Switch only sells 78k in Japan this week

>Switch only sells 78k in Japan this week

Is the dream dead? Are we fucked? I dont know

>only 78k
>almost double the next leading hardware
>still completely sold out in Japan
>OP image baiting about feminism

Ypu can do better than this OP

Its a mobile phone except lacks every functionality of a mobile phone, including access to a gorillion free games and apps.

or its Wii U with 1 screen.

kinda hard to market shit that was already marketed like shit to a non-existent audience.

>It's a feminist movie
And it will still sell gazillion tickets in the opening week. Christ, I hate people.

Although it is true because it's Star Wars, this didn't happen with Ghostbusters. People can resist giving idiots money sometimes.

>still completely sold out in Japan
This, can't sell what isn't there to buy, but shit posters are reaching for anything.


>VIII will be good guys don't worry they just needed to rip off IV for VII to not scare of the normies


it will sell but more core autists are jumping ship with every new movie

disney shat on the extended universe which you may or may not like but it kept the franchise going during down times and replaced it with worse shit than the prequels

>Monster Hunter
>Dragon Quest
and people still think the Switch will fail

>nips only get 78k this week and they're sold out already
>on a system with less games than the PS4
>and is more marketed towards western hipsters like Anthony Burch than any japanese culture

I haven't seen anything on it yet, but if it's like the last film main, it will make money, but not as much as Disney is hoping. Episode VII was just an updated IV with traitor storm trooper having more character and charisma than black stormtrooper. The two new Hans really should have been one character.

Rouge One was a meme movie with CGI that scarred audiences for life.

>week 3
>sub 100k
yep, right on track

>sold out
Being sold out in amazon doesn't mean it's sold out everywhere. Reseller prices on amazon are only about $325 which is dirt cheap. Demand is low.

>Carrie Fisher dies for this

the coke queen can go fuck herself

She was a turbo feminazi and Shillery supporter, good riddance that the cokehead died.

I got news for u bub, them are scammers. Go ahead order one of those sub 400 dollar switches.

>disney shat on the extended universe which you may or may not like but it kept the franchise going during down times and replaced it with worse shit than the prequels
This pisses me off more than anything.

I was one of those people who was defending them
>Yeah so what if they scrapped the EU most of it was shit and whatever they're cooking up for their new trilogy will be a hundred times better than the Yuhzzhan Vong
>new Disney movies are ass and the nuEU is way worse and more boring than the old EU

You're a moron for thinking anything coming out of (((Didney Jew))) would be even remotely good.

NuWars and NuEU are far worse than Vong or Legacy, let alone harmless stuff like Trioculus.

miss me yet?

there's no link for this article

george come back i dont hate the prequels as much now and tcw tv shows was decent at times, i love you baby

Did Sup Forums not give you the outrage you wanted? Fuck off.

You are what is wrong with film

George please give (((Didney))) their 4 billion back and Make Star Wars Great Again

oh god rebels is such a shit show compared to clone wars its not even funny

>Big budget, made at a loss out of George's personal pocket simply because he wanted to do it and tell his Clone Wars story

>Low budget aimed at making big profit, written by a literal jew (google Greg Weisman) who was also one of Hillary's donors for her campaign and has ties to Soros

Why are you surprised that it's shit?

That article doesn't exist. Can't believe people are believing it. Sad.

>Why are you surprised that it's shit?
Dude i am just a guy with a lightsaber

Very much. I actually LIKE Episode III, and would have loved to see George's sequel trilogy over Disney garbage.

Will there be podracing in Episode 8? There better be.

I'm talking about Amazon.co.jp.
You can tell they're not scammers because they have thousands of positive feedback.

Demand is only high in the US right now and even that is dropping. Reports on instocknow indicate that many stores people are finding them in have inventory that's just sitting around.

Reminder, they only shipped 2 MILLION units in March. Wii, Wii U and 3DS all shipped over 3 million units in their first month. For demand to be dying this quickly is very bad news.

This is another device that only the diehards want.