3x3 thread

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What's the appeal of those thread if we don't talk to each others ?
Most of the time they are just ratings and insultes for been hypsters or weebs.

Talk to each others people.

It's something to do.

Contracts? Really?

I liked it




I came back with a 4x4 so let's talk
My first Kitano movie. A pure slap in the face of everything I watched until then.

So they did an enhanced edition of system shock I know they are working on a remake too. good to know the game was awesome.

So did you enjoy Ikaruga ? Did you 1CC it ? give a shot to the proto mod (300 shots mod) I could never finish it personaly

it's a shame thief series didn't hold that good to time (tell me what you think about it)
Same for you as do you still enjoy Thief ? Couldn't replay the game I don't know why strange how unapealing this game became to me.

Silent hill the original series is truly a magnificent piece of work I really wanted to replay 2 after watching "The Strangers" Na Hong-jin's movie.
Why demon Souls and not dark souls ?
Same as and Chaos theory age like wine I play this game from time to time and damn it awesome. Did you grab SoR on 3DS ?
Nice games you have there. Want to talk about God hand or Nocturne ? couldn't get back to FFX even if I grab it on steam. But XII damn that a game I would love to see on HD.

+ Stalker, Nier
- Pathologic
+ Stalker, DeS, VTM, Thief, Mario 64
Thief, Chaos Theory, MGS, Hitman 2
2/2 OoT, HL2
4/4 Bayo, DeS, Mgs2, Nocturne

What is the top middle?

Yume Nikki?

>Want to talk about God hand or Nocturne ?
>Best boss
Azel second fight and Noah
>Worst boss
Angra and Mot
>Best stage
Stage 7 and Kabukicho Prison
>Best song

You managed to pick out two of my favorites from that list actually.

For the life of me, I will never understand the hard on people have for this game, as it's like a mass delusion, or I'm the only sane one among the mad; still, few are so detached from reality as to actually put this in their top nine games of all time.

>Amazing story
>Amazing characters
>Amazing soundtrack
>Amazing world building
>Amazing voice acting
>Humorously makes fun of RPG tropes

It's just good taste desu.

Haven't seen such a great start for a 3x3 thread in ages.

I've been meaning to get Ikaruga


I am doing a rerun of Nocturne recently kind of time consuming.

And kabukicho prison is just awesome to play the first time. I remember I got stuck trying to open that last door.
Right now on that subway/cave full of mothman.


God hand
That elvis song is just awesome we can agreed about that even the fight is awesome Elvis kung fu is just clumsy but awesome too.

And indeed Tower of mirage is my favorite level too.
Also favorite fight even if it was easy was the Mad Midget Five one. Cause I am a sucker for cheesy japanese pop culture.

Rest in peace Clover those guys were awesome.


>Amazing story
Hardly. It starts off as some incoherent "an ancient evil awakens," mixes in several pointless subplots, and towards end, mixes in the incoherent "So we're the real monsters?" trope. It's certainly better than most JRPGs, but that's saying almost literally nothing at all, and I imagine it tricks people in thinking the story is good when it ends much better than it began.

>Amazing characters
You lost me. Nier is just about a static brick, Emil is the tired trope of some pathetic weakling sacrificing himself in a heroic manner, and his whole subplot was just bizarre and unaffecting,--Getting swallowed by his "sister" and turning into some skeleton thing? What the fuck is that about?. The tranny's story is equally ridiculous, and her backstory is practically meaningless as the events behind it are so removed from the world.

>Amazing soundtrack
It's decent, even good, but "great" is a stretch, and "amazing" out of the question. It also feels very samey after a while, relying too frequently on the same material.

>Amazing world building
Just about all of it seems very implausible. The dull graphics didn't help towards this end.

>Amazing voice acting
The only one who had decent voice acting was the tranny. Everyone else had that standard, stilted anime delivery.

>Humorously makes fun of RPG tropes
While committing some of the worst ones? Bravo Nier, you really showed the genre what's what!

>It's just good taste desu.
Hardly. Even reviewers shat on it, skewering the game for it's obvious faults. It's not like they somehow couldn't perceive its beauty, they just for that game had higher standards than you. I notice you didn't even attempt to defend the gameplay, which you even in your most delusional ill-conceived devotion to this game know is shit.

Too bad the combat is garbage.

It is but it's DMC3 when compared to Drakengard 1 which is a serious contender for worst gameplay in a video game.

>calls gameplay in a gameshit
>ostensibly try to defend it by mentioning a game in the same universe that has worse gameplay
Okay? For what purpose do you mention this? If I complained about the gameplay in Hitman: Absolution, just because the gameplay in the original Hitman was worse doesn't make it the I game I originally attacked, only better than a game everybody would recognize had bad gameplay and nobody even mentioned.

I wasn't defending anything you retard.

I didn't say you did ;) There still wasn't any relevance or purpose to mentioning it.

it's just fotm now that automata is doing well, half of these faggots probably haven't even played it


Couldn't stand the Witness, even if it is a good game.

Bioshock is good but not that good IMO.

6/6 my sneeki friend.

I'm guessing you're a sucker for shitty book simulators like BG2 and Planescape correct?

>mixing Thief 2, Fallout 1 and System Shock with weebshit Nier
It's time for you to leave.

>meme souls for the millionth fucking time
>monster hunter
It's time for you to leave.

>Thief Gold
>fucking Skate 3
>Shillman Tm

>le generic top 10 list
You only need FF7 on there to make it even worse than it already is. Leave.

Do you play anything that's not from Japan, for fucks sake?

>Hollow Knight even though it came out so recently
Ecco Defender of the Future
You were really close. Some really good stuff on there, but you need to stop being such a fucking weaboo.

>fucking Warhammer online
>any PS2 3D platformer ever
>fucking Nier Automata (you fucking retard)
It hurts seeing System Shock 2 near that shit.

>Meme Souls
So fucking close, your other picks are great, except maybe Chrono Trigger which is too overrated.

Into the trash
Get out

Props for SS2 and Psychonauts, but what the fuck is "The Witness" doing on there?

Extreme trash, it's a shitty stealth game.
Great game, but it shouldn't be in anyone's 3x3.
>Rainbow Six Siege
Leddit-tier taste, you look like you're from r/gaming

You're trying to hard


+mario 64, super metroid, lttp, monhun 4u

+chaos theory, mgs1

+ocarina, mega man x, team fortress 2, melee

+wind waker, metroid prime, ffx, galaxy 2, bayonetta

-soul hackers
Played Etrian Odyssey 4, but not the others, so won't rate that.

+ff7, bloodborne, 999

+chrono, dkc

+p3, bloodborne, re4, lttp

+phantom pain

+majora, smt4, 999, the witness

+deus ex, snake eater

Are you baiting me? It's "too" hard, you illiterate pleb. Also sorry for hurting your feelings with telling you that you have shit taste.

Every time
Also are you a nintenbabby or something

Nope. Try and ask me what my favorite games are. Maybe I'll respond (Not bloody likely).

You can't even call me contrarian because the game didn't sell that well and reviewers panned it, so I'm only being contrarian on those sites where either everybody either loves it, they haven't played it, (which is almost everyone), or actually realizes how mediocre the game actually is, but doesn't want to gainsay the circlejerk, and ones of those places is unfortunately Sup Forums.

9/9 love it
9/9 nice
8/8 didnt play new hitman yet
8/9 dont like smash series
9/9 nice
16/16 love it
8/8 didnt play automata yet
9/9 first silent hill is best, also FUCKING TURRICAN love it
9/9 love it
8/8 love deadly premonition, didnt play the witness
9/9 love it

your trying to hard

Okay what are your favorite games?

2/10 It was better the first time

Great taste except Oblivion which sticks out like a sore thumb. Also meme souls again.


meme souls?
Also i can agree on Oblivion, but i personally liked it more. The first elder scrolls you play is always your favourite.

Please? I'd actually like to know the taste of a an user who actually hates overrated shit like Nier.

I know these are supposed to be subjective lists, but I don't think you're being subjective in a good way (if that makes any sense) if you put something on your 3x3 just because it's a "first" something (first elder scrolls etc). My first Elder Scrolls was Skyrim, then I played Oblivion, then Morrowind, which is hands down the best, and I can't even return to Oblivion and Skyrim.

>being subjective in a good way

that doesn't make any sense at all- do you realize that?


what's top middle?

9/9, OP
Great taste, fampai

I believe the top middle game is Deadly Premonition, Zach

K, since you asked so flatteringly. Basically, I think video games don't have that sustaining power like other, (or actual), artforms, as the derivative quality of video games actually helps to make them iteratively better than the previous generation. So I'm not going to say that the game which are my favorite are better than even most games which came out are better than the best games that come out today, but I think were very good for their time.

So games I have fond memories of are Zelda: Wind Waker, Pokemon Blue and Gold, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 64, Tetris, Melee, Fallout 3, it was my first type of that game, cut me some slack, and RE4. The last proper modern game I've played really was Skyward Sword. If I play any games these days, it's mobile games or Brain Age: Concentration Training:

Again, your query was flattering, but there's nothing special about my taste, as most reviewers that played the game had a similar opinion, and you can decide whether their taste in general can be praised, or not.

>fallout 3
>his first type of that game
>skyrim was his first elder scrolls

you're disgusting

>>skyrim was his first elder scrolls
Actually haven't played it for more than a few minutes, as it was boring as fuck. You can call me disgusting, but despite all the problems with that came, if you've never experienced that level of freedom, it can be rapturous.

1/2 +wipeout, -FO1
3/3 Loz, SM, SM64
3/3 MGS, CT, Skate
3/3 OoT, TF2, SSBM
4/4 WW, MP, MGS2, Bayo
1/2 +MGS2, -N:A, I didn't like it
3/3 LoZ, TES, Bioshock
4/4 MGS games, DBZ, South Park
2/2 ME, MM
2/2 MGS3, Dishonored
3/3 MP, MM, SSBM
3/4 +AoE, TES, Civ, - FO2
5/5 SM64, MGS3, MP, WW, SotC


Son, Why should you care if a game was made in japan in Europe In the NA or in your mom twat? If a game is good it's good. Also You don't see me pandering for pantsu adventure or pure fan service games .

As for Hollow Knight it's been a decade I didn't enjoy a game like this. Who care if it just got released I spent 50 hours on it and it was a bless. Feel empty after that. A god tier on the genre. (better IMO then S metroid or La mulana)

Also stop with the meme and shill word please, i cringed while reading you.

You don't look like a bad guy. I know we are In Sup Forums but please be more constructive on your comments and arguments. Post yours anyway I will drop some comment on it. (I don't rate)

only ever had a shitty pc, psp and a ps3






>fallout 3
Why would you ever EVER choose this over FNV?

Tbh I played the phantom pain at a friend's house and I think it may be one of my favourites.

However, as I have never owned the game, I won't include it in my list.


nobody on this website has ever called me that

feels great man

Someone who love Solstice can only be a good guy.

I also need to finish my 1CC run on the Metal slug series, couldn't finish 2 thanks to the humungus slow down on the hardware So I switched to X after that. Need to finish 3 next.

Check Hardcorp uprising you should enjoy it.

Full throttle was awesome its a shame Schafer became what he is now.
And the warriors is a underrated jam (could rematch the movie on theater last month )
Not a big fan of gran strategy
Tell me why did you put Demon"s souls and not another iteration of the series also tell me more about Twisted metal.

Because maybe you played so much Fallout 3 that even when you played the superior sequel, you found it too similar to the first experience.

Haha, is this one of those brutal Sup Forums takedowns I've hear so much about?

you really "rekt" them as they say ;)

Demon's Souls simply for the atmosphere, the darker artstyle, and for it being the first souls i played. Twisted Metal series is pure fun. The warriors is my favourite movie. Never played hardcorp uprising, gonna check it out.

Twisted metal is a car combat series purely arcade, and the only case (imo) where the darker reboot is the best one in the series.

for me its TMB>TM2>TM1>TMPS3(still a very good game)>TM3 and 4

dumb Takeshi poster

I am asking because I could try the game like 8 years ago on a "stolen" PS3 dev kit after the closing of Eidos Interactive while working on the port on a game on PhyreEngine.

I remember I was amazed by the level design (getting to phalanx for exemple and creating a shortcut for the rest of the level after that. ) and even if the game was full 3D I remembrer that old school feeling why playing it. memorizing and working my way by repeating and finding the patterns of the game.

But now that I played Dark souls series and came back to Demon S recently (I just graduate to the PS360 and WiiU like less then a year ago) I think that even if the atmosphere is still there. But the game is stiff.

Gonna grab TMB on PS2 then but I don't need to know the story of the characters to enjoy right ?

yeah I love you too user

You want a personal opinion?

For me the souls series is the PERFECT castlevania in 3d, spiritually speaking.

TMB is essentially a huge reboot.

Honestly can't tell if this is bait or not.

If we are talking about the old formula of the castlevania series and not the metroidvania. And if we omit the RPG elements they are indeed the perfect transposition of what was the core gameplay and mechanics of a 2D action action game into 3D game. Even more for Demon souls as it was a level Based game

I just order it with a batch of PS2 games. Thanks again user.

Daily reminder overrated western shit with no gameplay like morrowind and deus ex is for plebeians.

glad to help.

>If we are talking about the old formula of the castlevania series and not the metroidvania.
Should've specified senpai, I'm on board with you now. Most people associate Castlevania with SotN for better or worse.

The Boss from MGS3 literally comes down to a QTE to do CQC on her, out of all the MGS bosses you picked two of the absolute worst in terms of gameplay.

Well good for me that the image is not about QTE but the quality of the bosses.

Quality of bosses comes from gameplay.

And westerrn shit doesn't have it.

A few do.

Quadraxis from Metroid Prime 2 is better than half those bosses, also Azel from God Hand should be on there instead of Senator Armstrong. Revengeance is an action game for nu-males with shallow gameplay.

not the shitty RP"G"s the newfags try to force here

Try designing a boss fight in a game set in a realistic setting where everybody dies in 1 to 3 hits from a gun.

SotN is a paradox itself, the game became the root of the series after that with a gameplay radically different, but the story is completely incomprehensible if you didn't play Dracula X.
Was it for better or worse People love it and the GBA DS 3DS game were loved too. But I tend to prefer the more linear approach for the series. like Bloodlines or Dracula X.