That exact moment where you dropped a game

>that exact moment where you dropped a game

I dont get it

>He doesn't like moggles

Is that a Sup Forums reference?

there was some promotional item for tf2 that would get you reddit's gay mascot thing as a hat

I have literally not once seen this hat worn in game

Chocobos are better, fite me irl.

I can get over a lot of the retarded hat shit they put in, but I couldn't deal with the constant nerfing to the spy class. It's been a while since I played last, but I'm pretty sure every class has an anti spy weapon now

Yes but the spy has speed buffs up the ass, he's second fastest to scout now basically.

I have never seen that hat in the game. I'm not denying that it's there. But I can't imagine being so triggered by reddit where that is the thing that makes you drop TF2. There's so many other reasons to drop it.

>triggered by le ebbin reddit shitpost cosmetic
>not triggered by the blunder of the century matchmaking system
priorities, mate

can we ban this underage kid?

spy got buffed last update

Where you do think you are right now, mongloid?

Spy got a speed buff and Deadringer is almost mandatory on him.

>"Where you do think you are right now"
that is such a reddit thing to say

you can make this thread as many times as you want, my answer will never change

you triggered faggotboy?

kys you disgusting inbred nigger

No one wears it, OP.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board.
The Tumblr Club's two sites down.

>kill them
>watch them get mad

I see no problem here OP

>and Deadringer is almost mandatory on him
this is very wrong, against competent players it's the last watch you'll want to use.

the three Spy watches are almost perfectly balanced now in terms of people equipping them

You're trying way too hard to fit in.

>No Man's Sky
>'inventory full'
I think I played it for less than 2 hours.

Not him, but get fucked faggot

yeah but if he got quads it would have justified his comment entirely

I've been here longer than 90% of Sup Forums
Ill say it again
fucking disgusting cancer faggot

>samefagging this hard

spoken like a true inbred nigger

>heeeeelloooo everyone, RPGmonger here..

This has to be bait

>samefagging this hard


>1st RE game, pick Normal anyway
>Expect it to be difficult, having to manage my resources due to scarcity of them
>Instead I get loads of ammo and curatives
>Also regular enemies are bullet sponges that take 3-5 bullets in the head to die
>There's always 1-2 in every room

Go back

>samefagging this hard