Do you think video games will get better in 2020?

Do you think video games will get better in 2020?

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We probably won't even have real video games in 2020.

What's with all the political threads tonight?

2 years ago this much offsite traffic would have been called raiding. Now it's just normal.

i dont know. i just want to talk about video games

They've already been getting a little better though.

If they do his decrepit ass won't be around to see it.

8Ch and Reddit actively bring communist shit here to recruit

Why not just ignore the picture and talk about the subject

Why didn't you post a more appropriate image, faggot?

never assume any 2 posters are the same. this is an anonymous site for a reason

i would feel nothing if somebody killed bernie

somebody end that piece of communist trash he's a fucking traitor and it's better to do it now before too many people can rally around him

id rather kill myself than live under communism

I would still like my questioned answered.

I hope Bernie or someone even more socialist takes over in 2020, then.

yes because by then trump will have rounded up and kicked out all the leftists and America will finally become prosperous again

Can't wait for Alex Jones, Trump and the right wing lot all go to jail for treason.

The Truth does not fear investigation and you can only cover up everything for so long.

Probably has something to do with ISPs soon being allowed to sell everything we do online to whoever wants it.

>expecting him to do that when he can't even sign in a fucking health bill properly

I don't understand why Alex Jones would go to jail. He's a living punchline, but that's not really a crime.

the only treasonous person in government is that socialist piece of shit bernie sanders

breadline bernie and his retarded followers can go fuck themselves

>he doesnt understand politics

well I guess you are a lefty

Trump has done more in his first month than obama did in his first two years

Stop drinking the aftershave, Sergei.

What in the absolute fuck does that have to do with video games at all you faggot fuck? You do realize your garbage dump of a country isn't the only one producing video games don't you?

Why do people try to change the US in such a fundamentally different way? Why don't you people just move rather than try to drag us all down with you?

I genuinely don't know how communism has a revival in the 2010's when its obvious how big of a failure it is when you look at the fall of the Berlin wall or North Korea. Communism is worse than Fascism in terms of authoritarianism. At least Fascism worked economically.

tell me your name so I can buy your internet history from your ISP

Because the current system cannot continue. Capitalism is just as corrupt with the wrong people in power.

if you think socialism is so great why dont you go take a trip to venezuela or belaruse fuckwit

Old man will be dead then

All that would be left are the sheep and the filthy rich. I guess you could consider that a paradise in its own way.

leftists only exist to impede actual progress and meritocracy

you need to be physically removed. enjoy helicopter, comrade.

I noticed Sup Forums moves a lot slower than it used to.