Just bought this

What am I in for, Sup Forums? I've only played Bloodborne.

Other urls found in this thread:


not nearly as good as Bloodborne but still a decent game, don't believe the meme-spewers

It'll be alright. Don't expect it to be some magnificent masterpiece of a game, and you'll be able to enjoy it a lot more.

some good mechanics
a fucking terrible world, story and bosses
level adaptability to 20

good use of stances

good use of multiplayer

thats it.

I still liked how they tried to make some original lore for the DS world, in all honesty.

Sure, it wasn't the best, but at least it wasn't mainly re-hashed content from the previous game.

>level adaptability to 20


It gives you more iframes on your roll.
Yeah but since the game was cobbled together at the last second it really shows. Only good lore part of the game was Aldia and his keep.

Most weapons are good, PvP is fun, use cheat engine to get cracked orbs, challenging enemy placement justifies a lot of spells & wide swinging heavy weapons, level adaptability if you can't adapt to avoiding attacks instead of just rolling through them.

a very good game
don't believe all the meme-spouting faggots that say this game is bad and then list one hitbox as an example

Adaptability isn't the thing you should be looking at, it's the agility raised from it. You should aim for min 92, 99 is breddy decent, and 116 is madman tier, gives you over half a second's worth of i-frames.

My personal favorite of the Souls series. Expect a lot of meme hate, though.
But seriously it's a good game. It fixed a lot of things wrong with the initial release.


How bad of a time will I have if I try to play this game like Bloodborne? I have no desire in using a shield and playing like a pussy


What do you think are the worst aspects of the game? personally i don't think soul memory or the lack of cracked orbs defendable. Yeah, you don't have to be human to get invaded anymore but holy shit getting orbs is a huge pain in the ass

the game is more designed to chip you out over time, you'll notice yourself getting hit a lot more since rolls tend to lag a little
a lot of areas are endurance tests, always keep your small gem stocks up from the merchant in mejula

If people don't like it it's a meme.

Seriously it's an alright game, it tries a few things, most of which fall flat.


Rolling works. If you want a weapon that'll last from beginning to end, battleaxe is very good (bought from smith in majula), claymore can be bought pretty early on too from another merchant. Any fuckhuge sword or hammer is good too.

What are you doing you idiot? Play 1, then 2, then 3.

Apart from Manus's fragments, 2 is standalone.
which makes it miles above 3

its shit

I have nothing to play 1 on. I would've played 3, but I'll wait for that to drop in price. DS2:SotFS is only 20 bucks on PS4.