This is what passes for good writing in the West

>this is what passes for good writing in the West
What went wrong?

Letting women have a say in videogames.
Women should be banned from playing, working in, or having any part in creating videogames. They turn them into mouthpieces for their warped, suicidal political views with no basis in reality.

games were never known for their writing

>What went wrong?
People started thinking optional flavor texts are anything but padding for people who really care, written by an intern on a lunch break.

The main story is nice so far. Nothing to write home about.

>Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped… in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle… and wonder if we’ll ever have the chance to kill him. In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
This passes for good writing in Japan.

>>this is what passes for good writing in the West

>20 years into the future
>being a refugee is still not acceptable in society

wew lad lay off them crazy pills


this is what passes for good writing in the east, what went wrong?

>warped, suicidal political views with no basis in reality
Are we still talking about women in games or Sup Forums now?

That quote from the Prime Minister really tops it off.
>Really bad
What Prime Minister would ever talk like that?

>that writing of the Prime Minister compared to the opposition candidate
What fucking Morons wrote this

>"Our nation totally needs this. What climate refugees endured was really bad. It completely deserves a real-space museum so we can literally stand in their remembrance"
>Prime Minister
So is ME trying to the whole Idiocracry future?

Not gonna argue there isn't a problem...

But literally every female friend I've shown this to has shaken their head and gone, "What a load of trash. I could do better with my eyes closed."

It's not ME, it's HZD. Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure ME may actually have a better story than it.

Donald talks like that and he's President of the United States. There's nothing wrong with speaking in simple terms, so simple people can understand you.

>What Prime Minister would ever talk like that?

the ministers of europe would

He's not a CAREER politician though.

>Donald talks like that and he's President of the United States

If someone says "this is poor writing" and your argument is "well what about this person who is very well known for poor speeches and shooting themselves in the foot verbally", you're not exactly making a common case so much as bringing up the exception that proves the rule.

But most of us who post here are girls user.

Tits or GTFO

>if he so hates the fact that we saved his life and gave him shelter for a decade, I suggest he wend his way down to the Thames and jump in. Its never too late to drown.