The actual nier automata thread

unironically why does he wear the mask?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because he's shy. Look at his hands during panels and interviews, he's always shaking

A lot of Japanese character artists choose to be credited by their online handle for privacy reasons. I always assumed he does it with a similar attitude to that. He seems like a pretty humble guy based on his interviews too. The mask being a signature is just a bonus I guess

He doesn't like doing interviews, allegedly, and has sympathized with the feeling of seeing a creator you look up to and being disappointed because they don't live up to your image of them in your head.

Cause he knows how great Emil is.

And cause he's socially awkward

typical japanese cuck full of self-hate

Automata shits on Emil so hard i find it fascinating that he wears this mask. Emil will never be happy and will continue to suffer through his clones for all the eternity only more devolving to a bumbling retard.

Meanwhile 9S got two happy endings at once.


Because he's a big guy

He's an extremely humble person and doesn't believe that creators should be in the public eye.

Nobody knew who he was, until he put on the mask

if that was true he wouldnt wear a fucking mask

>Emil will never be happy and will continue to suffer through his clones for all the eternity only more devolving to a bumbling retard.
Yeah except the last encounter with Emil is him regaining his memories of his friends, giving his bros the pep talk to end all pep talks and then going to finally be with his friends after a millennia of loneliness.

The guy got a pretty happy ending, all things considered.

Read Emil's Heads.
He forgets even who 2B is 400 years later which seems to greatly sadden her when she finds him.

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask

This is actually the truth

Pretty sure almost everyone on Sup Forums suffers from it concerning one thing or another.
Taro is an otaku. The exposure Nier Automata got may peel his shell slightly but this is something which takes a lifetime to correct once you're raised this way.
He's still a functioning adult though.

that's just about his clone. the original moves on, but the imperfect, detoriated copies keep suffering until they reach such a fragmented state they will no longer function on spawning.

For you

>ending E
>reading what Yoko Taro said about ending E

It all feels so right. I fucking loved this game

It's a gimmick

What did he say?

>Yoko Taro, Director: I believe that E was essentially the happy ending. This is the first time I’ve taken on this kind of challenge. I actually didn’t come up with the happy ending initially when creating and developing this game. I kind of left that off to the side for a very long time and continued to work on some of the other aspects of the game. As I developed all of the characters’ journeys, I started thinking about what would be the most fitting ending for all of those characters, and that resulted in the E ending.

>It’s not something that I desired, but I believe, in the world of writing, the characters move toward that ending themselves, and they directed me to write toward that end. In the end, it’s probably what the characters had hoped for – what they would have desired.

Seems like he grew attached to the characters in the process.

This is also true, he shakes quite a bit in person when you watch him in public Q&As and tries to break the tension with levity.

His stated reason though, is that he doesn't believe creators should be in the public eye. His anecdote about it was something like "It's like when I discover that the latest erotic novel I'm reading was actually written by a middle-aged man. It disappoints you."

>even the king of absolute madman sat down and said "ok these people suffered enough"


extreme humility is a thing with him for sure too, any time he talks about the game he says everything he did was shit and everything everyone else did was amazing

I'm not buying it, honestly. The tone of Nier Automata is vastly tamer and less hurtful than Nier 1 and ending E in this light just seems gratuitous.
Then again Ending A was also quite positive and it got fucked pretty fast so a sequel/DLC could just as well violate the characters even further with some karmic entrapment.

I like his approach. He said in an interview too that a happy ending to him is one where a character fulfils their desires. It's a nice touch when you think about Father Servo and the High-Speed Machine.

>Seems like he grew attached to the characters in the process.
It really shows. Especially with 042's dialogue just before and during ending E. Taro wanted them to survive just as much as the rest of us.

Pascal confirmed for most tragic.

>kill enemies around quest marker in forest
>no fuel filter


more like its just bothersome to him. he and these types of guys who wanna keep anonymity in public dont really inherently want to get involved with others. when they have to participate in some event they manage to keep a distance from others.

Doesn't want to show his face plus marketing reasons.

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask

I think it's like the user said, he just really grew attached to the characters

Like me

personally I didn't know about the mask thing before I knew what he looked like because you can just look it up, but I played nier a while ago

It's at the bottom of the tree by the big guy numbnuts. At no point did it even say you have to kill anyone

some techno producers do the same as well, they dont put their face on social media and some even wear a mask. i think they are trying to seperate their persona and look from their work. they want the audience to focus on the product, they want their work to be the first impression and not what hair they have or how they look. just think about fallout or skyrim, many people associate todd with it.

I think this article has a bit of philosophical masturbation (kinda hard to avoid in philosophy), but it does really show that a lot of pieces you could over look in a tomato had more thought put in than most games.

I think that is while the story itself is weak in parts it always felt like a solid narrative and world. Every piece is supporting a few others allowing depth to be created. Rather than just say THIS IS THEME OF GAME it feels like a lot of case studies which have enough room for interpretation.

Original Nier got ending E in grimoire nier and for all intends and purposes it was a happy ending too if your definition of "happy" is main cast surviving.
Sequel happened so far in time and mentioned so little about the rest of a main cast that for all intends and purposes Nier could be fucking Kaine daily while Emil watched till he died from old age.

The main difference is that our characters got a somewhat happy, though still ambiguous, ending. Everything is still as fucked as it was at the end of NieR 1 and you'd be lying if you said Automata didn't have its share of heartbreaking moments.

If we take it off, will he die?

I forget who's quote was it, but if you have fleshed-out characters the story will write itself, because all you're doing is writing how that person would react in each situation.

Wanting to have a specific ending is a flawed concept in general, because if give enough attention to the character you create they start to think for 'themselves' and forcing them to do a specific because of plot reasons will end up as artificial.

He doesn't like being on camera. I think that's pretty much it.

Just started it today, are any endings gated behind weapon collection again?

Didn't all replicants got the black scroll sickness after the shadowlord was killed and all gestalts went berserk? Btw, what happened to original Emil?

>Emil watched till he died from old age.

You do know that Emil doesn't age, right?
You do know Emil's role in Automata? Or were you referring to Nier himself in terms of aging?

>endings gated behind weapon collection
No, just an extra optional boss. Enjoy and stay the fuck out of threads till you're done.


fuck, forgot a few words in there, having a meltdown i guess

you get the idea

It's just a smaller mask.

To Nier, yes.

I wonder what Emil did after all his friends died and he still had to wait over thousands years until the aliens attacked.
Plus, he was spending like 900 years alone on earth, just with animals, since all replicants died like 800 years after Nier.

>running into that random dragon type robot in the forest right as the game's coming to an end

The game had a surprising amount of enemy types that didn't get used too often

That was some Godzilla-like shit.

Its literally Shin Godzilla. Even his firebeam is the same.

He said that eternity really hurts which means he was suffering whole time.
Maybe just relieving the memories of old days.

fairly certain this is half joking, half trying to underpromise and overdeliver, a key marketing tactic that the vidya industry sucks at

Because he's very shy and doesn't want people seeing his face.

Random as in you literally don't run into it until then and it's fairly missable entirely

You have to keep in mind it's been seven years. And like thirteen if we count from Drakengard 1.

Maybe he found the anwser he was looking for. Sure, the world is horrible but it doesn't mean your life has to be the same way.

The fuck I never met this in 70 hours of gameplay

I just wanted a family

I was so lonely

I wanted to be with 9S

He said that he doesn't like when anyone's work is associated with "real" people. He said something along the lines of "if i knew that my favorite hentai manga was made by 30yo dude i won't be able to enjoy it anymore".

Hell, Taro said that he doesn't even remember why he killed off Caim and Angelus in Ending E.

that feel when anemone and a2 had a hard life

Will Yoko Taro ever made a DoD4 that's on par with Automata or Nier?
All he has to do is drop the shitty musou gameplay.

I think that one moment with 9S seeing 2B die was so heartbreaking that just them seeing each other again is already enough to constitute a happy ending. Even if future demanded more conflict of them they would support each other and were given the chance to be honest with their feelings without being forced to lie about them due YoRHa.

A different take on "don't meet your heroes."
I think he said something along the lines of he couldn't enjoy his favorite doujins if he knew they were written by ugly old men.

The way she behaves when 2B is not near 9S was really sad.
She became so overprotective of him she converted to combat unit at last second.

I want Anemone DLC

He's gay.

>ever made

Ever make*

>given the chance to be honest with their feelings without being forced to lie about them due YoRHa
This would be some wild emotional ride for them.
Especially when they will understand that their other half long knew about their secrets and faults but was absolutely okay with it.

You cant even do the quest if you got tree sap already

The best kind of edgelord artist is the one who changes and mellows out with time. Some say it's selling out, I say it makes the happiness they try to convey all that sweeter.

Can you find Pascal after you wipe his memory?

Hopefully. The musou gameplay was never his choice anyway so you'd probably see combat similar to Automata alongside Platinum's take on the Ace Combat with dragons combat that he originally wanted.

Did she wanted to be his mom or his older sister?
She was way too overbearing and treated him as a child to see him as a romantic partner.

Yes in his village when you play as 9S right after.

Yeah, he's back at the village by himself
He opens up a shop where he sells you parts of robots he found.
I think you see where this is going.

>OST features shitty japanese version

Yes and he sells all these fucking robot arms and legs that never drop despite 50% of weapons needing them

Will he ever make JoJo game? Just imagine what he can do with it...

No, if you drop the Musou it's just not Drakengard. I am interested in the visual novel he is making though it has a very drakengard feel to it.

Just hold tight to see if they release a worldwide version of the OST.

wait where is this in the game?

Resistance camp, talk to Anemone as A2

>OST isn't available on EU squenix store until May
>hoping that the delay is for a different tracklist

What happens if you just leave him?

EU Square online store releases OST only in may or something, I hope the reason for delay is english version of Emil's song.

He disappears and is never seen again

You never see him again.

To me it seems that she was kinda confused about her feelings to him and was seeking rationalization which she found through a concept of family. But one thing that i find interesting is that when 2B is nearby she always sticks to her full tsun mode and when she addresses to 9S alone she seems to be genuinely warm to him.

Maybe she was kinda jealous about 2B who is always near him and even decided to convert to a battle model too to get the chance to do the same.

I think she had motherly feelings or love for him, but we able to suppress her feelings for him until she was infected by the virus.
I think Virtuous Grief describes 21O's feelings for 9S after she was infected.

>26 endings
Fucking hell.

Maybe it's because she's fully aware that 2B is killing 9S over and over, since Operator memories aren't wiped.

Well only 5 of them are real endings.
The other 21 are joke endings and one super secret joke ending.

All they did was make the little joke or bad ends that would normally just lead to a game over their own ending

>ending Q
Fuck you, you got me good
and then I had to do the entire bunker escape/2B death run all over again

Yes, this is most likely the case. She even calls 9S and asks him to poke his nose into things less during the yorha betrayers quest. Ironically, 2B says the same virtually at the same time.

Anyone tried tweeting Square or Okabe about that?

The thing that really makes me think that Grief addresses her is the fact that she wants to "see him in the real world" which is exactly what she does by converting to B unit instead of being an Operator who is always in the Bunker.

Jealousy to 2B fuelled by virus and madness is understandable too.

>joke endings
>implying that joke ending of draken1 is not canon story.
Just you wait how in automata 2 we will learn that machines took over the Earth because some retarded andoid ate fish and died.