What anime would make a fun video game?

What anime would make a fun video game?

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Cowboy Bebop would make the best video game. Probably the most I've ever wanted a game that I know will never be made.

Just imagine the OST...

It was a video game. Two in fact. They just sucked.

I want it to be a strong story driven game with light rpg elements and a strong combat system. Maybe even an ng+ mode where you start your own bounty hunter crew as an OC. My anime that I'd want is nichibros, just be fun all around in my mind

I've always wanted a good bounty hunter video game.
I don't think I'd want a Cowboy Bebop game though. Sure it has all the perfect aspects all lined up, but a game would probably focus on the overarching storyline with the backstories and such when that was the worst part of the series, instead of focusing on the individual self contained stories, where it really shined.

A Samurai Champloo game would be pretty fun too, where you just travel to a bunch of villages in feudal japan and do what you can to make enough money to eat, while solving peoples problems along the way

Sunred would make for a pretty great Yakuza clone

Redline racing game
>Multiple paths for every race
>Weapons to fight other cars with
>Better engines for larger amounts of nitro
>Traps and environmental hazards
>Car customization and design
>qt waifu

Would be pretty good

Re:Zero is already set up like a video game. You're a twerp who has to overcome the odds not by being the strongest but by experiencing the failures through death and respawning and using it to build plans, alliances, and skills.

Groundhog Day was better tbqh

A tell tale mushishi game

The atmosphere of Demon's Souls with the combat from Bayonetta, or maybe God Hand I'm not sure something ebwteen the two perhaps

Majority of anime game are ass. Even AAA tier One Piece and Naruto barely got good games. FMA, Gintama, Bleach never got good one. And these are just super popular titles. Less popular one are out of luck.

What can we expect?

Being Bill Murray reliving a single day for 10,000 years in a winter town doesn't sound like as much fun.

Hunter x Hunter

Nanoha Xenoverse, make your own Mahou Shoujo or Shounen if you want. Play as all the other characters, and befriend everyone

I was going to say Trigun but a shotter where you can't actually shoot anyone sounds terrible, so Outlaw Star I guess.

Also a samurai fighting game with Rurouni Kenshin.

Just make Wolfwood the playable character

of course it doesn't sound fun to someone like you, you stupid fucking weeb

wow that comment was really redundant in the context of this thread, wasn't it

I'd buy that

now that's something i'd pay for

Not technically anime but a Samurai Jack game by Platinum or Team Ninja would be cool.

You mean like a JRPG?

gODDAMN why is the next season of Samurai Jack so good

I just hope the rest of the series can live up to the first three episodes. They've set the bar so high

new season*

>tfw no good gash games aside from the alright but still totally lacking GBA fighters
>tfw nobody remembers Gash Bell and those that do only remember it from the horrible localization of the already butchered anime adaption
>tfw so many people missing out on what's one of the few actually fucking great long running battle shonens that never goes to shit

yea but fun and without the obligatory shit plot

We need a One Piece game where YOU are the star instead of Luffy. Create your own character, get rolled with a random Devil Fruit power, natural ability or whatever, recruit your own damn party ala Chrono Cross but on a much bigger scale, Choose where your hometown is etc etc.

Then you have to fight your way to and through the Grand Line against your Generation, Shichibukai and Yonkou. Final Boss would be all of the Strawhat pirates at once on Raftel.

This could only work once the manga is completed though




I just want a good berserk rpg. Honestly, I'd want it to be a witcher style open-world rpg. Where the best narratives of the entire game are delivered in smaller, personal, vignette style side quests.


You hunt rare aliens in a colorfull and strange universe.

Slayers, that plays and looked like Breath of Fire IV would be fine.


>Nichibros rpg
>Penalty for holding your sword backwards

>Cowboy Bebop game that's a mix of Freelancer style space exploration, God Hand combat, and Yakima tier cutscenes and side-content

There are like 3 Slayers games already

How about a game were you are like the side character of Trigun world and you somehow have a story where you tangle with Vash against a bigger foe.

>QTE for what to say on the riverbank to random girl

>God hand combat in Cowboy Bebop
I love god hand to death but I don't think that kind of over the top action fits the style.

It would literally be you just doing odd jobs and mini games with local multi-player in a overworld like Naruto Ninja Storm


Agreed. Spike should fight similarly to Akiyama from Yakuza, but with a few more punches.

The Naruto fightan games were fun and I never evne watched the series.
Also .hack sorta counts as an anime/vidya/manga hybrid series.
Even Inuyasha had multiple games that weren't that bad.
Nowadays everyone is so creatively bankrupt the only thing those fucks can think of is 'turn it into a musou'.
And musou's suck dick.

>Occasional odd job leads into mini/major-arc that introduces characters.
>Learn techniques and moves from different characters a la Xenoverse.
You could even do it like your a part timer that started helping out Yorozouya while they need a fourth hand or Your character puts on Shinpachi's glasses to assume his role.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann by Capcom, specifically Itsuno's team (or CyberConnect2 if you want a a flashy QTE fest). It would be the most insane, stylish over the fucking top combat out there.


You know it to be true.

>recommended on netflix
>check it out
>burn through it all
>pretty damn entertaining
honestly surprised

Stop. I can only get so erect.

wouldnt the ridiculous, over the top combat kind of clash with the oppressive and sometimes just straight up depressing atmosphere?

Dark Souls is the best Berserk game there is out there.

Attack on Titan and it's already been done.

except your shots would almost always miss, and youre weak as fuck compared to most of the aliens you are hunting

would be great if done properly

unfortunately. matbe DD

With Killing Floor 2 gameplay
So many of the things in Gantz could be implemented as fun mechanics and fucky shit

>QTE to rape shota

no idea if it's any good but there actually was a samurai champloo game

It's not rape, it's revenge for blowing up the dude's action figure collection. If someone blows up your action figure collection, no court in Japan will prosecute you for raping that person.

Outlaw Star is basically a JRPG in anime form so it could definitely work, some mechanics should include customizing/upgrading the castor gun plus a shell management system.

>you will never BREAKING YOUR FAAAAAAAAAACE in a video game

I enjoyed that game.
Shame the procedural generated one will never come out.


agreed. dark souls is the best berserk like game. I just want more action and rpg in my fantasy berserk game.

>Already a game.
>Devs gonna fix optimization and other issues
>Guns actually feel like guns.
>New patch lets you mod every single part of the gun
>nobody plays it

Please Sup Forums don't let this game die

This game has nothing (NOTHING!) to do with GITS!


>tfw actually played a ton during early access
>liked it
>still like it

but man, the frame stutters. My pc isnt shit, but hot damn does this game run like trash. The need to do a better job at optimization. Like i said though, the game it's self is great. Just the fucking tech problems.

It uses the characters from stac and a few oc donuts but it's a decent shooter and is loads of fun to play.

My only fear is Nexon is behind it and they pull the plug the minute it stops bringing in the profit

> people unironically suggesting "dark serious edgy" anime
> meanwhile it is obvious that Sup Forums hype and buy game for cute hot girls

Really tired of your shit Sup Forums

I paid a buttload to import it.

Yup. I can run the latest games stutter free but this one is do badly optimized that it drops to 40 fps if there are too many explosions.

It has loads of potential and devs have promised that a patch is incoming with all the fixes.

How about we go with the cold reality in Sup Forums and suggest anime like kobayashi, konosuba and other kyoani shit.

What is this?

What Leon doing over there?

Fair warning, it's a linear walking simulator.

ARIA, Mario Kart and Crazy Taxi in a blendah, how 'bout dat?

Lol that's togusa. I think he predates Leon

Neat. I'll keep an eye on it and wait for a sale.

So basically Yakuza, but Bebop?

>tfw no keijo fighting game

You want Way of the Samurai. I believe there's a Samurai Champloo OST mod for one of them...

votoms would make a great video game
and it was

A Ham-Hams Unite-esque exploration/learning game with minigames and a 'Friendpedia' would be GOAT

Honestly, I reckon the guys who made Furi would be better. If you reskinned Furi, it would literally be the perfect Samurai Jack game.

Its even got the long segments of walking between encounters.

yes but more gunplay

I loved Aria, have you read YYK? it's equally good if not better.

The problem with Berserk is being as overpowered as Guts wouldn't be a fun experience, outside of the boss fights, which would be brutally hard.

Fuck off with this shitty meme. Miyazaki stealing a bunch of cool shit from Berserk because he's a fucking hack doesn't make Dark Souls anything like Berserk.

I really need to sit down and watch this one time.

As much as I love Eva, it would be (and is already) a shitty game.

The only compelling idea for one is a strategy game with you playing as Misato at NERV planning out the missions, but even then there's only like 18 canon missions (and that's mixing the Rebuilds and the TV show) and I don't really see how you wouldn't make it either boring or completely non-canon.

Think in was 30-40 years

I'd give up a kidney to make it happen

Meh, you could argue that playing Bloodborne with Ludwig's Holy Blade in "big" mode is like playing a Berserk game.

Another game that's more like Berserk is Drakengard. Just give Caim a big sword and go to town.

Except actually good this time

I think HxH could benefit from a Xenoverse/GTA type of engine

A new Another Century's Episode
More mech games

I'd rather a character action game