Remember to treat mobs and NPC's with the respect they deserve...

Remember to treat mobs and NPC's with the respect they deserve, they have feelings too and probably consider you players mentally ill psycopathic douches.


So, LOL thread?

>Bum Tickley ripped off joke from pic related
>can't even nail the delivery

This joke is as old as action RPG are.

>copying Jin completely
>somehow does it worse


Ronnie is such a solid dude


How can you sell the rights to a meme?

Matt is the creator of Pepe

Why does she have a sore throat? U-Unf...

the plate left on the head is a nice touch.

Obvious joke though.
Pause healing is fucking stupid.

Especially in a scavengy game. It makes fast-consuming healing items have their own value along side slow consuming ones you'd use between battles.


Jesus, it's just like the first time reading it

Dear god the inhumanity....


god is dead

>find new weapon
>walk into town
>start killing
>worth it
