Media Create

01./01. [3DS] Monster Hunter Double Cross - 280.293 / 1.128.760 (-67%)
02./04. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 39.103 / 302.080 (+22%)
03./09. [NSW] 1-2-Switch - 21.647 / 137.384 (+40%)
04./06. [PS4] Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands - 17.349 / 133.768 (-35%)
05./07. [PS4] Horizon: Zero Dawn - 12.559 / 181.944 (-31%)
06./12. [3DS] Pokemon Sun / Moon - 9.956 / 3.221.001 (-2%)
07./03. [PSV] Accel World Vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight - 9.665 / 48.318 (-75%)
08./08. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX - 9.216 / 88.147 (-43%)
09./10. [PS4] NieR: Automata - 8.847 / 278.156 (-28%)
10./11. [WIU] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 7.796 / 81.188 (-31%)

>| NSW | 78.441 |
>| 3DS # | 39.359 |
>| PS4 # | 30.733 |
>| PSV # | 7.574 |
>| PS3 | 2.930 |
>| WIU | 411 |
>| XB1 # | 115

>switch is dead guise!
>monster hunter is dead guise!
>1-2 switch won't sell!

Sup Forums BTFO

how limited was the stock?

I still can't find any

Not surprised that nips bought a Switch just for a few hours of Spla2n.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is going to sell a lot isn't it

>that huge switch leap


>more switch => more zelda sold
I wonder how long until Horizonfag denies to have made all those "horizon outsolf zelda BTFO" threads.

Reaching 1M in the second week is pretty bad for MH

there's also nearly 40k zelda sold for 78K Switch sold, that's nearly 50% of them.

I can't wait until 1-2 Switch inevitable outsells Horizon

i dont care about console war faggotry, but why the fuck is pokemon still selling, surely every one in japan has it?

>those 100 fucking xbox one
Are we even sure those aren't just shit that fall from the shelves and broke?

A lot of Nintendo games in Japan are evergreen

>more switches sold this week that xbones during its entire lifetime

Worldwide Xbox One will still outsell the Switch at the end of the generation.

nintendo better have a million switch ready to sell for Splatoon release if they want to keep the momentum


./08. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX

>] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 39.103 / 302.080

how the fuck is Switch outselling PS4

Monster Hunter is dying. Portable 3rd on PSP sold 2 million during its opening week. This was when PSP had less units sold than 3DS and PSP CFW piracy was at its absolute peak.

PS4 is barely a million units ahead of the WiiU. Nips wants portability.

Switch would be selling much more if it wasn't sold out

It's a re-release of a spinoff game nobody really enjoyed.

And the 5 3DS Monster Hunter.

Japan has a thing for handhelds. It's been a long time since a new one is released, and video game releases for both 3DS and Vita is really dry this year.

Portable 3rd is just Monster Hunter Tri/3G but downgraded, has no underwater combat, and has less content. Still sold a lot better on the PSP and PS3



>more than 1.2 million sold for basicly a re-re-release
Fuck, if that number means dead than pissstain4 and shita games should be deader than dead. Oh wait, THEY ARE DEAD. KEK


Does this ever happen in Japan?
Holy shit

>[NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 39.103 / 302.080 (+22%)
Splatoon sure helped to keep sales up

Youre forgetting that XX can be bought as dlc for X, and those sales arent counted either

Yes, although here's it's probably of a marked thing due to the whole Switch supply issues.

Nintendo fan here, 1-2 Switch is the most common bundled game, Knack was the initially bundled game for the PS4, Nintendo Land was WiiU's, Wii Sports was Wii's, and Talledega Nights was PS3's

Only for based Nintendo games. Sony turd sells like shit.

I wasn't aware of that. Suddenly Capcom not skipping the base game localization doesn't really bother me anymore.

1, you might be falseflagging
2, the PS4's still the surer thing with install base numbers, stop shitting your pants

Source? I've never heard of this before.

That's a first for MH.

I'd hope so, now that DLC's become more accessible to Nintendo, might encourage them to further add to the game, maybe we'll finally see Captain Falcon added, or Kirby.

>Nips buy 1-2 Switch garbage over Bomberman

What is wrong with those gooks?

Super mario maker for 3DS reached 1M

most commonly bundled game, user.

it's hardly got the appeal of Wii Sports, but people want the Switch, and more likely than not, if they can get that game for next to noting bundled with the system, most of them will do that.

>nier will reach 300k
>switch will do well so more games
>Zelda went UP
>sword art garbage wont break 100k
Hey nice.

>1-2 Switch garbage over Bomberman
Sadly that might be true for the rest of the world too.

>XX can be bought as DLC for X
So why don't nips buy the discounted game+DLC? Instead of paying $70 for a physical copy of MHXX

There are no switch bundles.

Zelda going up is...well it's baffling

>Japan numbers only

Are people still falling for this meme?
Nintendo fags were doing this when the PS4 was crushing the Wiiu to hide worldwide numbers.

are you saying Japan wouldn't do this?

It wasnt to hide anything, is because only Japan numbers are accurate
And Japanese companies care about Japan first and foremost, its extremely important for them.

>tfw DS/Wii days are back

Nintendo is gonna print money and there is nothing you can do about it fucking s0nyggers.

XX didn't sell as much as the previoys G versions, so...

There's nothing like Media Creates for NA or Europe so we're stuck with that.

you know the 3DS more than covered for the WiiU's losses, right? Nintendo's only ended on a financial loss once in the past like, two decades.

they've always printed money

NA has NPD but that's monthly rather than weekly

If they announce pokemon stars this E3 is over
They win

That's crazy. Did they never add online course play? That's why I didn't bother with the game. Did they patch it on or what? What were they thinking?

Didn't the WiiU eventually turned profitable in the end? It wasn't a large profit but it was ultimately a profit nevetheless.

>b-b-b-but crowbcat video showing every single switch is faulty!

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, NeoFAG is 2 blocks down.

You all know it"s not going to be a mainstream game, so stop with the delusions already. It's going to be some new Pokemon game.

yeah, but the year it came out, as in the 12 month period after, it kind of went between two financial years, was the first year Nintendo ended the year on a loss.

people acted like Nintendo was gonna die.

Even so now that there is no blunder like Wii U around, Nintendo is gonna print even more money. A golden age of vidya is coming.

Wii U was never profitable as a hardware console. It was always sold at a loss.

What redeemed it somewhat was the high first party attachment rate which made profit for Nintendo.

>80+ million units of software
>Like $2 billion in amiibo sales

The WiiU did fine. I think it lost like a total of $500million over which is practically nothing.

This makes me wonder is the ps4 sold at a loss?
Is more powerful than switch and its cheaper right now

>sales threads are only okay when Nintendo is doing good

PS4 is sold for profit ever since the slim came out. Add in everyone buying PS+ for multiplayer and Sony makes bank.

Pretty sure theyve always been ok

Wasn't that loss because of them building that new place?

At launch, it was sold at cost. Now it definitely sells at a profit.

I'm surprised how some games still sell so well. Like I like Sun and Moon, but I was surprised it sold like 14.69 million total and over 3 million in just Japan.

Hello, welcome to Sup Forums and now fuck off back to neogaf. You are not wanted here.

They have shit tastes in games. Yet Sup Forums seems to think they don't.

I almost never see these MC threads on Sup Forums, usually they're only posted when Nintendo has a good game launch in Japan.

I'm...not actually sure, it might have been? the narrative on Sup Forums at the time made that kind of consideration difficult to 'see'

These threads have been made every week for years my dude.

>he wasn't here when everyone was laughing at shita sale numbers

Delicious never ending s0nygger tears were very delicious.

usually the person posting MC threads are the people 'winning', when Sony fans get cocky, these threads pop up more often, too.

Is it even worth it reporting falsflagging console war niggers anymore?

That was only true in the beginning but manufacturing costs went down as time goes on and people kept buying Splatoon and other first party game, it eventually turned profitable. It's not a significant amount but it did turned profitable in the end.

Usually no one posts in these threads unless it's something about Nintendo. Like before the 3DS it was nothing but PS3 and PSP charts, nobody here cared.

Thats a different matter entirely
Obviously not all weeks are as exciting
A new console launch always is

I hope Nintendo has a million or so Switch units in Japan ready for MK8D and Splatoon 2.

Wii U never got cheaper to manufacture thanks to that gamepad. There was never even a 2nd revision of the console because it's SoC was so expensive. Why do you think Nintendo never dropped the price of the Wii U as much as PS4 or Xbone?

You should be asking if Sup Forums is ready for the eventual shitposting when Splatoon 2 reviews are out.

Switch came out weeks ago dude, it's not new anymore. Nothing notable has even come out since then.

Come back when Skyrim or Splatoon comes out

They got banned for a long time because of insane amounts of Vita trolling and arguing from fanboys both and pro and anti sony.

Do you even understand how manufacturing costs work?

If people are replying they obviously care
If you dont you shouldnt be in this thread telling people not to care.

I don't see how that's the fault of nintendo fans.

We're already getting some thanks to that tickrate shit someone figured out from the testfire.

I get the feeling Splatoon 2's numbers won't be as high as the original because it's...pretty much just the same thing again, isn't it? reviewers have always seemed to chop points off for that.

Even if the manufacturing prices went down, why do you think Nintendo never passed the savings down to their consumer with their hardware?

>Sup Forums-business and financing

>I get the feeling Splatoon 2's numbers won't be as high as the original

Splatoon 2 is going to destroy the first one in Japan

It didnt
But if you are in Tokyo you can just go outside and get a million courses by streetpass

Nintenkiddies are just craving to shitpost, nothing new after howmuch JUST the wii u was.

Isn't that exactly what Sony and MS do with their Slim models?

It means that Nintendo fans care more about sales while sonybros are too busy playing all the third party games Nintendo isn't getting.

Of course like every other 3DS game it was developed with Japan and their crazy streetpass in mind.

Like for almost every other console/gaming Nintendo ever released? Nintendo products rarely goes down in prices, that's just how they do things. They sell things over a long period of time.