Is there a videogame that's so good that it makes every other videogame unplayable because no other game could ever be...

Is there a videogame that's so good that it makes every other videogame unplayable because no other game could ever be as good as it? With the exclusion of really well executed unique games, that is.

Pic heavily related.

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What makes LoTGH so good is Reinhard is an enlightened despot, and the show's writers clearly knew their history about this concept. It wasn't just a character than could be cool, he's based off reality. But an enlightened despot is just a cool character anyway too.

I mean the history of the Habsburgs is the story arc of the Galactic Empire. Except Reinhard is actually Napoleon, so Joseph II if he had actually been successful in his reforms.

LOGH is good, but it's also dry as fuck.

While the politics were interesting I felt nothing for any of the characters aside from Reinhard and Yang.

Kircheis for example is a massive Gary Stu with next to no character, so I didn't feel anything when he died.

Oberstein was the most objectively correct character in the show

LOTGH is still on my backlog so I'll answer on topic. The combat in really good action games makes games like Batman or shadow of mordor or the witcher really tough to slog through for me.

I just find myself wishing I was playing godhand or something instead.

I agree with you, enjoyment of the show boils down to how much dryness you can stand in a show

I mainly appreciated the nuances of both sides of the conflict

Yang should have gotten with Jessica Roberts instead of the black hole of personality that is Frederica

why did they kill her off so early

As somebody who always ends up "2nd in command" I empathized with Kircheis the most.

Honestly, I also got burnt out and stopped watching after yang dies

Titanfall 2 ruined other FPS' for me.

the FPA was more boring, but I still rooted for them

requesting Yang's radical circles.

I disagree. I thought a lot of the other characters became more developed as the show went along. I especially liked Reuentall and Schenkopp.

Kircheis also gets a lot more development in the prequel OVA.

Fucking Yangfags. It's worth watching till the end.

>I felt nothing for any of the characters aside from Reinhard and Yang.
not reuenthal?

fpa had the better anthem

Oberstein did literally nothing wrong ever.

There are slavs still playing HoMM3 to this day.

The Dreamcast ruined console gaming for me.
I've had consoles since, but on none of them have I loved as much or thought "yeah, I'd rather be playing this game on this system rather than my PC".
It's also the only system that I haven't boxed since I got it, so pretty much 17 years of regular to semi regular play.
Truly, the wrong kid died.

So what about that 2017 remake lads?

It's not happening, is it?

I haven't heard much news about it. Is it gonna be a full blown remake?

>It's not happening, is it?
Thank fuck, theres no way a modern LoTG remake would be any good.

Maybe it could take place in a highschool instead and they could be competing for student council seats, wouldn't that be kawaii as fuck?

LoGH's characters are paper-thin, the battles are ridiculous and it's directed with all the skill of someone filming a stage play.

I still like it, but it's really not amazing unless you're a teenager with corporal's mania.

Part of that is definitely the NAOMI connection. Arcade games are easy to pick up, instantly fun and infinitely replayable.

Don't forget making Yang, Reuentall and Mittermeyer girls so Reinhard can have a harem!

there's nothing else really like it though

Says a lot about anime tbqh

>watching LGOH
>not reading it



>the battles are ridiculous
The battles are napoleonic era line battles

I wish more sci-fi did battles like that, they're fun to watch.

Any VR game

How many actually decent VR games are there?

Idk, I only used my DK2 to fap and can't afford a current gen headset
But that alone made all regular games much less enjoyable


Heh, I always love adorably naive gush posts like this.

The space battles are all pretty much stock footage overlaid with occasional reaction shots over triangles, and it can get stale, but I'm not someone who actually takes offense to its use here. As long as I can reasonably understand what's going on, I've got no reason to complain.

Still, I really don't like how they reused those scenes of people dying really fucking gruesomely from around episode 50 during the final episodes. That was way too fucking striking a sequence to deserve reuse like that.


You can't prove me wrong.

>As long as I can reasonably understand what's going on
Thats what makes them good, they're easy to follow, not super-visually impressive but you can follow them and understand whats happening. Too many battle sequences in tv/anime/videogames are massive meaningless spectacles. The tactics may not be super advanced but they're present and believable.

The Witcher 3 and The Last Of Us I guess

Can we stop pretending Japanese Star Wars ripoff is good? It's the most overrated anime ever made, and the fans are insufferable

I don't remember them reusing any footage.

Star Wars is a fantasy series disguised as sci-fi. Apples and oranges.

Can't top this faggots.
No other game ever had such a deep cause-consequence system.


>you will never help the kaiser usher in a new age of peace and stability for the empire and her subjects

An overhyped, overrated, inflated-by-details anime of Mary-Sue dialogues and bland battles. When somebody says "the show doesn't get good until 20+ episodes in" you know there's something wrong.

As you can already tell, nothing good can come from me writing this review. Legend of The Galactic Heroes is beloved on this site, a great deal call it a classic, and here I am writing about it being only "average". I have not finished the series: I can't, and this review is intended to tell you why I can't, but moreso, why others like me, who bought into the hype, shouldn't waste their time (a LOT of time).

The story of Legend of the Galactic Heroes follow the protracted war between the The Galactic Empire and Free Planets Alliance with a stunning degree of depth. You will know why the war started, who started it, why they started it, and why it mattered to the characters. What you might wonder is: why does it matter to you? This is where the main problem with LoGH arises, and the first problem with the story: this is a series of details, not entertainment, not development, not provoking ideas, but details. This is where LoGH gets its staggering 110 non-filler episodes. It is a slow crawling assault of information, mostly useless. If you enjoy fictional history, this will not be a problem for you. You'll even be treated to several episodes of literal fake history lessons, in a documentary-style format, with interviews from fake historians and everything. Having fun, yet?

How far in are you?

The second problem with the story is actually a problem with its characters. They fall into only two categories: Mary Sues and trying too hard. The main characters, Yang Wenli and Reinhard Lohengramm, can twist probability and reason in such ways that would make the characters in Gurren Lagann blush; they can do no wrong. Yang Wenli is outgunned to some astronomical degree like 1 to 100 most of the time and he wins because of "superior strategy" or "morale". Julian, Yang's boy servant, can also do no wrong. He'll commandeer warships with little or no effort. They don't try to disguise this, as every character who loves Yang, Reinhard, or Julian will survive, and everyone who disagrees with them, regardless of how justifiable their reasons are, will die, at least in the first half of the show. This is where trying too hard comes into play. Look no further than the character Poplan, where you'll notice it first. He's horny, and he will appear in no scene without reminding you he likes women and that's his only trait. Oberstein will go through every scene looking suspicious only to have absolutely no payoff. An even greater insult to this cast is Fredrica Greenhill, who just blatantly admits she's useless aside from making sandwiches and tea. We get it, these are one-note characters. You cannot care about any of them aside from the aforementioned Mary Sues, making over half the cast uninteresting. Most of them just serve as vehicles for the three main characters to spout more of their ideals.

How does "morale" make a difference, anyway? Does morale make lasers stronger or weaker? These are space ships; morale has no bearing on the functioning on mechanical constructs, morale barely has an effect on conflict even in our time. Everything you heard about the tactics in LoGH is a joke. They use simple ideas like "Circle around behind them" or "Don't tell them about our main fleet", and apparently, that's very impressive to a lot of people.

I finished the whole main series, both prequel OVA's and all 3 movies just last year.

The only Star Wars like thing about it is Iserlohn Fortress and even thats barely like the death star.

You won't need to worry about this, though, action is sparse in LoGH because they prefer to drink, eat, stare out windows, converse, and philosophize for most of their screen time away. You ever wondered how Yang feels about democracy? You're gonna know. You're gonna know over and over again.

The third issue with the story is that it's entirely implausible. There's only two ways for the enemies to cross into each other's territories, and they never really explain why other than "we'll die". Wars are lost and the remnant survivors are still implausibly able to combat the enemy for the sake of plot. This would work in a show that didn't take itself so seriously; it doesn't work in LoGH. Also, in the future, wars are waged with battle axes and armor in space ships, lasers are less lethal than bullets, and everybody lives and looks the exact same way that they do now. LoGH exists in some strange mindset of the future where we got into space (somehow), developed some very limited mass-communication, and all other technology stayed in the Middle Ages. The show Star Trek did it better in the 1960s, and even changed the world we live in with its ideas (like the wireless communicator AKA cell-phone), what is LoGH's excuse? It doesn't have one, it's just not creative enough. What's strange is that one would think, given the absurd amount of historical and political babble, that this show would've given equal care to imagine life in a futuristic outer space, but it doesn't.

While the creativity and story of LoGH is sickeningly weak, its artistic merits were more worth my viewing. Classic and orchestral music scores carry the scenes well, though the scenes themselves look bland; characters are barely animated, even compared to other anime of this era. It's very stiff, not that it needs to be extremely fluid for characters to sip drinks and talk.

Not him but some of the basic stuff like generic ships retreating, firing or being blown up against a generic backdrop gets reused. Theres plenty of new animation for the battles but you do start to notice it.

There's some shocking scenes of gore randomly spread about, too, but the action mostly comes down to these short bursts of lasers, explosions, and blood effects. It lumbers monotonously on the dance floor, but it does it to a classy sound-track, at least.

The main attraction of this show is, apparently, the dialogues between the Mary Sues. Admittedly, they are pretty entertaining for a good 50 episodes. They touch on a lot of subjects that are relevant even more in today's world than they were then, which is surprising and delightful. If you keep up on current events, or even politics in the slightest, there's a lot of meat for you here to dig your teeth in. This raises the question, though: why aren't you just reading about politics? The ridiculous set-up of this story's conflict, and the sheer "greatness" of its main characters makes taking its subject material seriously impossible, yet it practically commands you to.

Let me sum up, and re-phrase that last part. The main attraction for Legend of The Galactic Heroes is the ability for one to say "I watched something from the 1980s that nobody's heard about or cares about". Then one can say "It was mature and intelligent, despite the fact I learned nothing". This show is a waste of time as entertainment, this show is an example of what NOT to do with a show about the future, space, philosophy, politics, and the human condition. There's a reason only MAL and hipsters care about LoGH, and everyone else knows Star Trek and Star Wars. Star Trek (classic) and Star Wars (classic) had vision and creativity that inspired generations and scientists. LoGH has 110 episodes nobody watched, flat characters nobody would recognize or identify with, and a literal universe of wasted potential.

>How does "morale" make a difference, anyway?

They just took musket-era land battles and copy-pasted them onto spaceships.

Jesus christ, you fucking contrarian shits. Just go watch Tytania and fuck off already.

Having one enlightened, benevolent ruler is the best form of government humanity can achieve. Yet the show only hints at the shortcoming of it: What happens if that extraordinary individual dies? What are the chances his successors will be as talented? Or will the new empire quickly degenerate and crumble?

Alpha Protocol's is deeper and siding with Feudal Lors changes nothing except what rewards you're given. You also hit a road block if you try to finish the war before the story wills it (infinite body doubles).

>How does "morale" make a difference, anyway
They literally show order breaking down and fleets holding on longer than expected because of morale. Morale has always been about making sure your side doesn't rout, not a video game style +1 modifier to aiming.

Well I watched it over a period 4 months so I must have missed it. I was enjoying the politics and characters too much to notice stuff like battle animation. To be honest the show isn't really about super awesome battles anyways so it doesn't matter.

Holy shit man no one cares. Not even reading all this shit. I dropped it when you were saying it was a show of details and fantasy history. I actually like that aspect it's a thing that draws me into the show. You know what, maybe LotGH isn't for everyone and that's fine but gees just literally go and watch something else then instead.

>Yet the show only hints at the shortcoming of it
Isn't the entire premise of the Empire that they had an enlightened benevolent ruler who starts to go off it and then dies leaving it to degenerate. Theres even a segment about one of the heirs spending all his time fucking castrato boys.

>Having an antheme

>only hints

What the hell was Reinhard trying to topple Goldenbaum for then idiot? Geez.

Reinhard made reforms yeah, but he didn't change the government system to a democracy, it was still a monarchist dictatorship.

You're doing it wrong.
>Do protection mission for one lord
>Kill him instead.

>Do steal rice from another lord mission.
>Steal it but take it home
>give it to Lord 3.

Only proper ninja game.

Yang mentioned this a couple of times I think, Julian as well, that's what the constitution proposal was for anyway. It's too bad they don't show how the empire lasts.

Literally never heard of this game in my life before. How well does it emulate?

Are the other games in the series worth playing or just the first one. From what you say it sounds pretty good, how does it even play?

Are you talking about Rudolf? He was never an enlightened ruler. And the early empire with it's mass executions of quickly established new aristocracy is no better than the late empire. It's rotten from the start.

The show contrasts Rudolf, the oppressive tyrant, with Reinhardt, the benevolent and enlightened autocrat without white washing the latter. While people call him mary sue in this thread, he does commit mistakes and crimes.

i just finished this shit what the fuck do i watch now? there's no additional story or anything. such a satisfying ride but what now? i feel kind of empty inside

Well that is spoilers for anyone who hasn't finished it yet as several anons in here paused their viewing of it when Yang dies. But yes that did happen, and that also answers the other anons question.

Star Trek

Did you watch the 2 prequel OVA's and the 3 movies?

Prequels are honestly just as good as the main show, also better animation quality for a lot of them too.

Whoops sorry, deleted now

What I originally said
The ending has it so it becomes a constitutional monarchy in preparation for it to slowly convert to a democracy.

I wish the deathstar was half as cool as the moments we got out of the iserlohn.
>Dat actual city and community inside the fuck huge station
>That liquid armor
>That absolutely insane amount of ships it can carry that just come flying through the armor
>That oh shit moment when they attached 8 warp engines to a similar fortress and flew it right up to the other fortress in a crazy battle of the super weapons.

>What the hell was Reinhard trying to topple Goldenbaum for then idiot? Geez.

You sound angry, user. Calm down. He topples it for two reasons, the same two reasons most people in history have for pursuing absolute power. Out of personal ambition and to better society in what you deem best.

Except for Golden Wings, holy shit was that a trainwreck

Don't forget the only way to defeat it being to either effectively cheat like Yang or try to smash another moon sized fortress into it.

>in preparation for it to slowly convert to a democracy.

Where do you get that from? Reinhard was always critical of democracy in the show and it's flaws are clearly portrayed.

It wasn't bad, just weird. But I thought it was worth watching since it's the only peice of LotGH media aside from the books that covers Reinhard when we was a Lieutenant Commander. It also shows Reinhard commanding his first ship of his own and making his first kill of an opposing star ship. Though I do wish they remade it in the prequels.

Reinhard is also aware that absolute dictatorships eventually turn to shit regardless of how benevolent the original ruler was and he's smart enough to realise what Julian is aiming for the constitutional reforms (doesn't Julian outright state that he hopes it'll result in a democracy) so its a safe bet to make. Its left open to interpretation though.

>that whole Luneberg arc in the prequels

So fucking good.

It's a shame Yangs prequel ova had some weird aliasing issue though, it was still good even with it however. But most of the others were animated beautifully. I wish the main series got an increase in budget like the prequels did.

I only found a Japanese version on TPB, but there should be and English one around.
Runs pretty consistently when in action, a little sped up in menus.

It's like what quake is to call of duty.
Shinobido is to assassins creed in terms of general mechanics, minus the dumb exploration and openworld shit.

Each day you pick a missions from a list of missions that are generated dependant on the situation in the world. If let's say you collaterally damage(kill) many of one lords troops while doing some other unrelated missions, they might end up with a weak general, and then you start getting protect/kill military general missions from different lords.

Also there is a deep as shit alchemy system. It's not skyrim drop shit into a pot, you actually have to take a pen and paper and add up some numbers and figure out the color AND -/+ shit to make a simple healing potion, on top of that you can make a smoke bomb that makes enemies kill each other, BUT you can also add strength and speed to that smoke so they murder each other faster.

You can even get infinite money if you're really autistic about alchemy or cheat and read the guide.

>Too smart to finish the series
>Complains that the setting is too rich
>Complains about too much fake history in Space History: The Show
>Complains about characters dying for no raisin when that's how it happens irl
Autism: The Post

Well people do pretty decent amount of damage to it by creating a gravitational pull on the liquid metal. But yeah, the only way it's ever going to lose is pulling that cheap trick of sneaking inside with a task force and somehow fooling everyone. The only reason that thing took damage under Yang's control is he morally didn't want to use the laser that can destroy hundreds of ships in a single shot.

No one is going to agree with me but I will say that Axes and Acres makes me feel like other games are a waste of time. It's extremely dry and essentially a single player board game but it does an excellent job at making every single action you do matter. Once you get a few games in the victory conditions get really tight, to the point where on your first turn you need to figure out how many resources you need to get your victory conditions and how many turns that'll take. Very few games make me sit down and plan out my next 10 turns before I complete a single one.

Now you look at the steam page and this game looks like a piece of shit. I took a risk and bought it because I liked the developer's design philosophy, thankfully I got exactly what I was looking for. Every turn, every second I spend playing this game I have to think because if I just go on autopilot I will lose 100% of the time. Other games just seem worse because I can relax, I can go on autopilot and just do whatever most of the time.

>why did they kill her off so early

I hesitate to say it but I think it was absolutely necessary to show how far the FPA had gone off the deep end. Democracy is a complete failure when peaceful protest is met with a massacre.


When the fuck did Kircheis have a bra thrown at him? Is this the remake?

I know exactly how you feel OP.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes puts other anime to shame.

Thanks. Torrenting it right now user.

Make sure it's not Japanese so you know exactly what the fuck you're doing in terms of setting up strategies to get easy wins/smart wins.

LoGH is boring as fuck

I found one on KAT that says it's NTSC so I am pretty sure it's in English. If it's not I will just check on Emuparadise and look for a direct download and do it overnight.

Aight mon. Fuck up some cunts.

Deus Ex. Planescape when it comes to writing.

Probably one of the gaiden.

Crash Bandicoot 2

And maybe 3

Crash Bandicoot 3

And somewhat 2.

What is this.

Sup Forums.

Only here can this happen.
This place is so great.

LotGH is literally the greatest anime ever made

It's Crash Bandicoot 3

And kinda 2.