What are some games where you're silenced for telling the truth?

What are some games where you're silenced for telling the truth?

Yooka Leftie.

Jontron should visit his family in Iran

back to Sup Forums
You are the cancer destroying video games. I might even migrate to neogaf because at least there are people talking about games and discussing interesting stuff.

so long, cuck.

>I might even migrate to neogaf




*tips maga hat*
*calls everyone a cuck*
*gets le epic upboats*

Fuck off. Don't try and come back this afternoon when you realise the mistake you made.


why did this autistic fuck even think anyone wanted to know his opinions on this shit? you're a video game youtuber, no one cares about your thoughts on politics. at least PDP was kind of subtle and cheeky with his alt right memeing, JonTron just went full power-level-revealing autistic.

final fantasy tactics

He doesn't even know the difference between crime rate and incarceration rate. White people get off with no jail time all the time like with that Idaho rape incident.

Max Payne

How? His crappy opinions remain there uncensored with the rest of alt-right propaganda copypasted from Sup Forums. He is free to act like a imbecile if he wants but don't be surprised when people doesn't want to be related to one.

So long as this shitty SJW and GG movement exists there will be politics in video games. Deal with it.

No one silenced him. If he wants, he can go on YouTube tomorrow and call for ethnic cleansing and he won't be arrested. Free countries are great, huh?

If you're referring to a company wanting to distance itself from PR-damaging hate speech, then you're a fucking retard.

>Complain about Sup Forums
>Threats to going to EchoGaf

He got off because he was rich, just like the director of Birth of a Nation, a rich Black man, raped a girl, threatened to kill her (so she committed suicide) & got zero jail time


>she dindu nuffin, jus tryna rase her kids go to church

>PR-damaging hate speech


8 years

Unless you can find me a corporate Twitter account that says something like "We regret promoting equality and now stand by our fans in denouncing criminal niggers and Jews", I'm right and you're wrong. It's hate speech and no company wants it anywhere near themselves.

fuck off back to neocuck then, you SJW parasite

He'll get far more than that in prison for treason and/or corruption.

>(((corporate))) (((Twitter))) account

We Happy Few

You mean *she

>this simple statement triggered so many people

but at least on neogaf there are people with common sense.


>(((((meme))) (((((((parenthesis)))))))

GG did nothing wrong.
The whole controversy was started by an attention whore who made the whole thing to be about herself while GG was talking about vidya media and its trustworthines.

Have a (you)

He wasn't rich and lived in a middle class town.

What are some games where Sup Forums gets eternally butthurt?

Real life, Andromeda, Witcher 3

It's funny because you libtards are the ones spamming /qa/ with requests of PLEZZZ DELET Sup Forums.

Mafia 3
Watch Dogs 2

There is nothing wrong with what he said, companies have avoided having anything to do with people who is openly racist way before the whole "muh sjw" boogeyman. The fact the game needed kickstarter to be made doesn't give you any power over the company decisions.

>Real life
Memed Trump into the presidency
DoA game that reached meme status based on sheer fuckery
>Witcher 3
A good game that hasn't been completely shit up by "diversity"

Depression Quest
Gone Home

hope the spite is worth the waste of time

>everyone who disagrees with me is a libtard

...Which is a direct answer to your board shitting up every other board

""Presidential twitter account""

>I-I'm not m-mad you're the o-one who's m-mad

Then where are the refunds for backers who think otherwise? OH WAIT sorry goys too late :^)

friendly reminder!

I don't really know much about whatever Jontron did or why he doesn't have a cameo in banjo kazooie 3 anymore but I saw someone say how this was censorship.

I thought censorship was when artists were silenced from making their creation or product how it was intended. I thought he just did some voice lines but did he actually help with more content for the game? Did Jontron actually create content for the game and they remove it because they didn't like his political views? Because that's pretty fucked up.



how are voice lines not content

>"Actually, it's about ethics in games journalism."

>shitty glorified blog channel
no all e-celebs are shit

... which goes to show how butt hurt you people are

>curly haired hook nose Jew only cares about his bottom line to sell to fat autists

wow, stereotype much?

God I'm so fucking mad. Today I wore my fucking awesome Pepe shirt to school and I overheard some faggot Hillary voting "male" feminist cuck talking about how God Emperor's wall is stupid. I noticed he was doing this in front of a gorgeous white blondie. She was so cute, it seemed really apparent that it was time to show my stuff and make her my Aryan Goddess. Perfect time to cuck a pathetic snowflake beta boy, right? Anyway I go up to the triggered beta pussy and start calling him a cuck, telling him how triggered he is, talking about how God Emperor will be president for eight years whether he likes it or not. I thought this was the part where she recognizes how alpha I am and gives me her number right in front of the pathetic cuck betamale, but no! She just smirked at me, then her and the limp-wristed cuck walked off laughing. She wasn't even impressed at all when I told her I want to #MAGA! Women today are being brainwashed! Thanks to (((them))) always portraying Tyrones and wimpy effeminate emotionally weak hipsters as ideal men, women are betraying Aryans such as myself. If this keeps up, whites are just going to be a race of fat cucks with purple hair and 50 genders, leading the way for Tyrone, Ahmed, Pedro, and Schlomo to take us all over. I'm unbelievably FUCKING angry, I feel just like that rare Pepe with the gun and a red filter over it. Any advice for getting my revenge on that dumb leftist cuck?

never saw that one coming after OP like *yawns*
*opens NEOGAF and REDDIT in new tabs*

Nice trips

Was JonTron part of the kickstarter goals?

Not my problem retards who use kickstarter can't read for shit. You are not getting a dime back from the devs, go pester the bank about it.

She's fucking adorable, even listening to her blog is high entertainment.

I too browse r/The_Donald

Without Sup Forums, every single board would be a SJW hugbox like Sup Forums and /lgbt/. You should be grateful for us for being the natural antibody of Sup Forums. You just take whatever you get from us, it's our right of conquest to post whatever we wish.

It lost when it got co-opted by Sup Forums and shifted from >ethics in games journalism to attacking feminism in general. I'm not defending con artists like Anita Sarkeesian or Brianna Wu, but they were ultimately the wrong targets.

Nowhere, because they have no right to one.

Any game with a woman or person of color in a position of power over or acting as an equal to a white man.

I've never even been there but I know it's filled with politics there, but extremely liberal minded.

nice false flag tho