Weebs will defend this

>weebs will defend this

>Op doesn't like classical porn

>not posting the code
OP pls.

this isn't video games

>You will never fuck your japanese gf silly while she masterfully plays Bach's Chaconne
why live

this offends me

Good post and number.



Me on the left at 0:20

Post the code

Reminds me of the upscale sushi bars where salarymen pay to eat sushi off naked models

To be clear, they're not allowed to touch or even ogle the models, just eat sushi off their ass cheeks and tits and belly.


calling card of the normie.

code please

so is she an actual competent violinist or is she merely pretending?

You have porn actresses that can do all that shit but the animators for Mass Effect can't design realistic 3d models.


What color do you choose?

i bet none of you have ever fucked a girl playing an instrument before


that's a pretty weak comparison user


Played her like a damn fiddle

thanks doc