Polygon finds it "disappointing" that Persona 5's protagonist isn't gay

It's author also just decided to randomly come out as bisexual.

Why the fuck do SJW and femenist always want to ruin games.

Thank god Japan don't give a fuck about what the west thinks.

It should be literally illegal to create white cis male protagonists in current year.

Based nihon

Eh it's a fair complaint and I don't think they docked any score for it.

Can't really be outraged here.

This would've been avoided if it had a feMC option

I'm disappointed too. Only other men can truly love, understand, and fulfill a man.

Quite literally nothing wrong with pic related though ?

Personer's MC's are self-insert, they're supposed to be blank states you should project yourself onto so yes, the MC should been able to romance everyone from male to female (slider).

Can't even date the lolis. Lost interest in Persona 5 as a result.

Imagine how different this would read if the female MC was gay only:

>Persona 5's HYPER sexualization is nothing but gross pandering to a long extinct and toxic stereotype.

Remember when Persona 2's protagonist was bisexual and you could freak demons out by making out with Jun?

Of course not. No one remembers any Persona games before 3.

I'd like to ban all straight people from writing virtue signaling articles about OH THIS NEEDS MORE QUEER REPRESENTATION

The fag fears the samurai.

Make him straight, gays get mad. Make him gay, gays still get mad.
The greater good is pandering to the people who actually buy your game, I guess.

Fags need to get gassed.

This game is garbage, but they surely have a point for not being retarded as the ME SJW devs. Based Japan.

>still give it a 9 despite failing to assist vulnerable people's needs

It's Polygon that's failing.

>claim to support free sexual expression
>get upset that a character in a game isn't gay

>Personer's MC's are self-insert

you're playing perse owner wrong breh. they have official names, character traits and everything... they aren't your OC

Why do people still get so triggered and butt-hurt over videogame journalists? I thought everyone had figured out by now they're mostly full of shit.

>retarded homophobes on Sup Forums screaming praises for Japan now because they think Japan is like them
>Japan viewed homosexuality as completely normal until western contact, and long after
This will never stop being funny to me.

Kek based Japans
Homos are cheap gags, and will neber be anything more

>gays not allowed

Thank God

>Eh it's a fair complaint

i sincerely hope that you watch your loved ones die in abject agony.

I don't think that's true but even if it is we fixed em and should be proud.

Joker isn't a blank slate. He's Clark Kenting.

Maybe the character is bisexual, but everyone else is straight. Did he think about that?

I'm so torn. I love that it's pissing off these people, but I do wish I wasn't stuck with just females, though. I don't want any waifus. I guess there won't be any romancing in this game for me. Which is fine. Don't really need it.

Your american gaming journalists have a weird obession with sexuality as only identification. Makes them look pretty empty inside unless a dick sticks in them

just role play as a normal person

the comments on the review are even worse

they do that to keep you plebs out.

no thanks

No one is even bisexual in your party

Bunch of fucking retards ruining journalism again

You can already imagine what they would say about gay romance if it was inclued
God bless japan.

That would be even worse. Not every game needs to have a female option.

Good thing Harry potter kun isn't white

Only true for lesbians because they were influenced by the Ming era lebian novels from China.
Gay/male on male was taboo back then.

>Game theme about social pressures
>makes no comment about gay people
What did they mean by this?

I meant lesbian.

Fuck, they're even more based than I thought.

I see you've never read the pederasty segments of Hagakure.

Remember, politics and video games are mutually exclusive subjects, and only the game companies, developers, investors, and "political commentators" are allowed to have any discussion where those two fields intersect.

In fact, I think we could all use a nice long nap.
I good sleep to calm the nerves.
Yeah... laying down on a soft bed, the pillow swallowing your cares, your eyelids flutter, and you just... sleep.
Good goy.

I blame Bioware and their shit fans for this kind of stuff. No one wants a real rpg with actual characters anymore. They want a self insert fucktoy to cater to their ego. You should be able to do whatever you want fuck whoever you want and everyone should worship you because the world revolves around you.

It was only showed to the public 150+ years after it was written for a reason.

Uhh no. Samurais fucking little boys was a fundamental one part of their culture. It was completely normal.

Gay people don't exist, user. It's just a meme.

>why Trump won

They don't need to put real gay in the game when the fujos will buy the game anyway and just make fanart. In fact, putting actual gay romance options would probably just make the fujos angry since it means their head canons would be less "real"

They are barely relevant and dont deserve more presence than a comedy relief

The Japanese took the same approach as the Romans. Boy fucking was okay, but being the bottom was taboo after reaching a certain age.

Ever since gamergate, the auxiliary services that surround the gaming world (news/commentary/reviews) have been found to either be degenerate subversive cultural Marxists or firmly in the pocket of game developers.

It's nepotism that would make an Israeli blush.

thank you america for continuing to redpill the greatest army this world has ever seen.

Trump was only the beginning.

Everyone knows this is the correct way to approach the subject.

Nah. Trump loves gay people. I voted for him because he was the one Republican who would stick up for my rights as a gay man.

The correct way is to shun it completely, but not go around lopping off their heads unless they hold their disgusting parades.

The fuck is this?

why does it matter
why is it disappointing
who the hell cares
i'm a massive faggot and not even I give a fuck

Must be relieving after watching the Leftist stack devour itself in a bid to be the most oppressed.

Remember when the Lefties wanted to kick out all gay men simply because they were men?
I remember.
I'll never forget it.

For some people score still matter and there is also a new audience that does not know the state of the media. And better not to talk about the cancer that, endorsed by the media, aims to turn video games into their safe space.

ow the edge

But I like fucking men...

We'll yeah, but wanting to butt fuck little boys is still gay as shit.

They also were expected to take only one bit as their exclusive lover and write them love poems and shit. It was super fucking gay. Not that it matters, I just wanted to point out that that guy saying Japan was anti gay even before western contact is demonstrably wrong.

>Societal pressures

It's really just talking about Japanese societal pressures, which are generally ritualistic and unquestioned norms like work-till-you-drop, agree with the group in interest of not rocking the boat and women who pop out one baby should devote life to motherhood.

Being gay is counterproductive to the declining birthrates, but literally nothing is stopping Japanese women from marrying older men or foreigners even without faggotry.

Same here m8. I hate shit like this because all it does is make everyone think all fags are a bunch of whiny entitled faggots.

So your solution is to abandon the stage, leaving the "journalists" unopposed...

Until what? Another Gamergate? Until all forms of entertainment media are reduced to Brianna Wu farting into your space helmet and calling you a rapist for not loving it?

Lines have to be drawn, and I know the side I stand on. I will not sit idly by while whinging progressive cunts find more and more ways to normalize lopping off your dick, splitting it in half, and trying to make a vulva out of it.

Race baiting shit, seeing a black person next to a white girl is supposed to make you angry because Sup Forums

>So your solution is to abandon the stage, leaving the "journalists" unopposed...

In which part I said that?

Solid bait. 7-8/10 i'd say

Hardcore spouse beating video.
It's actually really fucked up.

>For some people score still matter and there is also a new audience that does not know the state of the media. And better not to talk about the cancer that, endorsed by the media, aims to turn video games into their safe space.
>And better not to talk about the cancer that, endorsed by the media,
> And better not to talk about the cancer
>not to talk about the cancer

Homoroute would've be great.
Just think of all the fujobucks they could've raked in.

You got a source?

Good reading comprehension.

Basically what said.
When you talked about homosexuality I assumed it was about consensual relationship between adults.

>We'll yeah, but wanting to butt fuck little boys is still gay as shit.
>They also were expected to take only one bit as their exclusive lover and write them love poems and shit.
Oh, I agree but those are cultural difference in the end: it may be gay or even repulsive for some of us but for Japan at that time (and the Romans actually) it was normal as long it was not too old.

>Thank god Japan don't give a fuck about what the west thinks.
> triggered and butt-hurt

Who gives a shit?

You're a piece of shit and should probably fuck off from a discussion forum, since discussion clearly isn't what you're interested in, you fucking MEME

>do a review on a video game
>proceed to do a critique on yourself

This is why I haven't read video game reviews since gamer informer circa 2000.

>tl;dr - nobody cares faggot

The funny thing is not that they mentioned it in the review, since it was kind of just an aside, but that a majority of the comments are saying they are on the fence or won't play the game now because you can't romance dudes.

>they have character traits
In P3-P4, they certainly do not. They are utterly blank slates.
If there are people who actually think the protags aren't self insert material, they are retarded.

They probably haven't played Innocent Sin. Why the fuck would anyone pay attention to Polygon?

>literally only 4% of the US population is non-straight
Why do they feel entitled to have that 4% represented in every game's protagonist? This is the most transparent agenda-fueled horseshit that these games "journalists" try to push.

literally a tiny fraction of the japanese population is fujo and yet they make up nearly half the market for video games and anime

Okay. I misunderstood you. You are right though, and I think the fact that there are fundamental cultural differences in these things is something too many of these reviewers don't get.

Japanese people don't even think of gay shit in the same cultural mindset we do. It's pretty unrealistic to expect them to approach it in a way that caters to a western sensibility when that sensibility is fundamentally alien to their own.

Ironically it's these trust fund liberals that are the most Eurocentric and close minded.

You don't have to romance people if you don't want to.

I've heard Polygon was created by Microsoft to shit on japanese game because they couldn't get any of them on their console at that time (and those who did bombed).
Is this true or was someone fucking with me?

Glorious Nippon gassing the gays

Best day of my life

Who cares about not being able to be gay if you play a guy?

cant blame him
the p5 mc looks gay as fuck

the best part is that the 2 "Gay" chars they talk about are just straight dudes in a very particular sub-culture of japan.

In the Japanese version they talk about their girlfriends in a scene.

There's literally no character in Persona 5 worth being gay for.

Your title is misleading and inflammatory; the author doesn't think it's "disappointing he's not gay" he's disappointed that being gay isn't an option.

So he is disappointed that the char isn't Bi

a baby step from being gay, but still terrible.

>some bi dude posts something stupid
Good thread Sup Forums

>he doesn't want to protect that smile.

This isn't SMT, I can't side with someone who's obviously right.

Being gay and being bi aren't "baby steps" away, if you're bi that's literally double the amount of people you could potentially be attracted to, and presents a unique set of personal challenges that are different from those who are straight or gay.

And even though I believe it's not up to Japanese developers to kow-tow to more progressive Western political beliefs in their games, Western game critics don't have to neuter their opinions and assessments because "that's just Japanese culture"

Why do straight colored hair journalists care more about gay/bi/trans/helicopter representation then...the actual gays?

because actual gays don't want to be represented, they just want someone to fuck and love
being gay is not, unlike what some people might want to make you believe, a lifestyle.
even if homosexual relationships are weird

t. twink who regularly gets hit on by faggots

Because it's progressive to fight on behalf of people who never asked for your help or even think you do a good job of representing their interests.