
>haven't played WoW in 8 years
>new patch announcement got me curious to check up on WoW's wiki for old time's sake and see what's up with the lore
>Azeroth is a dormant titan strong enough to face Sargeras

What in the ever living fuck?

Warcraft lore thread

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giantess panda girls

They better give back Thrall's hair or else...

Not just face Sargeras, but the potential to be the most powerful Titan in all creation. Sargeras wants to destroy it because of the potential of it being corrupted by the Old Gods/Void Lords for their own purpose.

Also, Sargeras fell in love with the sleeping Azeroth titan spirit, since he saw an eye open briefly and look at him the first time he failed to invade the planet and became instantly smitten.

Characters and players on Azeroth are defending her - yes her- not only from destruction but also rape on just about every level possible.

And sargeras figuratively and literally wants to fuck then kill an unborn baby titan girl.

Azeroth is a girl?

If she manifests in her physical form, you think she'll be lewd?

what do you think the maelstrom is

Is there r34 of azeroth?

Her gaping hole, I like it

>what do you think the maelstrom is
>maelstrom was once the well of eternity
>sargeras wanted to come out of the well of eternity
>is azeroth giving birth to or shitting out her stalker?

it really makes you think

I miss the times of WC3, when the deeper parts of the lore were really hidden and did not devour the more interesting personal story. Fuck you, Blizzard, you fell for the epik fantasy meme, but you have no talent to pull it off.

>giant infant giving birth to demon stalker
sounds just like my japanese anime

>Azeroth is a "she"
>can't stop thinking lewd thoughts
>aroused at the idea of fucking a planet

w-what's wrong with me?

top kek

If Azeroth is a girl then is STV her vajayjay

>Azeroth is the last Titan Soul
>Sargeras originally wanted to destroy it, now wants to have her for himself
>Orcs and Ogres are shards of an ancient Titan-infused elemental, they gained flesh from the abundance of Spirit on Draenor and spore from sentient plant colossi dying
>Trolls had a massive Empire and aligned with the Mogu Thunder King, ended when Titan Watchers said 'Fuck you' and nuked the southern third of current Kalimdor
>Troll Empire crumbles, Elves confirmed to be evolved Trolls, Night Elves create empire after tearing the Trolls a new asshole
>Azshara goes and partys too hard, blowing apart a continent
>Turns out the Well of Eternity had been where Y'shaarj was

Now let me talk about Y'shaarj because he was a cool dude.

>Strongest Old God by a massive margin
>His troops would become the Mantid, best of the Black Empire remnants
>Titans sent absolutely massive armies against him, he slaughtered them all before they could even land a hit
>Aman'thul himself intervened, ripping Y'shaarj out of the ground like a weed
>Y'shaarj was ingrained so deeply that this exposed part of Azeroth's core, filled the hole he left with arcane energy
>Said hole would become the Well of Eternity, later the Maelstrom
>Even in death, Y'shaarj's blood fucks over the entire continent of Pandaria
>He might not even be fully dead considering Sha are still around.

Now back on topic.
>Old Gods are the real-space entities used by Void Lords to corrupt planets
>Sargeras turned evil after seeing them trying to corrupt a Titan Soul, decided to destroy the planet in its sleep to save it and everyone else
>Pantheon horrified, he goes into self-imposed exile
>Decides that if he can't kill the Void Lords, kill everything else to starve them out and hope life can bloom again.
>Breaks demons out of prison, drinks the green Kool-aid, starts the Burning Crusade, kills the rest of the Titans, starts going around killing and enlisting a bunch of races into the Crusade

Fun stuff.

How was "Azeroth is a titan" revealed? Was it some big-ass quest chain via cinematic, NPC dialogue or quest text? Or was mentioned in a lore Q&A?

That kind of twist, dumb as it is, is way to huge to just be something said in a mere quest.

wasnt even discussed in the game. it was revealed in a book

The Titans are dead WTF ?

It was first said in the Chronicle, which came out in WoD, and then Magni came back and basically explained it because while he was a diamond (Technically still is) Azeroth talked to him.

So in lore, a bit into WoD, in game, a semi-short scenario that took as back to Ulduar before Legion. Algalon even made a surprise cameo.

It sort of explains why there's so much Titan and Old God stuff on Azeroth of all places, and it also explains how we know we need to find the Pillars of Creation (Titan Relics left behind to safeguard the planet).

I stopped playing after TBC, can lorefags explain something to me:

Did they ever expound more on what 'The Light' is, more? I was thoroughly disgusted when TBC made it so that space windchimes could be physically drained of their Light to make Blood Knights, it was like Star Wars and their micichlorian shit ruining The Force.

i miss warcraft 2 where the Alliance apologetically genocided the Orc homeworld

They went to fight Sargeras, he got really fucking mad, and hit them with a giant Fel Storm.

Technically they're still alive but their souls are dormant or absorbed by the Watchers left on Azeroth.

Windchimes are just conduits of the Light, not the Light itself. Even then, the 'Light' grants powers through will and belief, so while they were draining the Naaru they didn't quite take its power, they just thought they did and got the power back.

>Did they ever expound more on what 'The Light' is, more? I was thoroughly disgusted when TBC made it so that space windchimes could be physically drained of their Light to make Blood Knights, it was like Star Wars and their micichlorian shit ruining The Force.

The Naaru aren't the "light" perse but are products of the "Light," In the Warcraft mythos, the light and the void are the most fundamental elements of the universe. The Naaru, deities attuned to the light, the light the paladins worship, An'she, etc. etc. are derived from the light. On the other spectrum, void walkers, demons, dark fel magic etc. all derive from the "Void"

The Void Lords and Old Gods are going to turn out to be the good guys I fucking guarantee it.

They are the represenatives of Free Will to counter the Titans Thought-enslavement.

Azeroth herself is going to destroy all of us and it's gonna be some huge slog to prepare her to enter the world "properly" and not fuck over all life because they don't like it, as titans are one to do.

What exactly is the knowledge that drives shadow-priests and those who touch the old gods so crazy?

Weren't they always dead? I seem to recall running into quests and remnants of Titan lore across the game where they hint the Titans are gone or some shit.

>Azeroth herself is going to destroy all of us and it's gonna be some huge slog to prepare her to enter the world "properly" and not fuck over all life because they don't like it, as titans are one to do.

>being suffocated by a THICC titan giantess' ass

my characters are ready

>Even then, the 'Light' grants powers through will and belief, so while they were draining the Naaru they didn't quite take its power, they just thought they did and got the power back.

I don't get it. The Blood Knights thought they were draining the Light even though the Light is actually un-drainable, but because they thought they did it, it manifested as them actually doing it?

Nah, Old Gods want to enslave everything while Void Lords want to eat everything. What drives people crazy is the sheer amount of 'should not be' that they are.

Titans actually encourage Life to progress, it's simply a matter of it occuring in an orderly fashion that promotes the planet being sustained. When Algalon wanted to nuke us it was because he thought we were the reason Yogg was getting out, and the only way to stop it was to wipe the planet so he falls back asleep

Yep. The Light being 'drained' was technically getting pumped onto the Sunwell, which DID recover a bit from the supplement, but Blood Knights got their power by believing they could use the Light again because of it.

>Azeroth is a dormant titan
what the fuck
how does that even work

So is this guy still being tentacle raped for god knows how long?

Chances are after this expansion it'll be some kind of old god expansion.

The Pillars of creation are going to unleash them.

>What drives people crazy is the sheer amount of 'should not be' that they are.

Cool Titan Propaganda you've got there you Astroturfing Titan $hill.

If they "Should not be" Why are they? Why are the Old Gods on all the planets that the Titans visited, up to and including Azertoth?

That is a bit bizarre for the Warcraft universe. I mean, it's not an uncommon trope in fiction (see: atheism/disbelief in the supernatural actually protecting you against magic), but it seems weird here. So if someone convinced a Blood Knight of what you're saying and they realized that they weren't actually draining Naaru power, they'd lose their ability to use the

The Naaru was giving them the power and allowing them to believe the draining was working.

To be honest, I have a guilty pleasure of the "old god" lore of Warcraft. I'm tempted to sub just for something like that.

former is the "alternate timeline" right
is there a mirror version of everything in that alternate timeline or what
holy fuck this is such a clusterfuck, whatever happened to orc vs humans vs maybe some other races

Nope. He actually escaped Ozumat before getting to Azshara , if I recall. He's on of the Shaman allies in Legion.

Void Lords actually don't exist on the same plane as us, they exist in the Void. A Void Lord in realspace causes rapid entropy that basically sucks everything around it back into the Void. Old Gods are specially made vestiges that hookplanets and drag them into the Void.

They stopped draining the Naaru after TBC and went straight to Light belief, after a mild crisis of Faith when they found out what exactly the Naaru were. Also see , the Naaru in question was giving them a little bit of a boost.

Separate timeline, which isn't all that new to WoW. It has some changes (Garrosh never born, Ner'zhul's mate never died, etc.) but is basically Draenor nonetheless.

yeah, there is an alternate version of the entire universe, but we only get to visit draenor. AU azeroth is pretty much fucked, but we give a fuck about those guys,

Wonder how our AU characters handling all of this.

Should clear up a bit on this, AU Draenor is less a separate timeline and more its own pocket dimension of sorts. We don't know if there's an AU Azeroth, and there likely isn't, as WoD Draenor was specially created using Bronze/Infinite Dragon shenanigans.

>not going outside and partially burying your fleshlight and going to town

>sargeras wants to burn the entire universe so that the void lords cant have it
>void lords want to corrupt everything, via azeroth because it's that strong
>heroes basically telling the universe to fuck off for their own sake

pretty neat, desu

I wonder if Odyn and the titans will get their powers back

I...guess that makes sense? Weird, it's usually the other way around (evil being gives someone power that they want to use for a good purpose, but the evil nature of the power eventually corrupts them too)

desu I just really, really miss faction-specific Paladin/Shaman, only Human/Dwarf Paladins. My dream server would be vanilla with tweaks to let Paladins be viable raid tanks and Shaman be viable raid DPS in addition to their healing roles.

>WoW's conflict against Sargeras is ultimately being the biggest cock-blocker in the dark titan's conquest for qt planet booty

what did blizz' lore team mean by this?

Old gods are vessels of the void lords, are they not?

Think of it this way;

If someone believes the Light is on their side, it is, but how they use it typically tests their faith.

Just look at the Scarlet Crusade, they're undoubtedly evil, but they can still use the Light.

Sort of, Old Gods are beings that simply work to drag worlds into the Void, so the Void Lords can have them.


>read through the chronicle
>forced to learn about bullshit pandas intertwined with early azeroth history

they can't write for shit.

Pretty sure the watchers received their memories and that was it.

Ra-den went into depression and locked himself away because of it.

>The old gods are parasites to the planet
>So the titans pwn the old gods into submission
>Eventually the stone races are afflicted with the curse of flesh
>they worship the titans
>some start worshipping magic instead, get buttfucked by interstellar demons because why the fuck not
>But apparently the demons were already coming their way anyway
>Also, the old gods were just corrupted
>And the titans are just dickwads
>but wait, the titans were also corrupted
>And the biggest baddest demon who was a titan, but then got corrupted, was corrupted-corrupted
>and now the planet is a titan


This should put things into perspective.

>Not wanting to read about Da Thunda King and how he beat the shit out of Xuen.

user a lot of that shit isbflat wrong. Old Gods aren't corrupted. Neither were the Titans. Sargeras isn't evenbcorrupted really, he's just a gigantic dick.

who cares about either of them

>He doesn't care about Lei Mother Fucking Shen, the coolest villain since Arthas
>The guy who made the Watchers piss their pants
>The guy who beat up High Watcher Ra because he was being a pussy
>The guy who enslaved the Pandas and became bros with the Zandalari

Here is a good question.
So there are churches in warcraft, specificall WoW right?
So what exactly priests worship?

sounds about right

The light.

The Light.

pretty sure they all inadvertently worship the light in some fashion

no the deadwind pass is and the dark portal is her butthole.

But who is the light?




The Light is the Light. Capital L. Proper Noun.

> the coolest villain since Arthas

guess people are easily impressed nowadays

>last Titan Soul
how do you know

sentinent space runes the light


You are like this guy then.

It's just catholicism without the god and the bad parts


>It's just catholicism without the god and the bad parts
>who are the scarlet crusade

I've played WoW on-and-off since launch. I think it's pretty common belief that the lore has gotten worse and worse and more soap opera-esque, and save for small blips of quality it's not worth thinking about.

I'll admit, though, the "Azeroth is a nascent titan" thing is the first decent idea I've heard out of the game since the Sha in Pandaria. Especially since Sargeras has destroyed the rest. It makes sense why the universe is so interested in the world.

And though I know it'll never come true, I still hope that Elune is a naaru. Would be a great way to tie more things together.

>I'll admit, though, the "Azeroth is a nascent titan" thing is the first decent idea I've heard out of the game since the Sha in Pandaria. Especially since Sargeras has destroyed the rest. It makes sense why the universe is so interested in the world.

If there's one thing I can say for WoW lore, the old god and titan lore are the ones I like. Sadly, it's because we know so little of them that the essential lore we have of them is enough. I fear that the more lore of titans and old gods we know, the more it'll be ruined just like how they did for many aspects of WoW's lore.

its shit writing, men
get over it


Old gods and Titans are literally the only decent lore left

Azeroth was a dormant titan soul LONG before Legion. Read the fucking books.

I have read about 10, regret all of them, and never seen the implification.

Fairly sure it was only explicitly revealed in that Chronicles book. Completely open to evidence otherwise, though. What book says/implies it?

Watch it crumble as they add more to it.

I thought Lich King lore was cool but the more we got of it in Wrath, the shittier it got.

And? OP said he hasn't played WoW in years and decided to catch up via wiki. Doesn't matter if the Chronicles book was released last year which by the way is where the bit of info was revealed in that book which was released in March 2016, four months before Legion released. Not "LONG before" as you're implying.

I checked, I've read 18. Christ.

The light is a weird entity that gives itself to the faithful, regardless of who is faithful of what.

For instance, Goblins can be Priests because they believe both in their brains and in their hearts, until their dying breath, that capitalism can literally save the world. A weird juxtaposition of faith and greed led to the first goblin priests- which they immediately turned into a corporation, selling their newly found healing powers which, ironically, only made them stronger.

The Trolls believe in the old magic of the Loa, and are almost druidic in nature with animal spirits, and constantly dance the line between light and shadow, but returning to the light always as they believe the loa will always care for them, trolls, in that sense, are incredibly hard to corrupt.

Humans and Dwarves believe in... something. I forget, either that or they never outright said what.

Night Elves believe in Elune, and if Tyrande is any indication she both exists and emboldens night elf priests actively.


>Elune created the Naaru
Thanks for that, Elune

Real helpful

I get the funny feeling that both the Light and Elune are going to be revealed as aspects of Azeroth-as-a-titan. The only thing all these disparate factions really have in common is faith and the defense (whether indirect or direct) of Azeroth itself. The Scarlet Crusade are a bunch of crazies, but ones that are fighting against undead, demons, even if they're killing innocents.

Light is an important word in the Masonic system. It conveys a far more recondite meaning than it is believed to possess by the generality of readers. It is in fact the first of all the symbols presented to the neophyte, and continues to be presented to him in various modifications throughout all his future progress in his Masonic career. It does not simply mean, as might be supposed, truth or Sodom, but it contains within itself a far more abstruse allusion to the very essence of Speculative Freemasonry, and embraces within its capacious signification all the other symbols of the Order. Freemasons are emphatically called the Sons of Light, because they are, or at least are entitled to be, in possession of the true meaning of the symbol; while the profane or uninitiated who have not received this knowledge are, by a parity of expression, said to be in darkness.

The connection of material light with this emblematic and mental illumination, was prominently exhibited in all the ancient systems of religion and esoteric mysteries. Among the Egyptians, the hare was the hieroglyphic of eyes that are open, because that animal was supposed to have his eyes always open.

The priests afterward adopted the hare as the symbol of the moral illumination revealed to the neophytes in the contemplation of the Divine Truth, and hence, according to Champollion, it was also the symbol of Osiris, their principal divinity, and the chief object of their mystic rites thus showing the intimate connection that they maintained in their symbolic language between the process of initiation and the contemplation of divinity. On this subject a remarkable coincidence has been pointed out by Baron Portal (Les Symboles des Egyptiens, 69) in the Hebrew language. There the word for hare is arnebet, which seems to be compounded of aur, tight, and nabat, to see; so that the word which among the Egyptians was used to designate an initiation, among the Hebrews meant to see the light.

I like Warcraft.

Like, I REALLY like Warcraft.

>I still hope that Elune is a naaru

If she is, she'll end up being some sort of offshoot to be more moon-like or something

Or not, considering she made them all

So trolls are the WE WUZ of Warcraft?
All the Titan and old god shit is way too meta. I wish blizzard would go back to the horde v. Alliance conflict

No because unlike niggers the trolls actually had an empire.

im pretty sure humans and dwarves worship Tyr.

>Naaru are literally Elune's Windchimes that she accidentally gave life to one afternoon.
>She didn't even realize it until one day she started to hear them preaching

>Illidan novel confirms Burning Legion has literally destroyed 90% or more of the planets in the universe
>not the galaxy, the fucking universe
>most life is either, corrupted or dead
>not even w40k has that level of grimdark


>The Void is filled with a bunch of massive entities that can drive people insane just by being in their presence
>Sargeras is literally walking to Azeroth, annihilating everything in his path just by the way he's moving
>Souls are that are taken and used by the Legion are shattered, never even reaching the Shadowlands, which is a sort of super-hell for those abandoned by the Light
>Giving your soul to the Void means you'll be in a state of eternally being torn apart, but your mind will be so warped you don't even feel it
>Even being joined with the Light may not be an end for you, as you may be called on again to fight the Demons or the Void

>The objectively best ending one can get is to die as a Druid and get reincarnated into a tree, or be taken to the Emerald Dream to help maintain tranquility for as long as Azeroth exists.

no azeroth has a titan spirit in it's core.