What are some games where I can play as the good guys?

What are some games where I can play as the good guys?

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HoI 4 as Germany.


>good guys
Pick one and only one


I'd personally recommend VIDEO GAMES________________________________________________________________________

Yep, this exists.


Do Starve

I know it's bait but you triggered me, fuck you
Roll, I'd like to go for many of them but personally I prefer 89

Any game that lets me fight the Jewish Bolsheviks?

I hope new CoD has a cool Russian campaign. The one in World At War was superb.

all the non-brainlet boards are communist?

really makes you think

All games, all you need to do is just lose

>Sup Forums and /lit/ not brainlet
I'll give you /his/

I'll pick communists, thanks.

Well anybody who likes comics is a brainlet by default

but /lit/ is way more intelligent than nazi boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or Sup Forums

Literally the only thing good about /lit/ these days are the gnostic threads

>Sup Forums
>nazi board
this place is full of neogaf fags and reddit crossposters

/lit/ has intelligent people who browse it, but the majority of people who post there are retards. Just like Sup Forums

It's funny because Sup Forums loves reddit.

>Sup Forums loves reddit
reddit loves reddit


You're being willfully obtuse. This place is crawling with stormlords

Literally the bronies of ideologies.

in cod:waw you can be some russian who kills nazi and shit


there's literally, LITERALLY not a single reason to support capitalism
prove me wrong
protip: you can't


If you mean playing as marxist trash, Watch_Dogs 2.


Communism gave us the only truly perfect video game.

Capitalism gave us horse armor.

That's anarcho-capitalism