So who should EA buy next?




>EA comes to suck the soul out of their new studio

>too big
>does a good jab at ruining their own games

That ending was sad as fuck, even if they deserve it, i'd add Gearbox to the list.


next on death list is DICE though.

DICE died a while back user.

Bullfrog and Westwood always hit me too hard.

But for purchasing, probably someone off the radar like Telltale.

Gearbox doesnt have more than one meaningful franchise. Thankfully they'll die off with the Duke franchise.

They'll probably buy out Obsidian if Zenimax doesn't go for it. Shame that devs are like livestock being bred for the inevitable ass fucking and consumption of by big named publishers.

"It looks like Bloody Mary is getting the better of you! Why not pay $5 to upgrade Bigby to a stronger form? This is no time to be stingy!"

DICE died when they ditched PC for consoles, bad company series ruined their approach to video game design.
similarly to what happened to CryTek.
although DICE is still the most profitable EA studio and as long as Battlefield and Battlefront still sell like hotcakes i doubt they will get shut down anytime soon.


Besides sports games and Dice, what else does EA have left?

>best graphics in FPS genre

They've been prepping Respawn for months now to be absorbed.

You forgot DreamWorks Interactive

CDPR and Larian




from software

Heh... even EA wouldn't touch bioware with a 10ft pole.




Considering Larian went to great lengths to be independent I don't think that's ever going to happen, EA or any other publisher. CDPR pretty much wants the same thing, but still needs to partner with other for distribution.

DICE is fine though (somehow)

DICE is already laying the groundwork for the next feminist AAA trainwreck. They already can't design good games for shit.

nah, BF1 and BF4 were great

Battlefront was a butchering of the franchise and BF1 shit. Your point?

but Visceral was always a studio inside EA
they didn't buy them

>although DICE is still the most profitable EA studio and as long as Battlefield and Battlefront still sell like hotcakes i doubt they will get shut down anytime soon.

Problem is EA will fiddle with DICE just like they always do with every studio they own. It's no coincidence everything turns foul when EA acquires and the problem is EA who can't help but interfere with how their studios work. They wish every single game they publish was a yearly installment and this translates into cutting corners and entire outright parts to make it so. I'm genuinely amazed Battlefront 2 is getting singleplayer.

delete this

Isn't blizzard owned by activision?

Close. EA would sooner buy out all of 2K just to make a monopoly of NBA Live and Madden.

That BF1 wasn't shit? Also Battlefront was a rushed contractual obligation, and it's really not even a bad game if you only payed $20 for it. It just lacks content

they have some other classic IP too

Activision-Blizzard could buy EA, more like. They literally have twice as much money sitting in the bank

They should buy eachother and both jus die off.

From Software

>Japanese company ever agreeing to be bought out by foreigners
The shitposting and decline in quality would be funny and possibly destroy Sup Forums though

give it 5 years

Is Square Enix the only Jap publisher that buys Western studios?

Sony maybe

oh yeah, durr