Attention all Xbros on Sup Forums. Boycott Destiny 2

Destiny 2 will have timed exclusive dlc and this will not be tolerated.

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Only retards will be buying this shitheap.

Destiny was good when TTK came out.

Also OP, Destiny 1 had timed dlc on PS4.

Hol up
They're making another one before they even port the first to PC?

How retarded can they get?

What does that have anything to do with it? Nothing will be transferring to destiny 2... not even the story line. Only just the gameplay/concept will

>Attention all Xbros on Sup Forums.
are there actually any of you fags here that will admit to buying the shittyest console this generation?

Why would you buy an FPS on console when it's also available on PC?

DIdn't destiny sell like 3 copies? Why the fuck are they making a sequel to a game no one bought?

No, it was actually very popular.

>Destiny was good when TTK came out.
No, it was less bad.
Still far away from being good, and still is to this day.

You deserve it for buying such a piece of shit console

Because the "skill" doesn't matter at all in that kind of game i guess.

The game had a pretty big community tho

It was one of the most successful new IPs ever. And TTK expansion was the best selling expansion of all time I think. Saleswise it did very well.

Just because it's coming to PC suddenly doesn't make it a good game. The first one is a bastion of crappy writing, bad game design, forced DLC, and microtransactions out the ass

Not wasting my time with any more of their trash

All three Xbros reporting in and will boycott Destiny 2.

It will show them!

Bungie's idea of good storytelling is having Nathan Fillion make jokes and be a one man quipping machine.

Granted, Nathan Fillion is great in everything he does but it takes more than that to have a plot worth caring about. Destiny's gameplay isn't enough to sustain the franchise for 10 years or however long it lasts.

I think after what the story of Destiny vanilla ended up being and after the success of TTK which Cayde played a major role in they're embracing the more light hearted elements. Personally I hope it's more about marketing. They continue to claim the narrative is LoTR-esque. I really hope second time is the charm.

I hope they learned from their mistakes i really do

The game didn't really have much of a story, it was a bunch of faceless enemies attacking for poorly explored reasons.

The management and Activision really screwed up D1. I'm not one of those people that believe everything was rosy before they stepped in or that D1 would have been everything everyone wanted it to be but it definitely hurt the end result and the studio itself.
I think with the success Luke Smith has with the content he was in charge of I'm hoping he can replicate and expand on that on a larger scale. Hopefully the trust will not get misplaced. But I still feel a bit guilty for enjoying the game as much as I do after what they did to Joe Staten and Marty O'Donnell.

The Taken King? Considering it was just an expansion I think they did a fantastic job. I know a lot of the stuff was already planned well ahead of time and in the pipeline but as far as expansions go I think it really was everything it needed and could be.

After being a year 1 player with all the grind, butchered story and content. I liked the core mechanics but all the controversy, content being cut to be sold back as dlc. Destiny can get fucked.

It's coming out on PC this time.

Good luck telling PCBros about exclusive content.

Profit, it means people will spend on money on the 2 and not feel an incentive to be 1's port if or when it gets relesead.

As a lotr fan who loves lore and stuff, i think the team did a good job. If you tae the time to read all the lore or if your lazy and just read all the compiled information on the subreddit it's pretty great stuff.

Who here /don'tlistentohivemindandloveddestiny/?
So glad I gave that gloriously flawed game a chance. Can't wait to buy the next one day one and raid with /dg/

Raids are what makes Destiny good. It's a shame that the pvp and everything else is mediocre. The early days when VoG was released were a fucking blast /dg/.

Lets be real clear.
Activision is a giant jew all the way and butchered Destiny but Marty acted like a giant fucking faggot.
Marty had a meltdown because in the contract it says Activision has oversight over all advertisement. They replaced Marty's music with dad rock in a commercial to appeal to normies and he lost his shit over nothing.

>all Xbros.....

>They replaced Marty's music with dad rock
But Destiny's age base is 18-28. None of them listen to dad rock. Destiny never marketed their game towards 50+ men. I can see why Marty was pissed.

I agree. And I think the main story could be absolutely amazing if some of that stuff is pushed more to the forefront.

Oh I'm under no illusion that Marty is completely blameless. But I can absolutely agree and understand his outrage. I just wish the situation was handled better. His music is amazing. And while TTK and RoI have amazing soundtracks as well they never quite reached what the original game had. I honestly get sad every time I hear the piano in the new music. I really hope his new game is good.

The latest PC rumors have also said they're porting destiny 1 and releasing it in a bundle or as a preorder bonus or something, but it might not come out until December.

I spent the longest time playing with just one or two other people, but the other day we ran Vault of Glass on hard with 5, it was fucking hard even though it's old content, and they're bringing the old raids up to max level soon

Excited, it's more fun than new halos when I'm in a console shooter mood it's just a fucking shame I'm rarely in the mood and it's the only game on ps4 I play online and you have to pay the greedy jew to play online

>Owning an XBONE

ooh boy that's going to be a scary 4 person boycott

How would that even work? It's not like it's a single player game. It is effectively an MMO even if they don't like to call it that.

It appeals to normies by looking and sounding BADASS and EPIC
They didn't touch his music in game even once to my knowledge, though if I'm wrong feel free to correct me. Freaking out over a publisher making lowest common denominator advertising is a retarded and childish reason to leave a company you helped make. Now if he was just tired of oversight in general from meddling I can understand that. But it doesn't seem like it.

Leave us alone asshole Sup Forums barely realizes were still here.

Sonybros are still ready to execute us if we come back for enjoying video games.


Who cares?
Only retards would own a Xbone in the first place, they deserve anything that comes their way (or doesn't, in this case)

Yes boycott the game, with your playerbase that is literally only half as big as PS4's, especially when Destiny2 is also coming out for PC, it will do a LOT to damage the decade-long Activision contract and Sony exclusivity deal that was signed years ago and will last for another 7years. FIGHT DA POWAH if you know what I'm sayin'

They'll feel the burn with a loss of 5k units.

It's just industry-standard stuff. In fact why didn't you "boycott" Microsoft this generation, why did you buy a Xbone? After all, last generation THEY had the Activision timed DLC exclusivity contracts for that whole gen. In the end you don't give a fuck about morals or principles, you're just butthurt that your team didn't get them this time around. At least be honest to yourself.

your head

n-no please..

Too late

>Destiny 2 will have timed exclusive dlc
So standard console practices then.


>a shitty jrpg turned into a FPS gets a sequel

First of all I hate Destiny so I will boycott it automatically and 2nd of all Destiny is shit so even sonyfags should boycott it

I think we has already pretty outspoken but finally did it was his outrage over Activision replacing his score with stock music for the E3 trailer which was the first time they showed the game to the world. I think he was just probably really unhappy about the entire deal and this to him was the proof that they are going to tamper with the creative process. He could have probably handled the entire situation better but the response was completely disproportionate, especially since it came from Bungie themselves and not Activision. Thankfully he got his day in court and won. I sometimes dream of him and Michael Salvatori collaborating again.

Calm down guys, he's only pretending.

the game had a shaky launch with user perception but down the line it became the most popular MP pve shooter in recent memory. it consistently gets top 10 viewerships on twitch

He also had an arrangement of the music called Music of the Spheres but Activision refused to sell it.

"Heh, that'll show him..."
*orders pet to piss on lake*
*fucks old man*
*tips flower*
"fucking Xbros..."

I know. The thing is after all this he still hope that one day he'll get to release it. It's supposed to work as a musical prequel to the series and introduce you to the world of Destiny. Some fans even tried to recreated it from what we know about it and the music we have available and while Marty said it's not complete he said it's actually pretty close and praised their detective work. Here's to hoping one day. Maybe when the publishing deal with Activision expires, assuming the higher ups at Bungie are not too bitter about how it all went down.

I think this is the most recent mix.
The score is undeniably amazing.

Just noticed Marty even commented on the video. ;_;


Nice falseflag, xbone owners are used to getting raped in the ass with constant exclusive dlc on the ps4.

Now tell that to pc players instead.

Dad rock is really popular with 90s kids too, faggot.

I regret nothing