Hobbies: Gaming

>Hobbies: Gaming

Do you think it's reasonable to consider gaming a hobby?

No fucking way lmao I hope you don't do that

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Yeah, it's fine, as long as you can hide your power level or only divulge that information when appropriate. There are a fuckton worse hobbies to have out there.

gaming is literally the worst hobby though
you gain nothing you can transfer to real life

inb4 eye hand coordination

yeah, playing waifusimulator sure is the BEST hobby to improve that

What else would it fucking be?
A way of life?

>playing video games is not a good hobby but it's okay to spend inordinate amounts of time on an imageboard dedicated to them

Yeah, it a diversion you do for fun on a consistent basis.

But more importantly, was that photo always badly photoshopped around the chin?


You guessed right.

My hobby is masturbating to cute anime girls.

Now this is a man the world will respect.

oh my fucking god jesus WHY

That's not what OP said at all.

Hobbies don't have to transfer to real life

>you gain nothing you can transfer to real life

Oh come the fuck on you faggot, a hobby is something you do to relax yourself, not to gain fucking life skills. I build fucking model kits and paint military miniatures, and I fucking collect militaria, and both of those don't offer me any skills that translate my daily life.

>hurr you gain knowledge of history
Knowing how to accurately present a German Sd.Kfz. 251 in winter camo does not help me at all.

I also fish, and that sure as fuck doesn't help me in in my daily life, at most it'd help me if I was lost in the wild, but i'd have to be lucky and get lost with all my fucking tackle. Knowing that a green Trout Magnet works really fucking well will surely help me in a job interview

You discount Quentins really need to just off yourselves.

If we also count reading and sports fanaticism to be hobbies (yes and most people think so, respectively), then yes.

No. I urge all of you to find a true hobby to pursue, such as fishing, climbing, or politics.


So you basically waste your free time on toys. Well done.


wow i can go up a rock i guess

Time spent doing the things we like is never wasted time.

>Completely ignores the two other hobbies I listed

Good job.

can someone with twitter check how's this guy doing?
is he still bald as fuck?

a hobby is just something you do for enjoyment in your spare time, so yes

is it a masculine or respectable hobby? no, but it's a hobby nonetheless

I thought this was NL for the longest time.

>politics is a hobby now


>*nods respectfully toward you*
Wait he seriously typed that out?

Except they taught me two languages besides my primary language, which are English and Spanish. You might wonder about the second one, but I used videogames as learning material besides a language course. Learning a new language through videogames is quite possible as long as you use decent reference material to understand what is displayed or said.

a hobby isn't a means to an end you dumbass

a hobby is an end in itself. you partake in a hobby because you enjoy the actual act of doing the hobby

nu-males are diseased

Gaming is like being gay
No need to be ashamed, but you shouldn't define yourself around it.


reading political literature and organized debating are hobbies

I never mention I play games to normies. Just today a coworker asked about my hobbies and I smoothly hid it

>reading about what a bunch of rich old people are planning to do to the country is a hobby
>reading what other people wrote about bunch of old people are doing to the country is a hobby
>arguing with others about who is the better old person for the country is a hobby

uh huh

You guys do know Quentin was a potential school shooter, right?

>reading political literature
AHAHAHAH what a fucking nerd you are. How about you get yourself a real hobby like football or working out you pathetic waste of space?

Between talking, posting and reading about politics it can definitely be a hobby

That's why it's fucking FREE time, because you're FREE to do whatever you damn well please, including shitposting on a Scandinavian basket-weaving forum.

Being engaged in local politics is pretty respectable. Anything wider than that starts turning into ideological shitflinging.

lmao get a life, seriously, go outside. Your dad wanted a kid who would play football, not talk about gay shit lmao

I got into bikes and then by chance made a few new friends.

Found out that apparently I'm charismatic as fuck for some reason and people flock to me.
Also got laid.

All this business is still real weird to me.

I just shrug my shoulders and say "it's a hobby"
But it's so much more than that
Something something white picket fence 2.3 children

>I should be whatever my dad wants, disregarding any personal desires whatsoever

>i should be a gay faggot who gets bullied in high school and college and never sees a vagina in my entire life

>anyone who isn't a football player is a gay faggot virgin

No, only people who consider talking about gay shit like politics a hobby are

Shitposting about Sup Forums topics isn't a hobby

Protip for everyone in this thread: Sup Forums isn't a fucking hobby

What is it

But gaming IS a hobby. It is an activity that requires learning, time and ability.
Is it productive? No. Should you feel proud of being a gamer? Lol, no.

it's a better hobby than shitposting on Sup Forums

>literally being a dude who reads about a bunch of old white dudes running the shady ass government


If someone said what you said about video games youd post a million fedora images lol. You're honestly fucking sad, you come into a shitty video game board and attempt to start shit, and then use the same arguments you'd fedorapost to. I'm half expecting you to say something about being Intelligence and enlightenment. Honestly speaking, the only political debates you've been in are on either The Donald or Sup Forums

long story short,


it can be if by 'politics' you mean volunteering (or part-time working) for a political organisation of some sorts.

but if all you do is watch "10 reasons why drumpf is literally hitler" videos on buzzfeed or read "check out how the god emperor just btfo this sjw" articles on breitbart then you're not engaging in politics, you're just consuming partisan propaganda, and that's a pretty pathetic "hobby".

When you're attractive, anything can be a hobby.

I talk about my power level all the time. Girls, especially, don't care what you talk about if you're giving them attention.

i like how i get this argument from people who, when pressed, reveal the only thing they do in their free time is watch netflix.

Bruh politics are boring as shit, I'm not the dude who likes reading about it. I'm just saying that there are more hobbies than playing football and reading about politics.

Are you autistic?

You're wasting time on here so you have no legs to stand on

That doesn't mean it isn't a hobby. It's perfectly reasonable to consider gaming a hobby, regardless of whether it's a "good hobby" or not. Also you LITERALLY just admitted it was a hobby yourself in this very post, so you must therefore think it's reasonable.

Holy fuck this. There's people today that consider looking at MSPAINT pictures and bitching about SJW is a "hobby".

And I thought "gamers" were pathetic.

the football thing was literally me just being a fuck towards him for degrading one hobby while still being a complete fucking faggot

Then I agree with you

> merelypretending.jpg

Like pottery

>Older work colleagues give me shit for talking to another work friend about video games during our break
>Ask them what they do in their spare time
>TV, struggle to tell me anything else

fucking really

My main hobby is playing music, which is generally regarded as a good hobby, but I've never gotten anything from it. I know how to play a few songs on about a dozen different instruments, but that's about it. I've never used it to try and get laid, I've never even played music for other people. Meanwhile, vidya got me to build my own computer and teach myself how to program. I've also made a few friends from video games, some of whom I've known well for over 10 years now, and a couple of whom I've had as flatmates. Hell, you could even say it contributed to my music hobby, since some of the first songs I learned by ear, I learned by sitting in front of the nintendo trying to match the notes as I heard them.

Vidya has been vastly more productive a hobby for me than music. It's an excellent hobby, you just have to let it be.

>this thread is up

It's not a hobby, it's a way of life :^)


If you're only hobby is gaming though, you're a manchild

reading is literally the worst hobby though
you gain nothing you can transfer to real life

dont do it lad, youll summon the great gatsby shitposter

audiobooks while video gaming > reading

Have you gotten laid from video games then?

yeah, one of those flatmates(male)

Christ is your hobby writing ethnographies about fucking NEETs? If it isn't then you're wasting your fucking time asking about this because being an annoying little shit isn't a hobby, either.

If writing ethnographies about NEETs IS your hobby , then you're STILL wasting your fucking time because the only people who would give a fuck about that are liberal arts teachers looking to teach more classes. I was in one of them once.

In short it's more of a hobby than being a condescending fuckface. Get a better hobby OP.

Why did this guy mspaint his chin????

Someone got mad when OP pointed out your hobby is literally wasting your life.

autist nerd, lel

Most hobbies aren't productive

I work out as well. Why are those things mutually exclusive? Just do what you enjoy, man.

For being such a loser the guy has very normalfag tastes.

That's pretty much standard for every 'lol im such a nerd' gamer out there. They see anything outside of CoD and BF as incredibly obscure, even if the series has sold millions like Elder Scrolls.

>tfw to intelligent for hobbies

I am the most beta fuck imaginable and even I would never do something that pathetic. What the fuck is wrong with some people. Seems like the type of guy that would apologize if you beat the shit out of him.

you might be beta, but this guy is beta + desperate

desperation is the real killer

if you are beta alone, it doesn't really matter too much.

Underrated post.


Anything you like doing in your free-time is a hobby. You can't pick and choose what hobby is worth the time, and what is a waste of time; as that depends on yours and the hobbyist's opinion of said hobby. I think all hobbies are fine, if you like doing it; do it. (So long as you don't hurt anyone.)

Watching TV, listening to music, browsing the internet are all technically hobbies that people do A LOT, yet are not seen hobbies for reason. Even worse so; doing any of these things on a daily basis is fine, but video games; no way, you need to use your time better! You're wasting away!

Ignore these people (what do they do in their free time? Tell people how to live?) and do what makes you happy; so long as you aren't becoming addicted, or your hobby begins to detriment your health or well-being. Stay safe and take care

>watching sports
>thinks they can now play said sports