Relaunch was announced. Hasn't happened yet

Relaunch was announced. Hasn't happened yet.

>name is now Secret World Legends
>old TSW servers will remain
>SWL is free to play with a cash shop for cosmetic items, character slots, etc
>all content except Tokyo which is being reworked to remove Aegis
>season 2 coming shortly after Tokyo
>level system replacing the skill wheel/lines for progression
>new combat system
>same old shitty engine

Just tell me it'll stop sucking Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

It never sucked, it was you.

I really liked the lack of levels, but I welcome a new combat system.

Also: all content free, I'm glad I never paid a dollar for it.

The game was perfectly fine aside from the combat
the f2p will probably destroy one of the few good communities that are left on the internet

I bought this when it came out and couldn't get into the combat. Everything else seemed neat, though.

The game was great except for combat.

The combat was fucking awful, especially from the company that made Age of Conan's

Signed up for beta, started getting spam mailer deamon emails. I wonder if their Drupal CME form is compromised.

>Can you detail the new progression system?
>The progression system has been made more traditional and more accessible: As you progress through the game, your character will earn experience, earning levels which will increase your survivability and damage output.
It's ogre

>level system replacing the skill wheel/lines for progression

Can't transfer your toon

Is that short for something?

You will never play Dark Astoria for the first time again.

If only City of Heroes would have got rid of the oven mitts.

dammit OP, your pic had me excited for a La Mulana 2 update.

You got a couple of things wrong/things are missing.
Level system will not be removing the ability wheel.
It just be different. Like, one-weapon different. You can still use combo of two.
No more new content for oldTSW.
Cash shop includes weapons too, but not known yet to which extent.


>Level system will not be removing the ability wheel.
>It just be different. Like, one-weapon different. You can still use combo of two.
So all they did is added more grind?

what else do you call the character you play as?

old shop had weapons aswell along with gear but they were mostly meant for breaking down for cosmetic purpose or for newbies to level, but still useless for actual fighting in the end, hope it will stay that way

>level system replacing the skill wheel/lines for progression
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Character or PG (but I think the latter is an italian term

I'm still not sure how to feel about this. I just want to see some footage.

Is anyone else experiencing this ?

I call it a character, because it's not a cartoon film or a character in a cartoon film.

I signed up with 4 e-mails and got nothing, no spam or invite

>same grafix
>same content
>no skill wheel
What is the point of this exactly?

I'll consider it if they make character creation better. I want to be a sexy lady.

the trailer they posted shows the exact same retard faces:

new combat.
But I'm not sure if it is worth changing the skillwheel for better combat.

well, if it plays nothing like an MMO it may be worth a try
they're very obviously avoiding the descriptor 'MMO' on their website

It never played as an MMO imho. It is the online game with the single best setting and questing out there.

it is a cartoon character tho

Huh, okay. I played this game some time ago and I got to the last map and stopped. Maybe I should finish it up real quick. But yeah, I'm interested to see how this will turn out. Do we keep our characters?

But it's a sprite rendered in a video game, it's different from a cartoon. Would you call all drawn characters cartoons? All 3D models? Like, what's the line exactly

any animated model. If it's not physically real it's a cartoon

What's more, a character is not just the rendered body but also the save data, skills, equipment, etc. Referring to everything as a "toon" was absurd when it first caught on and it's retardedly anachronistic now.

ok grandma, whatever you say

it's not a cartoon

anyone who uses the term "toon" for mmo characters seriously needs to die

Oh, it's a completely different game, not a relaunch. What the hell? That's odd.

will it feature more ass?

So most movie characters today are toons? I don't mean obvious CGI animations, I mean MOST characters on movies animated on some way or another

aw yiss
my main was an illuminat male
I think my next main for legends will be a female dragon because they have the best female outfits

Should just reboot Anarchy Online

I have played hundreds of MMOs, probably more than anyone else on all of Sup Forums and I kid you not TSW had the worst combat I've ever seen. At the very least bottom 3.

worse than anarchy online or age of conan?

Best character coming through

I bought the game on Humble Bundle but never tried it. Are the quests/story really that good? Is there a decent amount of people playing it?

I would kill people for a new anarchy online with better graphics and better combat.

And by "graphics" I specifically mean character models/faces and animations. I don't know why they even bothered porting AO to the Conan engine just for some slightly better lighting and reflections or whatever it was they got out of it.

>>new combat system
This is the only real thing I'm interested in. TSW was a great game, but I couldn't stand the combat.

Did we get a date for this yet?

>Are the quests/story really that good?
Writing and the story are amazing, they are the best part of the game. The not so best part is combat and the UI.

In what show, user?

Best girl coming through

they're only toons if they're not real

you don't need people playing but there is enough if you really really want them.

most people you see on a screen or paper do not exist

Soooo, when is this coming out?

Good question.

when it is ready(tm)

Carter confirmed for best girl.

The 100m pax question, guyse: Is AEGIS™ being removed?

Would sure fucking hope so.

Spring, they say.

Isn't now spring?

Well soon then.

It is supposed to be within the next few months.

>Making this shit and the garbage Rust rip-off Conan.

20th of June 23:59:59 UTC-11, from previous experience.

And then it'll be bugged beyond recognition.

user, it is socially acceptable to be a faggot, but you are overdoing it.

>season 2 coming shortly after Tokyo
Oh so you mean I'm going to have to buy the content that matters just like AoC?

Someone post a cute character from the game and I'll play. Until that it's trash

Ive tried to play this game every so often because the world/lore is fucking cool. Problem is the combat keeps me away. I'm hoping they fix it all, because I'd love to play this game more.

Suck a dick

You are exactly the kind of player I don't want to see spread like cancer in the TSW community.


But i'm the exact type of player an MMO or any online game needs to keep it alive.
Good luck with your dead game

The story and writing are the best you'll ever find in an MMO. Hell, among the best you'll ever find, period. The population is so-so these days, but if you already have the game, you might as well fire it up and see for yourself.

do I have to buy it a second time now? What if it's completely shit f2p "buy jew coins to even breathe" like TORtanic?

Does that mean they will remove all the cryptic puzzles so retards can play the game now too?

They've promised that nothing in the game will be cash-only. Having the patron subscription is probably going to reduce effort requirements and tedium by a fair bit, though.

Of course, I'm a grandmaster, so I can just laugh all the way to the bank.

I hope not

>do I have to buy it a second time now?
Can you fucking read?

Nah, investigation missions stay in.

>that old jew in the desert gives a quest that expects you to know how to read jewspeak
I was really impressed t b h even if it took me like 2 hours of bruteforcing and dying on the last part

Ill fucking kill you for using toon

>creating a journal full of demonic runes to translate some asshole's secret diary

Made me feel pretty cool, I'll tell you that much

I enjoy the original version and all this talk about revamped combat sounds great, but where's the gameplay? Show it to us Funcom.


Made this in one of the previous threads, if anyone wants it.
Tempted to make a "if you see this image while scrolling" for the bees, too. OUR WISDOM FLOWS SO SWEET. TASTE AND SEE.

Is there any benefit to being a returning player from TSW?

Beautiful, user.

>reading interview with the director
>keeps mentioning the relaunch is making the game more "accessible"
I hate that word because it implies extreme casualisation.

They are turning it into a solo game with multiplayer hubs, which is fine, but if they also dumb down harder solo content like nightmare quests, it will be a damn shame.

>I hate that word because it implies extreme casualisation.

No it doesn't. If the game can provide more efficient ways for the players to do stuff it should. That doesn't mean "causual shit", that just means better games design.

I really want this game to be playable offline, but looks like it still will require always online.
I'm very paranoid about games that may become inaccessible at some point in time.

>recycling all their old assets (kicking legit New content down the road another year+)
>dumbing down ability wheel for accessibility
>PROBABLY going to implement a fucking Korean Cash Shop paradigm like Trion does with their shitty cashgrabs
>pissing off all the people that put in hundreds of hours grinding kill achievements for Museum/all the gear-up grindan

Honestly I think this'll fall flat on its face judging from how much piss and vinegar is flowing out of the community Funcom DID have. But obviously it hasn't been making them any money since they actually said the studio was going bankrupt before they had the bright idea to join in on the multiplayer early access indie crafting survival sandbox shit fad with Conan: Exiles.

Well, it's free, so.

So? Still, if they'll stop their servers it may stop working.

Yeah, but you haven't wasted any money.

The story and quests are seriously great, it just has such a well developed world and comfy/spooky atmosphere. The problem is if you can tolerate how bad the combat is enough to trudge through it.

but that's summer, they wouldn't lie would they?

I see what you mean, but I'm scared about another thing. I don't want TSW content to disappear.
I already bought it years ago



tearing AEGIS out by the teeth would make sense. It would make it take longer to port Kaidan, and it was one of the game mechanics most complained about (for being clunky, ill-explained and a fucking awful grind that cockblocked dungeons.)