Is 4k the biggest meme of all Sup Forums?

Is 4k the biggest meme of all Sup Forums?

Nope. It's actually really excellent. Can't wait to see what's next.

No way fag.
Resolution isn't a meme. the same way full HD, 720P, 480P isn't a meme.

>taco taco burrito
>phone poster
Stop slacking off and clean the restrooms, Pablo.

It's a big, fat, MEME

HD and full HD used to be mocked back then too.

As it takes a $1k graphics card to run it, yes. For consoles at least.

>is higher resolution a meme

only sonybrownies would say something like this

what a cool guy!

havent experienced 4k yet, how much of a bump is it compared to full hd? image just gets sharper? how sharp can you get really...

what was his name again?

It's only a meme because people are willing to buy GPUs that cant even run 4k properly, but yet will pay a premium for them. 2k should be the standard by now, but for 10 years it's been 1080p.


It's a huge jump in clarity if you're coming from 1080p depending on the screen size, but if you were coming from 1440p, the impact would be a whole lot less. I actually kinda regret getting my 4k screen but it was just so much cheaper than the 1440p equivalent (I wanted gsync badly because screen tearing fucks my eyes royally).

Having said that, it's not that bad a situation. My GTX1080 can push out 40-60fps even in highly unoptimised shits like Dishonored 2 and a constant 50-60fps in optimised but demanding games like Witcher 3 and a constant 60fps in the marvel that is GTAV, so I don't think I'll be swapping the screen.

Besides, newer generation of cards will come out. The 1080ti is already able to do Ultra 4k60fps in everything. The 2080 will undoubtedly do even better.

Consoles can't even run at full 1080p 60fps.

Pushing 4k on them is a literal, unironic meme to sell tvs and get retards to buy the same console twice.


guess i gotta wait for better prices since i dont own a desktop monitor and hook up my pc to my tv i will have to buy a 4k gpu and tv combo.

>ay ay ay quando taco los gigantes arriba!

fucking spic posters

Native 4K is a beautiful thing. Upscaled 1080p is a meme.

Go fuck yourself you retarded racist

Yeah, definitely better to just wait it out for now. Most games hardly even have the texture work to support 4k anyway. Only shit like W3, GTAV, Dishonored 2 and DXMD have settings where a 4k screen actually has benefits.

back to buffing those floors if you know what's good for you, juan

4K is amazing

1080p starts to look blurry at 60inch+

I can't wait for that wall

Gonna buy a 28" 4k monitor when i get paid next friday. Cant wait.