What went so right?

What went so right?

I hope one day Sup Forums is free of all SJW/KUK western games.


persona and tales are shit

What about FF15 lul

Most of the shittiest trends in vidya come from the west while japanese games serve as an alternative for both AAA western titles and Indie garbage

2017 has been good for Jap crafted 1000 times folded vidya, so far

RE 7 was trash. Get that out of the picture.

It's western at heart.

Spot the RE6 babby

Not with that cast of androgynous men OR their hair do.

Weebs rule!
Fags drool!

Then so was RE7

Hated RE 6 too. Nice presumptions faggot

Someone get Kat in a burkha fast before she offends someone

>Persona 5

Off yourself, faggot.

Western games are a meme, only muricans like those shitty games.

There are few exceptions, but 90% of western games are shit tier.

Who is this cutie pie

Came out in 2016.

>There are few exceptions
Mostly eastern europe. Muh Witcher, STALKER and Metro.

at least you have your glorified waifu simulators to distract you from your worthless loser virgin fat weeb life

A-a-at least we've got Ass, I mean Mass Ef-f-f-fect Andromeda, and its diverse cast. No bigots! Backward racist Japanese people will never get this!!

>90% of MODERN western games are shit tier


Japan made a recovery from the 2011 tsunami. Face it, that was disastrous in terms of Eastern games.

Slavic games FTW!

Who's with me Slav-Bros?


ffxiii-2 was good

No, I mean 90% of all of them, it is just that you are a dumb murican and are blinded by nostalgia.

Just let the game developing to the Japs they know their shit.

Only 1 game is good from that list which is Zelda
Nioh is mediocre and others are all weebshit


Why America crying?
They're the biggest weebs in the west.
most Jap game hater are from Europe. they only play PC games

>Yakuza 0 is weebshit
>Resident Evil 7 is weebshit
What did he mean by this?

Too bad, only RE7, Zelda, and maybe Nioh will even get noticed by the "normie gamers" and the gaming media.

Normies/Xbots are a fucking cancerous bunch who play shit-tier games like Mass Effect: Andromeda and Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Most of them are scared of Japanese stuff, and will stay 1000ft away from them, and just play western games. Which btw, most western AAA games suck nowadays. Horizon is okay, good game, but nothing innovating or special. I can't really think of any good western games in recent memory that weren't just interactive movies or mindless shitty FPS's. I like DOOM and Witcher 3, but that is about it.

>Tales of
Surprised someone even remembered such a garbage game, Sup Forums sure did forget about it after a week.


Western games for PC in the 90's was the shit.

>ffxiii-2 was good

If Nioh is mediocre, then every Souls game not named Bloodborne sucks ass.

Make it stop.

Berseria was way better received than Zestiria, I heard.

Come say that to my body pillow faggot

Westerners have no voice when they make a game. No direction. The only good ones are not made by massive publishers, but are eventually bought by them and ruined.

Americans have no creativity. Their work is of no value.

hopefully normalfags will leave Sup Forums and head back home to >>/r/eddit or Sup Forums
i fucking hate dudebros
Sup Forums even shilled CoD and shitty EA games even thou they pretended to hate them

Resident Evil isn't weebshit at all, lmao. RE4 is like of the most played games of all-time. Everyone I know seems to have played that game. Resident Evil even has a very popular (but very shitty) film franchise. It's pretty mainstream, I'd say.

Yakuza is weebshit to people, because it's Japanese dialogue only and people don't like reading subtitles to watch or play something. Freaking casuals. Well, that and we only recently got some of the newer entries like 4,5, and 0. It's still a niche franchise, but Yakuza 0 being a good starting point in the series for people, has definitely given the series way more popularity.

Because the typical dudebro gamer wouldn't touch most of these games with a 50ft pole.

They also aquired more radiation

The main reason why white people in the US are going extinct. Besides their small dicks.

>Their work is of no value.
>he says using an American website

Japan is a culture of media. America is not.

Rockstar seems to put out masterpieces every time they release a high-profile game, which is why they take so long to make GTA and Red Dead and Max Payne. Bully is a classic, and Midnight Club games are quite fun.

I honestly can't name many bad Rockstar games. Hell, even The Warriors on PS2 is good.

Lack of female employees and not giving a fuck about appealing to women.



>all people in that webm are fat fucks

>he doesn't realize the majority of Western consumers for weebANYTHING are American
how can one country be so right in everything?

>an american website that copied the layout of a japanese website

Good, well designed original ideas and sequels that actually improve on the original.

Tales of Berseria was the best Tales game in a long time. Yakuza 0 shown that the series is still going strong Even if Yakuza 6 looks like a glorified tech demo. Gravity Rush 2 and Resident Evil VII were great sequels and Nier Automata put Platinum back in the spotlight after a series of missteps. Nioh was a Dark Souls-clone done right and Persona 5 is shaping up to be one of the greatest JRPG of all time and shows that Turn-Based is not dead.

One of the better jrpgs that's for sure.

I feel like the female employees are the cute, nerdy ones who aren't fat and pretty likable people.

IDK, maybe I am getting them mixed up with anime studios.

Never played Berseria or any of the Tale of games except a bit of Xillia one. Worth it?

You're missing Aqua's game!

and there we go

only anime faggots love tales and persona

aren't half of those console-only?

That's funny because your literal faggots are bitching about Persona 5 not having a faggot option. KYS.

Aqua game was more of Kingdom Hearts 3 demo than a full game. Still looking forward to it at this year's E3 alongside Final Fantasy VII Remake.

You'd be surprised how big of a following Anime has in Mexico and latin-american countries.

Throw in the UK as well.

You're still using the American version

Please don't you fucking dare lump the uk with the rest of you degenerates

thats 2016.

>Throw in the UK as well.
That must be why people bullied me for an entire year after they caught me watching anime on my phone during a party.

They ignore SJWs and industry think tanks,

I've already played P5 and it's fucking shit
final boss is fucking joke
P3 >>>>P2>P4>>>P1>>>>>>>>>>>>>P5


But Nier and P5 are the only games in that image that aren't shit.

Ignore the trolls.

Play Berseria, as people are saying that it's the best Tales game in years.

Also try Tales of Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia for backlog. Symphonia has an HD re-release on PS3, with a sequel as well. Vesperia is on Xbox 360 if you still have one. Abyss has a 3DS re-release.

Well Japan tends to have less uggos than the west. I feel in Japan they probably hire based on skill and if a woman is skilled enough. Some women actually make great concept artists, but a lot of other stuff men are just plain better at.


Just because a boss is bad, doesn't mean the game itself is bad.

Fuck off, already.


With 2017 being so good 2018 will surely be a shitfest right?

Just keep bringing them to pc

>third world barbarians unironically think they're going to "inherit" western civilisation
Always makes me laugh. This has never been the case for invading forces and never will. This is a fact of history.

Why, so you can complain about the optimization being bad, therefore writing the game off as "shit"?

No thanks, tired of you PC faggots crying over the smallest details.

>P3 final boss

Because a final boss with a trillion phases and cinematic boss fight sure is great

Not hard to look like the king when all of your competition are slack-jawed retards who deliberately hamstring themselves by making diversity and inclusion the top priorities over game design.

Burger here, but kudos to the japs. They deserve their success and prestige in the industry for their commitment to artistic integrity.

Sticking to their own guns which may be both bad and a good thing.

Hope exists

yakuza games are the weebest

I'm 100% serious. Everything else in that pic is literally garbage.

Successful Jap games this year:
>cute girls
>hot girls (there's a difference)
>great gameplay
>replay value
>no SJW pandering or heavy handed political bullshit

Successful Western games this year:
>no cute girls
>only manface or doughy tumblr faces
>mediocre gameplay
>no replay value
>SJW pandering and heavy handed political bullshit

Don't even mention that Trump joke in the FFXV update. That was a localization taking too many liberties with the script. I used to be on the Western side but really the only good games come from slavs.

Fuck off, these games are good because they prioritized consoles. Don't ruin a good thing.

>fucking persona has become the new face of turn based jrpg
the world has gone to shit.

yakuza games were never meant to leave the east in the first place

They did same thing in P5 and it's more cringy than any Persona games

Anime/Manga is still pretty popular in the UK, user.

Anime has a stigma no matter where you go in the world, even in Japan itself. You're bound to see people like that, everywhere.

Berseria is p good, great for fans and newcomers alike. Symphonia is on PC now too and it's also a good starting point. Avoid Zestiria like the plague.

you're right
and that's why Yakuza is the best

You are 100% an autistic retard.

Edited the image a bit

>Yakuza is the best
>A shitty shenmue knockoff that takes place in the city hubworld from Sonic 06

>the best
