Westerners still convinced that they're the best at FPS

>westerners still convinced that they're the best at FPS
>US is even somehow behind China
KEKEKEKE. Korea is deep in your ass, bitches.

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Where are these rankings from?



Please tell me what FPS you are super skilled at Mr. fat white Sup Forumsirgin. Let me guess. You'll claim to be good at Quake despite no longer playing it.


> Overwatch
> best at "FPS"

Someone is butthurt by the realisation that he's been training in "mom's first FPS".

>that huge gap between all of the top 4 countries in skill rating


what went wrong?


I mean if we kept kids in torture camps pumped full of adderall all day we might be the same


You really never played with japs user? They are horrible teammates.

So why is US behind china still?


Because US is not a third world country and people have more shit to do for fun.

>max skill rating by country in a game that is more MOBA than FPS
>it's like one win's difference in SR

All this shows is that Blizzard's forced 50 system is working well.

That is not an answer to my question. I bet you "play" Unreal Touranment whilst having more time in CoD
Remember, if Americans are good at it, it counts, but if not, it suddenly is not real.

It's the same reason you NA retards play Mortal Kombat instead of KoF.

So? It's fun??

what the fuck else is it?

>more MOBA than FPS
Are you retarded? You literally don't know what a moba is. Explain to me how Overwatch is anything like DotA. Where are the creeps? Where are the towers? Next you're going to tell me that Tekken is a Moba because characters have ultimate abilities now.

more like fp"""""""""""""s"""""""""""""""

It's a MOBA desu

It mostly focuses on landing skillshots (many of which are not bullets) and team coordination.

Dota isn't MOBA, that's the term for casual garbage.

Moba is just Riot's messed up way of saying ARTS. You know what I fucking mean.
So it's only an FPS if every weapon is hitscan?

>Sup Forums talking about FPS
Almost as bad as Sup Forums talking about fighting games. Is Quake 3 just the Third Strike of FPS? I see so many """experts""" for that game on here that come out of the woodworks for every FPS thread but I never see anyone actually playing Quake here.

Please tell me how good your aim is.

>shooting every day
>not a third world country

Also, you're delusional if you think neckbearded esports faggots do anything for fun that is not equally degenerate and stupid like watching anime or jacking off

>US number 1 in something
>US not number 1 in something
It's like the King of the Hill episode (animated in Korea, by the way) where Hank immediately loses interest in hotdog eating contests after a Laotian beats Bill.