ITT: God tier redesigns

ITT: God tier redesigns

>Blue arms

Oh my fucking god that video made me so fucking angry my mom called the hospital thinking I was having an episode or something

Its just another guy thinking he can redesign a character to what he likes

He doesn't go to school get thatfucking backpack off him, and give him eyes with personality

>Pic unrelated

>that art-style
fuck off Adventure Time.

what if we redesign him back into his old design?


No, classic Sonic sucks DICK

Riders Sonic is where it's at

I wish his old design was the main design again, Modern's design isn't shit but the original one just had a lot more charm to me and was more timeless. People might be sick of seeing classic Sonic lately but I'm glad as hell to see it be around a lot more lately.

Lord, forgive me.

haha thicc ecks dee

I used to prefer the modern design as a kid but as time goes by the modern one feels more and more antiquated while the classic one is completely timeless.

put some pants on

Modern in Yuji Uekawa's style > Classic > Modern


>Robotnik is mickey mouse

>god tier

the design he had in that shitty ova movie was top tier

>extremely simple
>noodle arms with no hands
>doesnt even have a mouth

How about no

>Thinking I want to see red/orange/yellow stains with panties


Smash Sonic is the best iteration of Sonic.

I want to hold that spoon

Sonic CD/OVA design literally cannot be topped unless you put that really cool shading that riders had on it