$5.5 million

>$5.5 million

>people actually gave money to this generic anime crap


>never been anything like it

>literally Symphony of the Night
>never been anything like it

I hate her design.

the whole stainedglass tattoos are shit tbqh

Okay? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing. You just said >$5.5 million as if there's supposed to be some huge, glaring flaw just staring me in the face.

I mean, the gameplay's going to be allright, I hope. But I don't like the art direction at all.

The animation and movements are shits and so are the backgrounds and objects. Shit looks like it was made 15 years ago. Talking about the demo obv.


into the trash

Game budgets have skyrocketed over the years, so $5.5 million is sort of considered a shoestring budget by today's standards.

This is in mind that artists, modelers, riggers, animators, programmers, re-programmers (for porting) testers and the like have to be paid for their contributions to the project and this is with other shit in between as Inti-Creates is a very busy studio lately.

and I see so many tireless gloaters who don't have to prove shit claim they could get the same amount of work done for a thousandth of the budget.

No, you wouldn't. At best you'd probably have a game with sprite edits on top of sprite edits, think what could have been done in a few months to a year is taking more than 5-6 because you didn't factor shit like testing shit like collision, event flags, item flags, enemy balance and all that other shit besides making the settings and on top of that potential schedule conflicts eating your production time away, assuming you stuck to it.

So yeah, I get that the game doesn't look like the concept art but don't bullshit me with claims you can pull off a better job in less time.

Anyone can say anything is shit. I can say Deus Ex is shit. Deus Ex is shit. See? It doesn't mean anything.

Yeah but I'm right. Look it up on YT it's all crap.

>yfw you didn't back it

Castlevania thread? Why does Dracula always come back?

And you're wrong because I'm right.

Do you see where I'm getting at with this?


Unfortunately the game has been delayed and rebuilt from the ground up so we cant even use old footage as a comparison.

At least it's not going to be worse than MN9 right?
I'd worry about Shenmoo.

Because bad people summon him.

>this is considered good character design

Better then the MC

>mfw i did back it but i'm also not part of the tortanic circlejerk so i allow myself to be excited for games still

it is

source: your ass

Shenmue has like 7 million or so crowdfunded on top of the 32 million Sony promised, the only thing I'm sure of is that it'll be delayed and that it'll end on a cliffhanger. That said it'll be impossible to be worse than MN9, even looking past the controversy was just mediocre at best and riddled with design flaws.

I'm just not fan of the artist. Dunno but I think his kinda style doesn't fit with the game imo.

I regret supporting this game. I didn't kickstart it, but I did think to myself "man I hope this game will do well" but it looks like it was all for naught.

Deep fucking regret all around.

Nigger pay attention to game news once in a while, go into google and typed "Bloodstained Delayed"

Its common knowledge

>$5.5 million
Thats nothing compared to how much game cost to make nowadays senpai

Graphics are okay for me, and even then graphics were always only one part of castlevania, we have no idea if the music will be good or no, if bosses will be well done, how good the stages are, if the difficult will be well done or try hard bullshit, we literally know nothing of the game aside from a few pics from the earlier stages of development.

Some times I think you guys try way to hard to fit into Sup Forums hivemind, at least wait until the game is out to start regurgitating Sup Forums "everything is always shit" rant.

Or at least form your own fucking opinions after playing the game.