Shit meme games

Can we stop with the shitty meme games?

Take off your nostalgia glasses

Morrowind's the only shitty game there.

Child detected.

Unfortunately this trash is "v-core" now, which basically means parroting RPGCodex.

No one with a brain likes these gimmicky, outdated transition period disfunctional abortions of "games".


The reason Sup Forums likes these games is because Sup Forums has good taste, and you don't. So fuck off.

Let me guess: You grew up playing shit like Halo on Xbox live.

>The reason Sup Forums likes these games is because Sup Forums has good taste

More like nostalgia goggles

They're old archaic outdated garbage that people only like because they played it as a kid

more like morrowind is the only good game there

More like he grew up playing Halo 3 on Xbox Live.

Immediately kill yourself OP.

Add every Fallout game to that list. Pure cancer.

I played Dues Ex and VtmB for the first time as an adult and that was only a few years ago. Both games are in my top 10 games of all time and are better than games I have childhood nostalgia for.

They are aquired taste and casuals like yourself wont be able to enjoy them with that shit attitude.

You guys do know this is bait right?

Got your back senpai

but that would be wrong.

I'd say only VTMB is shitty, but even then it has a lot of great aspects and is very unique.


KYS for even suggesting that.

They're not shit, but aged horribly.


>terrible combat
>janky awkward stealth that's functional at best
>dungeons that are either empty copypasted corridors or rely too much on set pieces
>buggy as hell
Almost everything about its gameplay is a complete and utter mess. The only good part about it is the solid quest design. Everyone plays it for the story and atmosphere as a game it's kinda shit.

'98 newfriend here and thats me

I came here to give you a (you) for effort.
Great games btw.

What really needs to die is this fucking nostalgia meme. Any game that people like and is older that 5 years, is only good because of "nostalgia". It's the same when it comes to the vanilla wow bullshit, those private servers are packed, so I assume people still enjoy playing that shit.

>Deus Ex and Morrowind aren't god tier

Yeah i'm gonna have to sage this one


Sup Forums nostalgiafags btfo once again


>N-nostalgia, user!
Do these redditards not realize games can be played after their release date?

Imagine only playing new releases. Just literally playing nothing but currently released game and then moving onto the next new release.

What a limited and terrible existence that would be. I love going back and playing older games.

>go back and look at all the cool old retro games that I've never played before
>pick out one that looks interesting
>play it
>it's cool as fuck, literally best game I've played all year, better than any new release by a long shot
>post about it
>"Wow user get over you nostalgia this shit old game has aged so fucking bad fuck off grandpa"
>I'm literally a young lad playing the game for the first time

Fucking fags who only play the latest shit are the biggest plebs. Older games are better than new trash.

The only good games are the modern ones by AAA western publishers, but weebshitters and nostalgiafags will never admit this.


Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption is better than Bloodlines by a long shot

Damn, so THIS is the human mind on homosexuality.

Not even once.

>dem feels when my first time playing vtmb was last year and it was amazing
>dem feels when i played morrowind through for the first time last year and it was amazing.

also shitty bait but biting since i'm bored

>memes memes memes memes xd!!!!!!!!

Have a word ever been misused this much, to the point that it has no fucking meaning anymore? "meme this, meme that! XD"

Remember kids, normies don't actually like to play videogames, they just like to be socially relevant. Video games have been dank maymays for some time now.

I agree on all points except Morrowind. It still remains the peak of the Elder Scrolls series and betshitda will never ever be able to top it

There is nothing about those shitty old games that makes them better from todays games

in place of morrowwind you should have put the whole elder scrolls series
as for the rest, they're "meh"

>muh graphics
This board is 18+ user, you shouldn't be here

cuck is right up there too

Bob's game

Yeah, that really is the holy trinity of trash meme games.