What's that kid? You think you can say bad words ON THE INTERNET? on a VIDEO GAME no less? Hehe, kid...

>What's that kid? You think you can say bad words ON THE INTERNET? on a VIDEO GAME no less? Hehe, kid... I'll have you know that stoicism, masculinity and white FUCKING males have no place in video games or on the internet... that's right...

*reports you*

How do we solve this recently emerging epidemic of thin-skinned pussy boys in video games, Sup Forums?

transmit some sort of real world virus to anyone that has a neofag account

Why do I feel like you look like the dude in that pic, redditor?

>I made the thread again mommy!
It's funny that you're complaining about being reported. Because, well, yeah.

See you later faggot

Helloooooooooo reddit!

someone sounds triggered

Acting like an edgy 13-year-old is not the epitome of masculinity, user.

It seems we have a bunch of reddit redditors in here.



I said someone was a week late for down syndrome day and they started quoting the bill of human rights as rebuttal.

You got me.

>he thinks he can say whatever he wants here

How new?

As opposed to what?

who the fuck is this guy

Bullshit. Nice Photoshop but all those post are all me man

>(You) after the OP in one post
>(You) before it in the next

cmon neogaf

a severe cuck

everyone except me is a redditor

Yeah, making whiny threads isn't thin-skinned at all, fuckboi.

Turns out we are redditors all mepepeapepaiepakpohHAHAHAHAHAHAJ KOLOLOLOLOLOL LMAOOOOOO ROFL LOLOL XDD


If we removed report buttons it would probably help the issue somewhat

you wouldnt have crybully cuckolds that virtue signal all game any more, just like back in the golden age of online vidya

A society armed with report buttons is a polite society.

My beard has grown the exact same way in that picture and it pisses me off that beards are getting associated with regressive leftists and beta orbiters. If there's any benefit to this it's that faggots don't bother me with their shitty ideals because they automatically assume I'm on their side.

hehe.. well well, what do we have here?... another straight white male thinking he can just flaunt his privilege and opress POC... well TAKE THIIIIIIIIIIS *unsheathes katana*

if you're a cuckold

>What's that kid? You think you can say feminist SJW cuck shit ON THE INTERNET? on a VIDEO GAME no less? Hehe, kid... I'll have you know that liberals, women, and nu-males have no place in video games or on the internet... that's right...

only one side censors discussion and obnoxiously forces their harebrained politics into everything

it's not a le epic horseshoe like you read on wikipedia

>Sup Forums posters are sensible intelligent mature adults
i love this meme.

they're a lot smarter and more tolerable than their neogaf/tumblr//qa/dditor equivalent


Stay mad racist. You are on the wrong side of history. Fuck Jontron, fuck Facism, fuck Drumpf.


>playing some For Honor
>destroying shitlords

most of them start talking shit after 1 round, flaming, etc. i respond in kind

get 2 warnings from Ubisoft for Offesive language. i really wish people would not start shitfests, if they can't take the abuse

I don't see how setting the bar so low proves anything.

the video games have been killed because of the guy on the left though

not an argument

>heh, I'll just say Sup Forums and claim my moral high ground

t. assmad Sup Forums kid

Videogames died back in 2007 dipshit.
Everyone makes shit games now.
The japanese industry makes personality-less turds like MGSV, FFXV, TLG and Nier Automata, while westerner cucks make Cawadoody, Mass Effect and Horizon.
This entire industry deserves death, and everyone who considers himself a videogame developer deserves to lose their jobs and end up working in their local kebabs.
SJWs are just pissing in an ocean of shit.

I can't wait until we can start lining leftists up and throwing them into industrial wood chippers.

>Tales of Berseria
>Hatsune Miku
>anything but trash

What's up with these beards? Why are they even in style? Most people can't pull it off and look like shit. One guy had a literal baby face, but a beard like that. Looked hideous.

funny how i always see you, the same poster, posting this exact same "video game omnicide" argument. just an observation :^)

Of course an intellectual like yourself is a lot more tolerable and smarter than people who are not like you.

Everyone who cares about politics needs to be executed in front of their families.

I never visit pol

Because it's true.
Any of the games in that pic?
You can't defend them.
CDPR is the only one that puts some semblance of effort into their games nowadays, and even then the gameplay of TW3 left a lot to be desired.
Everything and everyone else is a talentless hack who deserves to starve to death.

Also, do you even know what le [s4s] emoticon means?

Nice to see Sup Forums enjoy math wizard Adam Koebel!

>not an argument
Neither was the picture I was responding to. What's your point?

>Halo Wars 2, Torment, Sniper Elite 4 and Ghost Recon are just because of SJWs

a non-faggot

>saying bad words
>rageposting on Sup Forums



Good job invalidating the rest of your post lmao

>only one side censors discussion and obnoxiously forces their harebrained politics into everything
Yeah, and that's r/the_donald, of which Sup Forums is an extension. Fortunately they have no real power here.

it is actually a great argument though. it perfectly highlights the distinction between the modern left wing and the modern right wing

the point is is that the western industry is absolute dog shit right now and the sjws are exacerbating the problem quite a lot

and torment is the epitome of a game and its series' legacy destroyed by sjws

>only t_d bans people


the vast majority of Sup Forums is pro-Trump

>literally forgotten hours after it came out
>ended up being just a cheap Dark Souls wannabe with bootleg Geralt as the main character

>the point is is that the western industry is absolute dog shit right now
It's been like that for a decade, idiot.

>the vast majority of Sup Forums is pro-Trump
Yes, because they in turn are an extension of Sup Forums, and you can tell by the way they force their harebrained politics in everything. And if the mods were on their side, as in r/t_d, then you'd see hilarious amounts of bans and censorship here too.

>it plateaud a decade ago

no, it's been sliding into shit since then

why are you even here, neogaf? or are you just trolling pretending to be a pinko retard?

No, i'm saying it went to shit a decade ago.

>the vast majority of Sup Forums is pro-Trump
Wait, there are people here who think the president has any say in what the US does?

the signs were showing back then and it's gotten progressively worse each year

Sup Forums is pro-Trump anti-Hillary


>Sup Forums is pro trump

>blind racism

guarantee you those posts are from the same neogaf shills that are in this thread too

*blocks your path*

Maybe grow up and stop being a dick to people?

So people unironically think that anyone but Israel has any control over what the US does?
Just how delusional can you be.


t. high quality goy

But why not dye the beard too? Those colors clearly don't go together.

If you and the rest of your ilk were intelligent you would understand that the socioeconomic problems faced by Blacks are the biggest contributing factor towards violent tendencies. Black immigrants in European countries don't have many of the problems Black Americans do.

Also contributes to lower IQ because of malnutrition but wew can't say that on a christian imageboard.

>be me
>get called cute by cashier at grocery store
>say thanks
>says i remind her of markiplier
>tell her I hate his guts and thanks for waking me up
>go home and shave my head

>TOK KEK MAGA are u mad numale, IT'S MY FREEDUMS I can say whatever I want *tips maga hat while eating wall cake*

>Black immigrants in European countries don't have many of the problems Black Americans do.
>What is London

of course there is the eternal debate of nature vs nurture but it's clear now that blacks simply cannot help but act aggressively, thieve and murder. it's hard-coded in their genetics. not all blacks, but as a group they have very negative effects on society. especially when the kikes peddle "MUH MUNNY MUH GUN MUH COCO" culture into their tiny negro minds

And this is why everyones cucking white people, you are the stupidest of them all.
>no chance but to support the biggest Israeli shill
At this point you even deserve to disappear, you are just so fucking dumb.

Popping into these threads is always a nice ego boost.

56% of white women voted for Trump though

Trump is not that big of an Israel shill. He rubbed the holocaust in their faces on remembrance day, don't you remember?

I don't.

I don't browse any social or vidya media besides Sup Forums and I don't give a fuck about this bunch of faggots.

>Trump is not that big of an Israel shill. He rubbed the holocaust in their faces on remembrance day, don't you remember?
I also remember that he's going to start a conflict with Iran because Iran is the only credible threat Israel has.
Israel has USA grabbed by the balls, they have for decades now, one fucking election won't change anything.
There's only one solution and that is to disband Israel, but we all know no one has the balls to do it.

If I start posting nsfw content in a not vidya thread that is going to get deleted, do I get banned anyway?

>right censors a chinese board
>left censors the world

we HAVE to stop Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

Dunno, I just came to laugh at paranoid schizophrenics arguing with each other. I'm not the rule guy.

If the right had the power of the left they would.
So, everyone who takes politics seriously deserves a bullet to the head.

no, they probably wouldnt

the people that voted for trump dont want censorship like the left does

All political drones end up falling for censorship, it's in their nature.
Both sides are angry dogs that need to be kept in a tight leash and deserve a beating every now and then.

sorry about the autism

Thank you.

It's kind of true actually, I don't think I've known a single likable person who was overly passionate about their politics. I don't mean like discuss them occasionally, but the shit I see online where they're rabid and just live for them.

>recently emerging epidemic of thin-skinned pussy boys
I dunno, ask Sup Forums why they keep giving a shit about women and black people in the media.

you seem like you're obsessed with Sup Forums

it's not healthy

Yeah? But what about Sup Forums's obsession with black people

>looking at facts and coming to a conclusion separate from the left-wing cult is "obsession"


>blind racism

>fact-based arguments are "blind racism"

come on

Yes user, facts. Reality has no bias

Look at the Suspicion chart, just shows to show blacks are falsly put under crime. Stay mad you lose

That beard in a glue-on.

>that denial
sure thing m8


Not even that guy, but my issue with you isn't whether you're right or wrong because frankly I don't care. It's that you're the type of person that tries to swing people to your ideology. They're all annoying. You're no different from a mormon knocking at my door or a kiosk salesman pestering me as I walk through the mall.