I often hear good things about it. What makes it so special?

I often hear good things about it. What makes it so special?

It's on sale right now user, why don't you go and find out

Waifu prostitution.

It's an open world fantasy action adventure RPG that doesn't forget it's still a videogame.

The sheer freedom and different choices of playstyle is its strongest point. Fighting monsters is fun as fuck since every monster requires a different approach. The ability to change your class at any time keeps things fresh and interesting.

If you like action-rpg's I highly recommend it.

It's the dark souls of action rpgs

Very educational. It offers a complex analysis about the hunting patterns of Canis Lupus and precise geographical guidelines about the ultimate destination of all roads in the continent.

Best action game ever. But don't forget, it's an action game. The rpg aspect it's a lie

There's like a total of 5 enemy types in the game, NPCs are just ATMs and quest dispensers, there isn't personality between them for a single character, the world is tiny, quests are either MMO tier slay 10 rabbits or escort missions, you end up employing the same tactic over and over again against thousands of the same 5 enemy types throughout the game, for hours, punctuated by single-button cinematic big monster climbing sequences complete with a camera that takes control away from you while movement keys remain camera-relative.
Combat is a step above point and click wARPGs but it's nowhere near Monster Hunter or Souls games.
Also don't bother picking shit up, you won't ever use any of it.

loli pawns

It's an awful RPG with action combat with a grab and climb gimmick. One of the most overrated games on this website.
Seriously, your party members literally aren't even characters, they're just random goons you download from the internet. The fuck sort of RPG is that?

This game is one of the most bland things i ever seen in my life. The climbing mechanic is sort of nice but only it don't save the game. I remember playing it back in the days and barely completing the first main missions because of how much uninspired everything was.

Sup Forums say good things about it because it's a japanese game. You will never see Sup Forums disliking japanese games, no matter how shitty they are.

Its fun but dosnt feel that choice ish game, a bit boring in the begining but after you unlock fast travel its more fun

It's like a halfway cross between monster hunter and dark souls couched in a generic fantasy RPG setting.
It's pretty compelling once you get in to it, but I admit when I first tried it I played for 2 hours and decided it was complete boring shit. I suggest watching a new player's guide because otherwise you'll be lost on a lot of things.

Also the waifu dress up game is on point.

Do pawns have sex? Do they have sexuality, personality, emotions?

Is it worth it for $12 or should I wait for even lower prices from key shops.

This desu, game is a glorious slowburn that as soon as you have beaten the main questline/ you get Awesome weapons upgraded by being dragonforged/ the sky turns dark and red green and grey, all the monsters you killed are back and way tougher and stronger. I will never have the same amount of fun making that game my bitch the way it happens on your 1st playthrough.

But there are lots of shitty japanese games.
Neptunia, Atelier, Drakengard and so on.

Ive seen many people complain about fast traveling without realizing its thier own damn fault for not placing teleport stones in the right places for quick efficient traveling



You can romance little Loli girls or fat old men 10/10

>What makes it so special?

I fucking hate pretentious weebshit but Dragon's Dogma is one of the best ARPG's I've played, ever.

>5 enemy types bullshit
Orc 3 variations
Zombie 3 variations
Dragons 3 variations
Harpys 2 variation
Cyclops,goreclops, 2 variations
Living armors

Point is your 5 enemy type is bullshit kiddo

Pirate or buy, anons. Is the online part like user-made pawns and stuff worth it?

Buy it you stingy fuck.

It's worth it without the pawn system. Just buy it user. It's on sale anyway.

the online pawn stuff is fun
and the game is like 12 fucking dollars what are you a 10 year old with no access to a credit card of any description?

These fucking people. Yeah no, pirate it and see if you actually have any fun first. There are pre-made pawns, the only thing you're missing out on is fetish characters made by random gooks.

me on the right

If you have friends with accounts with cool or specific pawns you want to help u out, otherwise pawn choice is a tactical decision with elements/healing/ being the most important for damage specific enemies. But yes 10/10 would encourage anyone to beat the game and then judge cause halfway through rage quitters shit on it due to lack of stamina.

>rage quitters shit on it due to lack of stamina.
Even that is fixable with mods.

One of the best games I've ever played and one of my favorite of all time. I put tons of hours into ps3 version, dark arisen version and then pc version. Combat is fun as shit depending on the class you play. Magic can be fun to use but hard to start with. Depending on what class you level as, you will have different stat growth. Don't worry about the stat growth for your first t playthrough though, try everything. Don't start with hard more, it makes the game too easy because you level too quickly. Hybrid classes are fun as shit but people say Magick archer is way op. I thought it was the funnest though. I know I'm yammering on, but do yourself a favor and play through it at least once. Es ist sehr gut!!!

When OP is slogging his way to the capital, wondering why he wasted twelve dollars on this, he will know.

People today want shit just given to them, sorry you lazy pricks you gotta actually go on a journey to beat DD

>the wind will never push you again

I love weebshit but still love DD

open your mind's eye user

When op Gloriously takes down a dragon or griffin mid air, he will know that this game isn't for peasants or plebs.


if price is an issue user pirate the game.

OP, read these posts.
Are you the sort of guy who thinks he deserves a medal because he likes games that other people don't?
If you're a bit of a cunt, this is the game for you.

Stop being a fucking jew.

great combat
fun classes
80s-90s fantasy illustration type aesthetic
a world that has some real "oh shit" moments when you explore it the first time around
few but memorable NPCs
abandon all delusions of control
a dungeon crawler style expansion that serves as a great contrast to the open world main game and is equally good

It's fucking fantastic and puts garbage like Witcher 3 or Skyrim to shame.

>from key shops

12 bucks is worth. Sides' we'll probably get more Capcom support if they actually see the money. Either pirate it or buy it, fuck G2a

yeah. it's annoying when people complain about a game they apparently didn't know how to play. i mean read the fucking instructions and pay attention to any tutorials for fuck sake.

DmC3 innafantasy

It certainly makes Skyrim or any other "open world is an excuse to forget how game design works" type of open world RPG look like the tripe they are.
captcha: public asse

>What makes it so special?

I've tried liking Final Fantasy, Persona, Yakuza, musou games and anime in general but I just can't get into it. The overall style and overacting just doesn't appeal to me. Gameplay quality also varies wildly with weebgames. It's either great or utterly shit.
I do like DD, Vanquish and the DMC games however.

Reminder that the Jewfu is the only one who actually cares about you for who you are, not your position, and the only one to say she loves you


When this came out, ill admit i only bought it cause i knew re6 demo came with. But i was more than happy ultimately with DD then i ever could of been with re6. To my dismay, DD's one of capcoms towering acheivements and what do they go and do? Release the sequel exclusively in japan while giving us whatever re7 one and done shit that was.

>painting all of Final Fantasy with a single brush
every game is completely different in setting and tone

>When op Gloriously takes down a dragon or griffin mid air

It's a fucking QTE

They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.

Well user, at least you gave it a shot and managed to get some diamonds from your perceived rough. Vanquish and the DMC games are great.

I enjoy everything you can't get into bar Persona and little girl moe anime bullshit. Sup Forums would probably call me a casualfag but whatever man shit like One punch man and Monster is more interesting than pedophilic crap.

QTE? Do u know how many dragons griffins cockatrices are in the game aside from main boss? Stfu you dont know what qte even is, you dont even deserve a response.

>a world that has some real "oh shit" moments when you explore it the first time around
You mean when you realize that there's hardly any optional content and all your exploration is pointless because you now have to go through all those empty dungeons again for story quests?

They're masterworks oocome again.

Thinking of starting a new character in a bit. Is Sorcerer fun?

Sorcerer, Magick Archer and Assassin are the only classes I've yet to play.

i wish the sky wasnt dark

It was alright but it definitely needs a sequel. Combat comes first in this game and while it is way more engaging then you're average arpg, people who compare it to DMC are fucking insane. Dragons Dogma is no where near the the complexity or has the movepool of DMC and some moron is going to buy it thinking it plays like that. Still, combat is fun as hell and oyu can climb monsters which doesn't really get boring. Plus, using magic isn't gay this time around.

I also didn't care much for the over world. Pretty small and bland. Needed more towns and really needed more dungeons. The dungeons were some of my favorite parts and I think that's why Bitterblack Isle is the greatest part of the game. Plays on all its strengths and cuts out all the shitty parts.


>but I need my uninspired 'go fetch' or 'kill x monster' quests polluting my open world game waaah

Are you retarded? I just want those dungeons I found through exploration to be beatable without triggering some specific quest beforehand so that exploring on your own without objective markers isn't a waste of time.

It plays a lot like a DmC game, even using the same animations. There are a lot of intricacies that get overlooked

>exploring is just waste of time without my objective markers and being rewarded by 500 gold! unbearable :(

What a gigantic faggot gen z gaymur child. Just stick to Ass Creed, Skyrim and Witcher, lad.

Exploring is a waste of time if you're going to have to redo the same dungeon you've already beaten on your own for the sake of the story. You're such a daft cunt lmao

You don't even comprehend what he's saying you troglodyte.

Do you want to make Tornadoes appear out of thin air? Then play the Sorcerer

>give me my 500 gold instant gratification, game! waah waah waah babby want reward

I'd say exploration is pretty limited in Gransys and Dragon's Dogma really, there are little places in Gransys that you can find and no quest marker ever takes you near it but they're not dungeons or anything. Like the Tomb of the Unknown Traveler, there's no dungeon, just some loot and a Golem boss fight. Exploring the Witchwood post-dragon can lead to some loots and more Golem fights, including a Metal Golem.

Is this the typical DD fan?

It's your typical neo-Sup Forums poster

Magic archer and assassin are great, sorcerer is just standing around waiting for a bar to charge

People who aren't whiny children that think doing something without getting some "mission complete" sign or item reward is unbearable? Yes.

>standing around waiting for a bar to charge
Isn't that the most boring way to play a Warrior?


The problem is that you get cock blocked from exploring the full dungeon until you get the relevant story quest, and that if you choose to explore a dungeon on your own it'll be tedious going through it again once you do activate the story quest. Don't know how else I can reiterate it so it gets through your thick skull sorry senpai

>Implying ranger isn't best vocation
>That shotgun blast as you release deathly arrow

There's no need to reiterate over and over again. Lack of instant gratification is only a problem if you're a little kid or mentally on the level of one.

Soulflayer Canyon can be fully explored without doing any quests that take place in it, or going through it.

Instant gratification in this case being the knowledge that you won't have to redo the same content again for a new room and a story event? lol

>swinging on corpses at terminal velocity
I love this game

Machine Gun vocation is fun, but it has shitty gains except for stamina.

Beat the game twice and outside of being able to to the stinger or some air combos, I don't see how it plays a lot like Devil May Cry. Not saying there aren't similarities, but people are making it seem like you can do al the same combos and shit like in Devil May Cry. If you have a video or something that shows this, I'd genuinely be curious to see it.

Are you illiterate on top of being a kid?

Yeah and ideally the entire game would be filled with little side dungeons like that but that and the dungeon you get to through the well in the first town are the only ones like that iirc, it's a real shame.

Should ask yourself that bud considering you've consistently failed to grasp that what I'm talking about has fuck all to do with instant gratification

It features the best dragon in all of vidya

With vanilla Dragon's Dogma, namely Gransys its all about finding the little hidden treasures or boss fights on the overworld map but they never do dungeon exploration well. Until Dark Arisen, but that's more finding shit in the dungeon rather than finding an irrelevant dungeon to explore.

>If I can't "beat" the dungeon right away, it's a waste of my time :(
>this has nothing to do with instant gratification


Right, so you'd say that repeating the same dungeon you've already beaten and looted again for the sake of some minute long story event isn't a waste of time at all?

Yes. Not everyone's some twelve year old who craves instant gratification like you.

Damn, didnt think youd double down on something this retarded but you actually did it good going

>if you're not some child who craves instant gratification, you're a retard

That's fascinating theory, but nah. Quite the contrary.

I mean, cant really discuss game design quality with someone who enjoys repeating the same content mindlessly just because basic intuitive design is too casual or whatever the fuck

Indeed, adults and children can't discuss many things very well. Different values and all that. I guess with the mindset you youngsters have, needing to walk in any game is another mindless repetition.
>oh man, why does my character have to mindlessly put one foot before the other over and over again, so unintuitive, I've already seen him walk it's not new content, just teleport me right where I need to go and let me beat the objective right away :(

> Fast pace combo combat system
> Boss climbing and weak points
> Pawn trading and training (online required)
> Mad customization options
> Variety of weapons and armor
> Great build system
> Good Story (due to japanese take on WRPG genre)
> Great areas
> Wolves come in pack!!
> 'this weak to fire!!
> Infinite romance options though in all honesty you are just going to want to tap Madelaine. Screw the queen...
> Those DRAGON fights!! COME AT ME BRAH!!
> Griffith and Guts armors

It's just rewarding as fuck... had it been bigger and with more interesting characters it would be perfect. The combat alone make it worth your time.
Also pawns are not that difficult. If you give them the right items, borrow pawns from good players and play fairly ok yourself then your pawn is gonna rock it. If you suck and don't take care of it it's gonna be a useless retard.