Do you have any vidya posters?

Do you have any vidya posters?


reddit shit

>full size zelda posters now have DLC


>taking a full size poster and cutting it into separate posters

I'm not at home but I've got a Zelda 25th one and a Prototype 2 one.


Yes, I'm a adult man with a poster of a twink climbing a mountain.


Dumb fat bitch

I have the Wind Waker poster from Club Nintendo a few years back. Probably gonna take it down to paint and replace it with a framed copy of the Constitution

>a framed picture of the constitution
Kek why?

Sup Forums sure has hell doesn't have vidya posters

I don't have any posters of anything, never have and never will.

that looks like ligament damage. god damn, i hate fat people almost as much as black people.

The entire constitution or just the preamble because you'll either need a huge frame, a lot of frames, or tiny ass text

Also, what's the fucking point?


No offense, but vidya posters are kind of gay. There are only a small handful of tasteful looking vidya posters, but most are tacky and ugly. Plus I'm a grown man that can't have posters of snake and Mario on my walls without seeming completely autistic.

I know you're getting shit for that, but where did you get those or what did you have to do to get them printed? I want to get a Zombies in Spaceland poster for my brother for his birthday.

Yeah op definitely confirmed reddit tier.


Why? I enjoy video games

Nope, just movie posters.

I used to but then everyone made fun of me so I tore them all down.

Of course *NOW* videogames are cool and everyone else has posters everywhere. Bastards.

nope i am not a manchild faggot

this is why i prefer to be alone people always find shit to undermine you yet when the tv says its in now they are the biggest faggots to obsess over it

It's disgustingly generic promotional art, made for mass-market appeal. This is the equivalent of having a huge capeshit movie poster.

It's autistic enough to have no scruples about placing generic Zelda shit on the wall (or any franchise). But at LEAST you could have looked for good tasteful fanart or professional concept art.

Not something that was focus-tested, planned for hours and commissioned by the higher-up suits and the marketing team at a random boardroom in Nintendo and deliberately drawn, to the most minute detail, to convey the mechanics and theme of the game, without any input from the artist himself.

That poster is pure marketing aimed at children.

t. drawfag (maybe that's why I get this mad over your shitty choice)

Nice thread op, you idiot

nah I kinda wanna get laid without drugging someone

>calls someone autistic
>goes on autistic tirade about meaningless shit

Yeah a couple.

that one looks nice, post them all

Because I like the basic principles it contains and feel that it's a great framework for a country that was soiled over the years by an encroaching government.

It's the whole thing. I also have a copy of the Declaration of Independence.

Oh boy, here come the Soulsfags to shit up ANOTHER thread.

Painted these myself. It's the 3 Goddess Symbols from Zelda - Din, Farore and Nayru. Painted them for my baby daughter's nursery.

I have a rapture travel poster

pic related


you fucking idiot, why aren't they red blue and green?

such a fucking reddit post

Post it on there. You are bound to get thumbs up.

ultra gay

wish i could find a place to print this and frame it

lol it's not a bad picture at all
it's pleasing to look at and the colours are great

the only thing that is disgusting is the fact that op split it into three parts like he's stylish and into interior design or something,
when in fact it's fucking rediculous looking and something that would be recommended on pintrest to "make your old art new, exciting and modern"

i can also imagine that the image is kinda pixelated and looks terrible close up

also his wall colour is abysmal

so i think you're wrong and immature for assuming "it's disgustingly generic promotional art, made for mass-market appeal"
may i ask how old you are?
it just seems like an incredibly angst ridden and poorly opinionated thing to say when it so clearly isn't the case.

Because she's a girl.

Shit pictures, but thats all of them.

i like that motive

Myst 1-4

Myst 5 doesn't count

No because I'm not a child and have taste.


First, the courts have more of a say in the core principles of the document than the document itself. Your right to carry a handgun? Heller v DC (and later incorporated into state protection through the 14th amendment via Mcdonald v Chicago). Freedom of press from government censorship? New York Times v United States. It goes on.

And again, the only way the government could "encroach" is through power given to them by the courts. Spread of federal power links to the expansion of the commerce clause from Wickard v Filburn.

And the expansion of federal power isn't a bad thing. The United states wouldn't have become a global power if not for the ability of the federal government to form a cohesive nation after Wickard and the same goes for the economy. Even things such as equal protection doing away with antiquated concepts like separate but equal was only possible because of expanded federal authority. Laissez-faire was already given a try and it failed, it's failure being the reason Lochner is looked to as one of the worst opinions in SCOTUS history.

The trend of increased federalism dates back to the beginning of the nation and was championed by many of the founders. McCulloch v Maryland is evidence of this. Further, cases like Lopez and Morrison, both relatively recent (i.e., last 20 years) have limited the extent of federal power under the commerce clause for the first time.

t. Lawfag

>1L regurgitating his notes from class

The issue is whether or not to kys.

Photobucket will do them for a cheap price. They go on sale often. You just upload the image and choose your preferences.

Why would anybody take up law in america? Seriously, not only are you gonna end up in debt, there are too many lawyers in America right now that you might never get a decent job.

I mean, as a law student in any other place, ANY PLACE would be better.

Fucking redditors need to kill themselves.

thinking about getting this but it's expensive as fuck.
talk me out of it.

>the expansion of federal power isn't a bad thing
Hiding this post right now desu

it's from the worst entry, don't do it, user

If I were to get a Dark Souls piece of art, I'd get one that looked like a medieval painting or something.

Not some silkscreened tshirt picture.

>placing marketing on your walls

This isn't even art.
Literally anything else would be better. There's so much fanart of zelda and darksouls out there. There's no excuse.

show me a good alternative then. doesn't even have to be dark souls just something with the same style.


Yes, Super Mario Galaxy and Zelda: TP (before it had its name)., I don't have a girlfriend and have had never sex, why do you ask?






it isn't letting me post some of them because the resolution is too high

>Black Iron Tarkus
>is a picture of Iron Golem


this one is pretty good. saved.



Do puzzles count?


My three Ace Combat posters in my room.
They sit above my computer desk.

Nice, where did you get those?
Some seller in America.

You really should get it, mate.
it looks aesthetic as fuck

Where the fuck is 4?


These and another skullgrills one


No because when I have company and clients over I don't want to come off as a dweebus manchild.

>bringing work home

Go to Staples. As long as theres no logo or something on it they pretty much will 100% print it.


I'm at work right now but I have a bunch. Promo poster from Diablo 3, MGS HD collection poster, a SF2 poster of the whole cast, a Tatsunoko vs Capcom wall scroll, I still have my posters from GTA:3 and Vice City and I think I still have an old ass Minecraft poster that I bought back when I used to play pre-alpha.

Then I have photo/art prints, some movie posters, maps, and other random (mostly music) posters.

If I have to look at another God damn breath of the wild thread I'm gonna slit my wrists, I'm sorry that you only have one game for your glorified Gameboy but fuck off I have to sift through 30 of them a fucking day you piece of shit day 1 neckbeards

No, my walls are as empty as my heart.


alls i got is a kingdom hearts poster about the same size as one of those zelda squares, and a cloud poster my friend didnt want.

>Those super thick bezels on the TV

fucking neck yourself OP

It's not a thin monitor

>Do you have any vidya posters?

Several, but none of them are in my wall.

i had the one on the right i think

came in a magazine iirc

it got busted up over time so i took it down eventually

nice mario blankey you faggot HAHA

I do. I have 3 san andreas posters, one gta 5 map one,gta vice city one,might no 9,halo 3,rdr,mario kart, yugioh,splatoon, and some anime ones