Star Citizen

Does it have any chance at all of being even decent?

Why do its fans use derek smart as some sort of boogeyman?

No chance in hell

>Why do its fans use derek smart as some sort of boogeyman?

Because Derek Smart's Desktop Commander is a legit crazy person, and Star Citizen is the kind of game he's always wanted to make. So he does nothing but try to stir drama and destroy it.

Day 1 flop. Population will be 20,000 1 month after release.

Looking forward to it.

Smart is getting so cucked. Roberts is everything he wantedvto be.


Sure, it'll be good. They show their work, and what's there so is a game with good space dogfighting and competent fps. The only people who run screaming about how it's going to be terrible are axe-grinders and console gamers who won't be able to play it on anything current gen.

But it won't be out any time soon.

Squadron 42 will probably be some time in 2018

Full blown beta for SC will probably be late 2018 at the earliest

Decent? It will never even be finished

dorrik smort is the last person on the planet who can criticize anyone for delivering a shitty space game behind schedule, which makes his obsession with it even funnier.

It's gonna be a AAA No Man's Sky.

>Why do its fans use derek smart as some sort of boogeyman?
Nobody takes him seriously, except the hysterical shitposting that goes on here somehow makes his retarded opinions and what he constitutes as proof align with the literal retards that post here occasionally.

So not so much boogeyman as just calling someone retarded.

When the fuck is this game even coming out?

>When the fuck is this game even coming out?

Who fucking knows. It kept getting bigger and bigger the more money was raised.

I strongly suspect "never".

See: Look at the feature list, then look at typical game development cycles. Then consider that the game is just now entering year five of development, but actually hired a brand new team to start over from scratch after year two.

I'm pumped to play this game... in 2020.

How do people even come up with this drivel.


The backers, Rawberts

I don't care if we ever get the multiplayer universe they promise, I just want squadron 42

Not exactly. No Man's Sky was all about procedural generation while Star Citizen is not. Star Citizen is being made the old fashioned way and they are not promising "one billion unique planets" or whatever the bullshit with NMS was.

I backed for SQ42 couldn't give a shit about anything else.

I'm sure your children will enjoy it.

Yeah the proc gen will only be used for medium or low end assets and in one of the recent AtV's, they show even that has gotten significantly more thought than No Man's Sky's literal copy paste structures.

Regardless, I'm mostly only interested in Squadron 42 right now anyway.

He's not wrong. Lots of people have called it a scam but seems like fanboys focus just on this guy for some reason.

The problem is they're spending too much money on game development and almost nothing on advertising. As an MMO this game will suck unless there's a huge playerbase but that seems unlikely considering they only ever advertise with maybe a post on reddit and maybe a post on neogaf or Sup Forums

The thing is derek smart is genuinely mentally ill and spends every second of his life being spiteful about the game and being generally angry at everyone, take a look at his twitter for instance.

There's lots of idiots in the world, but if you spend nearly every waking moment of your life dedicating yourself on spreading FUD on a game by writing giant blog posts and several tweets a day, that's a special kind of idiocy.

I think his wife is a psychiatrist or something, I wouldn't be surprised if this is therapy for his inability to make any kind of worthwhile game himself.

The fans are rabid enough to keep it funded until it comes out, even years from now. As long as they deliver even half the content they're promising in alpha 3.0 it will be worth the $45. Most of you faggots dropped $60 on No Mans Sky, at least CIG is up front with what's going in and what has problems so you know what your buying. This game is essentially an AAA early access game. It will deliver eventually, and all you fags are gonna play it constantly but still complain about shit. Dont put the game on a pedestal (even though the devs want you to), temper your expectations and you'll eventually find a game worth playing.

I'm pretty sure they'll ramp up the actual advertisements when it's closer to release. They had a pretty big thing going for Squadron 42 until they realised they, once again, weren't happy with the progress made so far and put the entire marketing campaign on hold until further notice.

What drivel? They sacked ilfonic and replaced them with the former Crytek guys after about two years of development. That's when they started making huge strides on the tech side of things and the scope of the project started to expand to the point that people started complaining about feature creep.

The game isn't a scam, but the multiplayer component won't be ready for primetime for at least a year, based on what I can see.

I suppose there's a chance that Squadron 42 can make a 2017 release, but with each passing month that they don't have the new Item or AI systems finished, that seems less and less likely.

Chris Roberts makes great fucking games, but a quick look at Digital Anvil (which did make great games) should tell you a lot about how quickly you can expect him to actually finish those games.

I give them credit for being somewhat transparent in the process and letting the community see all of the huge problems they've faced during development, but this project also demonstrates why crowdfunding is a really bad idea for big projects that need 99% of the work done from scratch.

People want to think of crowdfunding as a preorder, and nobody wants to preorder a game six or seven years in advance.

I genuinely think it could be a good game in about 4-5 more years, but the whole "2017 release" is ridiculous, if it does "officially release" it's going to be half assed and feel that way, the games scope is pretty ambitious and they DAMN sure have the funding, it's just a matter of actually delivering, which is going to take a ton of time which it just hasn't had.

>Does it have any chance at all of being even decent?

Yea, they just need to execute their ideas. Dogfighting is good. FPS could be good after some polishing. Gunplay feels like battlefield 3 to me. Persistent universe is not at all impressive right now and updates are at a hilarious slow rate.

>Why do its fans use derek smart as some sort of boogeyman?

Right now the only reason anyone even knows he exists is because he talks about star citizen to anyone who will listen. His main focus should be on making games that aren't total dogshit.

>they DAMN sure have the funding,

Don't underestimate people's ability to piss away millions on nothing.

The entire thing isn't Illfonic. At the time CIG had like fifty guys or something and wanted someone to work FPS in parallel. Any kind of minimum mechanics would've been good but everyone including me already knew Illfonic was incompetent before they made the partnership clear. So in true Illfonic fashion they didn't pay attention during the meetings and the FPS part had to be done by CIG themselves anyway.

That's not starting the entire game over from scratch. It's a monetary loss, but nothing more than that. Pretty sure the fuckers weren't that expensive anyway. Not that I'm a producer or manager, but the decision seemed pretty sound at the time considering they have CryEngine experience. Too bad they could barely use any of it in the end. It still meant that CIG could focus on their own pipelines and building a company while also figuring out the ships and multicrew.

Can you put a video game pre order in your will for your descendants?

Once the Crytek guys came on board, they did pretty much start many things over from scratch. 64 bit client work, the procedural tech started in earnest, all of the FPS systems were overhauled from the base, etc.

This is not an excuse for CIG, by the way. I think they hired Illfonic early on when they didn't yet realize that the game was going to turn into an insane 150+ million dollar monster and they just wanted a cheap contractor to push forward stuff they didn't have the manpower for.

Illfonic is a developer that, to my knowledge, has never really done anything good and probably wasn't qualified for what they were being asked to do. And from what I understand, CIG also made some mistakes in how they communicated with Illfonic and handed them the specs for what they needed, so the result was a bunch of crap they had to throw out.

Lot of blame to go around there. CIG is extremely lucky that Crytek couldn't pay its bills.

The things you mentioned are hardly starting over unless this thread is about CryEngine.

Procedural tech was never even on the plan except as post-release thing, but Marco Corbetta happens to be a procedural/engine genius who did it in his spare time and they figured they might as well integrate it right away so they could ditch the plan of having cinematics for loading screens during landings.

The other two things needed to be done regardless, they always liked the rendering side of CryEngine but the rest would have to be overhauled severely which was always the plan once the crowdfunding exploded a couple of weeks after the announcement. FPS too, never could've used the out-of-the-box stuff from CryEngine due to the unified first/third person rigs. An ungodly amount of stuff is faked in shooters to make it easier but CIG has to do it for real due to this choice. Whether this is good or bad, time will tell. In fact, they're running up this wall again due to the female player which needs to be entirely readjusted so shooting actually works again as the measurements are all different.

You're right about them being extremely lucky Crytek is fucking dead though. The Frankfurt studio is basically Crytek incarnate.

I don't work there, so all of my information is based on what I've read from CIG themselves and my own speculation.

But I got the strong impression that they straight up had to toss out everything that Illfonic did. They didn't come outright and frame it that way, but isn't that basically what happened?

Right now, they've been so quiet on the networking front that I can only assume things are not going well. They've been more confident in what they're willing to show and discuss regarding the AI, so I assume that if anything is closer to 'being done' it's definitely Squadron 42.

I backed the kickstarter for a squadron 42 sequel with release 2 years ago.

It is now going to be a mmo ship buying simulator that's never going to be released