet noodle, you aren't competitive unless you play one of the OP expansion classes. I can just go on with how awful this game is.

and its really stupid how often the meta changes, one month its berserker all the way, then the next month you need to focus conditions, than the next patch you have to get some weird stat affix that no ones used before, than the next patch its back to zerker.

Braindead metaevent zergfests can be fun.
There are raids and others things to do now.

Do they make PvP centric MMOs anymore?

i swear to god you're always in these threads with this screenshot shilling this garbage game

it's slightly better than launch, but also slightly worse in that the raid meta is devolving back towards the holy trinity anet tried to remove in the first place.

>tfw no gw

GW2 is okay if you have friends to consistently play with, but alone it's probably hell.

And even then, the holy trinity fundamentally doesn't work because the game has no resource management. You just spam your skills as soon as they come off cooldown.

MMOs are dead.
Most of us are too old to invest 10000 hours into mmos when we can play rpgs like dark soils and bloodborne

>>tfw no gw

Except for the professions that do have resource management.

Revenant is still the bottom bitch in pve, but only decent in PvP/WvW (and only recently got fixed ever since the nerf to Epidemic).

It's also why Chronomancer is the only reliable tank in the game right now, because you can reset said cooldowns with a big cooldown.

>tfw no 8v8 gvg
>tfw you'll never catch spikes with guardian and stop moving right as the warrior tries to bulls strike you.
>tfw no Deep/Urgoz runs
>tfw no 55/105HP farming
>tfw no 600/smite farming
>tfw no Gaile Grey as a frog in LA

>>but utterly garbage world design with repetitive 'meta events' that are simply button mashing and take no advantage of said combat system

Literally my main problem with GW2 is that ArenaNet never taught the players how to use some finer points of the systems. Higher level Fractals and now Raids use things like combos extensively, but I'd bet your average player is only tangentially aware of the existence.

>dat feel when back at launch people were dying in starting zones because they didn't dodge shit

GW2 is my fav MMO. Still playing it everyday.

I wish Tera wasn't complete fucking shit 'cause its combat system is one of the best I've ever seen.

>no elite skill hunting
>no chest running
>no unid farming
>no full team beastmaster setups
>no wiping in HM ascalon after 2 hours
it hurts


Because I want people to try the game instead of listening to the people shitting on it and making it seems like the worst MMO ever when it's actually one of the best in that awful genre.
Being something else than GW1 with better graphics doesn't make it the worst thing ever.

I would never have played GW 1 if I listened to what people said about it on forums. WoW for poorfags, boring instances, can't even jump, stuck on the smallest bump on the ground, 80% of the skills are useless, etc. GW1 seemed really bad when you listened to them.
Well I bought it day one but still, believe me or not, GW1 wasn't less hated.

Monster Hunter Frontier Online Z

These fucking GW icons, holy shit

Get really good at arah. Get bored. Exploit the fuck out the map. Fuck with normies and "experienced" dungeon people. Be low ap and mask decent gear with regular skins.

Never gets old. I kinda wanna try ultra retard strats but idk. Guard and thief are the only classes that can do this. Arguably, guard is better.

Last I heard, the gear treadmill was horrendous now. I stopped playing just before Heart of Thorns came out and started playing TERA instead which I enjoyed my time with.

Seriously, I got way too much enjoyment out of taking screenshots of my character in different locations and clothing than I should have.

>GW2 is my fav MMO
>I wish Tera wasn't shit because I enjoy the combat.

Wait, what do you like about GW2 then? Everything in TERA apart from the combat is standard MMO and GW2 isn't THAT much different from the standard formula.

>no more capturing your first elite
>no hopping vampire farming in Urgoz
>no canthan new year
>no 1FPS 4000 ping during wintersday with presents dropping for every player in the city.
>no first black dye drop
>no factions/prophecies loading screen
>no realizing comfy pre-searing isn't even 1% of the entire game, and the world map is so much bigger than you thought it would be

I love making that jump while waiting for Fire Ele and screaming "S> Port 5g"

Considering you have to show up 20-30 minutes early for some late-game events (i.e. Dragon's Stand) or get placed into an overflow map, I wouldn't call it "dead."

GW2 is actually pretty different from your standard formula in a sense it's not a gear treadmill. People also tend to focus on its DIFFERENCES from the first game to notice how much it stayed true to its ethos despite obviously different presentation.

Revenant is one of the few classes which has a resource system similar to the previous game, and unsurprisingly, they're under performing. In a game where cooldown is king, of course the Chronomancer is on top.

My main issue with the absence of an energy system is that healing is either too strong or too weak due to only relying on cooldowns.

The difference between exotic and ascended isn't even that much. Ascended has the added benefit of being transferable to other characters, very useful for characters that might use similar stat spreads.

sPvP for a short time was hands down the best way to get Ascended gear. Now however there's an added crafting element you have to do to still purchase Ascended gear from sPvP. Either way, it's still pretty tame considering it's not going the carrot on a stick route.

Only for the two professions that can pull off healing anyways, and that's Elementalist and Ranger.

Healing Revenants surprisingly can't do it save for one boss right now.

It's mostly the fact that any decent revenant build requires Herald spec.

Also, personal gripes, items like Seaweed salad are dumb and don't add anything to the gameplay that's worthwhile.

Tera is basically :
>Go there, kill 50 Lesser evil sluts
>Go there, kill 50 Greater evil sluts
>LFG empty, everyone is solo'ing dungeons as Brawler/Ninja
>Party system might as well not exist, it serves no purpose
>Good ol' MMO trinity but tanks and supports are useless?

GW2 doesn't have these issues, at least.

If only armor actually looked like this in the final game

I remember getting fucking hyped over this comparison

I don't think people even realize how much GW2 has covertly changed the entire genre whether for good or bad. Not competing with other players for loot and getting drops if you participated in the fight at all seems to have become the norm. Much to the dismay of its players WoW seems intent on implementing mob scaling soon as well, for example.

Pic related has been fun as fuck so far. The quests are great with engaging story that gets even better with the voice acting. The combat is pretty identical to GW2 honetsly but since all classes can you any combination of weapons, skills, and armors its a lot more varied though there are still min/maxes for pvp and pve.

ESO has actually come leaps and bounds from frankly bad launch, but the problem is all the best content is locked behind DLC the same way TSW does it. Still a lot to do, though.

i would play if i could find out my password i don't know were i put my cd key at

True which is why I tell anyone that if they want to get into this just grab the gold edition its usually on sale for 30 buck from key vendors.

None of the ones out are worth a time investment

ESO plus isn't too bad if you want the DLC, It's like a sub but your fifteen dollary doos actually give you something besides content.

Which mmo's have long but rewarding grind's with no/minimal time gates?


That's your opinion, user.

But I respect it.

If your only criticism of GW2 is "x in GW2 isn't like x in GW1" then you should probably just kill yourself as soon as possible

thats hardly the only criticism of GW2 but you've probably closed your ears to them.

nah, gw2 has legit complaints but they're overshadowed by nostalgic whining most of the time.

bdo nigga

its all about rewarding you for that dedication

Maybe if i started earlier. Too late for that now.
Also i have a toaster

Alright fags, Secret World is apparently going to be reworked at some point soon, New combat is easily a given seeing as that's the thing that holds it back.
Will Sup Forums play it if the combat becomes better?

I already play it but it's so empty right now,here's hoping the relaunch helps it

just look at other korean mmo's most of them are grindy idk about rewarding though, or fun like bdo.

archeage is like bdo i don't know if its still grindy thought i quit after i got my hasla weapon when they were first introduced.
you don't know a high end pc for archeage too

I playeed the trial and got a Witch to level 30 i think, was fun but i could feel the grind and tedium approaching.

That being said I played fully solo w/o any communication

You would probably be bitter if a bunch of trannies and awful writers stole a game IP you loved too.

>you don't know

shoulda played during the event idk if its still going on but you could get 1-50 in a day like 7-10 hours max
and 50-56 was pretty fast

To hell with gameplay, what about MMOs for making waifus?

What's that?

Blade & Soul is pretty fun but the gear grind will bore you into quitting.

Fucking Koreans.

> what about MMOs for making waifus?
BDO. Tera. Honey Select

its too late to play archeage. it was only good when it first came out. now its dead and no one even PvPs anymore. I donkeyed packs one by one into ynystere completely naked when the new dwarf update came out, no one even purpled up on me.

Wow holy shit really makes you think

The only SJW shit that really bothere me was how I was supposed to just accept Charr as unfortunate victims after all the shit I went through in GW1. Hell, Ebonhawke was still at war in GW2 wasn't it? But naw, I'm a fucking heel if I have problems with the fucking cats throwing parties in the Ascalonian district of Divinity's Reach. Man, fuck that shit, seriously.

I used to play it a lot but stopped around the time issue 11 was released. I'm looking forward to it.

You've see nothing.

I can absolutely guarantee you that whoever wrote the dialogue in the middle of the pic with that Sya character knows absolutely nothing about trans people.

Nobody would come up to a stranger and tell them they're trans, or even outright mention their deadname.

They claim to care about these issues but they don't consult people that are actually affected by them.

>"Okay, let's add human gay characters for representation."
>Kasmeer and Marjory the gay lovers are now part of the Commander's guild
>Nobody fucking cares about them since they're the most boring, shoehorned cardbox characters to ever grace this game
>Fans complain, devs actually listen
>Rox, Braham and Taimi all get increasing screen time

Whew, lads.

It's also the comfiest

Try sending Anet a ticket.

I had the very same problem 2 years ago when I started playing GW2 again.

They'll ask for your characters' names.

I hate the whole racial harmony thing, and I really don't like how the Ascalon separatists are treated as villains in-game. Even some of the old henchmen you recruited got caught in the Foefire and you go on quests to kill them. The charr are savage furry dindus who will go straight back to what they were doing before when the dragons are gone, while still having the gall to act like they were the real victims of the Foefire.

>Undeniable proof that the human gods are real
>Undeniable proof that they grant their favour to anyone who worships them, not just humans (a Grawl in Ascalon was worshipping a desecrated Balthazar shrine and was still getting mad fire powers)
>Other races still deny their existence

Are these pictures of GW devs and their friends?

These are comedy gold.

Yeah i just found that now hopefully it works i don't remember my characters name so i just put a generic name that i think i used i quit back 3 months after launch

That'd be an incredible plot twist if Charrs were to go back to their original philosophy once Dragons are gone.

>>Kasmeer and Marjory the gay lovers are now part of the Commander's guild

Didn't one them actually die? Devs have also responded to feedback in other ways by finally getting rid of Tree Jesus.

I know he was a fucking gary-sue, but I still shed a tear when he died.

I still miss Tybalt.

What are the good writers doing? I know Jeff Grubb left, but there are others.


just don't treat them as the same game anymore. Charr in GW2 are pretty much just kawaii teddy bears with a tsundere attitude, not the merciless butchers they were in GW1. no one who worked on GW2 wanted to learn the story or lore of GW1 to keep things consistent so they just fast forwarded it 200 years, giving them the freedom to make up whatever fanfiction they wanted

And you've just summed up why I'm so fucking mad.

Never Winter

>no one who worked on GW2 wanted to learn the story or lore of GW1 to keep things consistent so they just fast forwarded it 200 years, giving them the freedom to make up whatever fanfiction they wanted

I'm fairly sure they fast forwarded just so the Sylvari could be playable. GW1 was interesting on the most basic level because there were different human cultures around and had their own problems.

nigger the new gold making method is to farm doric lake centaur on different characters.

>try the charr tutorial
>just get mad over what I'm doing and quit

fucking ascalon, man

But the overflow maps are so empty you can't complete the event.

None. Mmo gameplay will always be shit because ping and netcode prevent complex interactions on a large scale.