Red pill me on why Brood War is so good

Red pill me on why Brood War is so good

I've only played SC2

Other urls found in this thread:

The game of my childhood

infinite skill ceiling

Honestly I don't expect people who didn't play it back in the day to come back to it after the remaster.

I could explain how the mechanical difficulties (no MBS, 12 units per group, etc.) are actually a good thing, how they affect both you and your opponent and are vital to the way the game plays, how mapmakers balanced the game on their own for over a decade without any patches from Blizz, how much of an accidental miracle the balance ended up being, but people will just spam 'gookclick', 'artificial skill', etc.

But it's an old game. It's hard to pick up if you're used to SC2 controls. The campaign is easy enough though, so why not start by just playing the campaigns when it goes free tomorrow and watching some of the ASL tournament matches?

The game had a pretty strong map editor that let you play hundreds of other games basically that wasn't Starcraft.
UMS for life.

That fucking intro man.
[Morituri te salutant intensifies]

I can't see a thing Jim

Who was in the wrong here?

Watch high tier matches.

HQ for not equipping them with a proper missile turret instead of a shitty makeshift tower for arbiter detection

I can only tell you about the characters and the story. Pretty fucking amazing. Also the entire universe in the original is pretty fucking kino

It'll be Free in 2 days

>Redpill me
>Hasn't played BW
Jesus Christ is this board filled with illiterate nazi rats now. Disgusting and pathetic.

the only rts anyone who likes it has played

its not. its decent enough but people started to pretend its a lot greater than it really is because koreans are retarded.

Because due to the shit pathing and only 12 unit selection and other such "sub-optimal" behavior player micro skill was heavily rewarded.
In SC2 a lot of those things were "fixed" leaving the vast majority of skill ceiling in the macro game.
NOTE: I am not saying marco isn't important in sc1, I am saying both macro and micro were very important in sc1, while in sc2 it's very skewed towards macro.

So why is this bad you say? Skill is skill right?
Well because macro focused games are inherently more boring.
Once somebody has a bigger force, so long as he doesn't go full retard there is no surprises to be seen. In a enviroment where micro is also highly important on the other hand, the big army, with no micro would lose.
So in games where micro is in the front seat, it's far more interesting to watch and play, since battles can change more dramatically during fights.
I could go on, but you should get the basic idea.

If you weren't old enough to have played it when it came out you probably won't give a shit about the remaster. Play BW when it goes free to play and see for yourself.

Well generally, use map settings was just so much better.

The custom games, Fastest Map Possible, Zero Clutter 3v3, big game hunters, race wars, it was so much damn fun.

SC2 was essentially just a matchmaking machine where people obsess over what league they are in. Just like DotA/LoL/CSGO.

AoE2 is better

Zerg was very unique to play. it takes a different mindset to sacrifice drones for buildings and manage 3 larva at a time per hatchery.

it baffles me to this day how old Blizzard came up with that specific design and have it work out very nicely.
were they just that smart?