Play [game] until burnt out on it

>play [game] until burnt out on it
>put it aside
>still want to finish it
>can never get far without losing all will to continue

This ever happen to any of you?

No I don't play Nintendo games

Yeah, it happens with me too. Sometimes I put the game away for months and finish it because I feel obligated to do it. It sucks.

I did this with breath of the wild

Disgaea games. If stop for awhile, I'm never coming back to the game.

Chroma squad hard mode run. Was one miss away from beating the final boss.


I fixed it lately though, I started a log of every game I began, wrote down the date I started and the date I completed it and the file time too.
Just having a record of all the games I failed to finish was enough to encourage me to do better.
Now I've conditioned myself to complete games, I ignore more side quests, I don't mind if I miss optional stuff and I finish what I start.
If anything I have the reverse problem now where I complete a game early and just want to start the next without seeing the whole content.

A lot of repetitive jrpgs.
I like Neptunia but it's so repetitive I never finished one.

Still enjoyable though.

happens to me with Lost Odyssey, Yakuza 0 and persona 4

Fire emblem. I just can't get past random stats upgrades.

It does not even make sense, it's such a shit gimmick that is taking me off the whole series.

For me, it's Dark Souls.

I can't remember how many times I've started up a new game- all the while telling myself that this time was going to be different, this time I was going to finish what I started- only to end up quitting sometime after the first Bell.

C'mon son, at least beat O&S. It's perfectly okay to drop the game after them but not before.

So this is the Nintendo experience huh?

I have never played a single main story quest in Oblivion past the prison. I have played through all of the faction quests and shivering isles dozens of times.

>C'mon son, at least beat O&S

Can't even get close, I'm afraid- the furthest I've gotten was taking a few steps into Sen's Playhouse. Just can't seem to hold onto the motivation. I have heard that writing stuff down like mentions can help with this sort of thing, though- guess I could try that next time.

>It's perfectly okay to drop the game after them but not before.

What about playing a ranged class or grinding for Items/Titanite/Equipment?

Yeah, Final Fantasy 1.
The game doesn't wanna even fucking hint at where I'm sypposed to go. That shit really pisses me off.
Don't even wanna try 2, I hope 3 is better.

I never finish a game lately. The last game I did was Portal 2.

1 is pretty straightforward but let me tell you something. I've been playing these old rpgs for a while and I realized that they suck ass if you play them in any hurry to get to the ending. They take the Role play part as an essence of the game, where exploration and shit are kind expected.

The one thing I got it is that if you don't care about the story in a rpg you may as well quit it;

Deadly Premonition. I really really want to like/finish the game but ten minutes after playing it I give up and do something else. Metal Gear Solid 4. Flat out boring but once every few months I try to get further hoping to get the MGS boner everyone else seems to have.

I fucking can't finish Final Fantasy games. My first one was VIII and I fucking couldn't stand Squall's whiny fucking emo ass or his friends. That damn convoluted time travel sorceress moon monster bullshit plot they dropped on us. Then I played IX and was really enjoying the nice colors and some of the characters were actually nice and cool, but damn, some of them were ugly as sin and Square still couldn't write a coherent story if their lives depended on it.


i got to the finale 3 bosses but im just done with it.
beating the bosses dont feel fulfilling anymore.
i waste to much time on them and i am constantly discouraged when i find out i take longer to beat the bosses then most and at some point realise the game isnt my thing.

i try to have fun my way and because of it i lose, i dont want to learn and study and work to beat bosses.
im just done with it, artificial difficulty is just boring