>Already totally backtracked on Mobs scaling with the player's iLevel

Seriously how did Blizzard become so out of touch with what players want? Nearly every new idea and system they put in now seems to be fucking retarded and either hated by players or mixed at best.

Whether it's mob scaling, RNG loot, legendaries, garrisons, Class redesigns.

How has the game and dev team regressed so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

The current team is comprised of egotistical retards.
They think every decision they make is perfect to the point that they don't even bother testing things or gathering feedback before implementing it into the game. Fuck, they didn't even put it into the patchnotes after the fact.

>this change was on the Patch 7.2 PTR (and has been since January). We didn’t communicate anything about it initially because we wanted to get testers’ raw and honest feedback about it when they encountered it themselves, rather than attempting to pre-empt or otherwise influence their opinions ahead of time. When that feedback never came, we assumed that meant it was an acceptable change – i.e., those who hadn’t noticed it weren’t bothered by it, and those who had noticed it thought it was fine. Clearly that was a false assumption

I can understand that people would feel like they aren't "progressing" in the game but I always thought it was retarded that you could blast through old raids. They should scale and I don't care what any baby has to say to me about it.

>>Already totally backtracked on Mobs scaling with the player's iLevel

Can i get a forum link for that if you have one? Love to see mods get yelled at by 5000 people simultaneously

They even have bots to defend their shit games
why the fuck do you think overwatch got so popular

first problem
second problem
flying mounts
third problem
areas too big for players to actually interact
4th problem
they made pvp dungeon bosses and dungeon bosses easy to kill fucking 3 hallway with 3 bosses dumb shit
takes 5 people to kill one healer
and thats not fun
5th problem
gear became super easy to get
6th problem
7th problem
arena killed world pvp
8th problem
made town guards 1 shot you instead of letting pvp happen in towns
9th problem
crits for 5 percent of health to replace 20-50 percent on players.

there is so many more problems

Here's the backtracking

>PTR during 3 months
>8 hours of a day to patch
>somehow, on launch day, at least 2/3rds of the bosses on the 3 released raids are bugged somehow, several of them so broken that it's impossible to kill them
>ilgynoth blobs don't damage the eye, can't go in to kill heart unless you DPS through 1.3b HP with 99% damage reduction
>trilliax's beam randomly kills people that aren't standing in it, most of the times the entire raid
I normally don't care about little details that need to be ironed out after a patch, but this shit is insane. How this shit slips under the radar of a QA team is fucking stupid.
Not to mention the numerous UI bugs that happened after patch and the retarded """"solutions"""" for when shit doesn't go the way they wanted them to, with little to no communication at all (monster scaling at 110, removal of addon access to friendly nameplates in raids, etc).

Legion isn't even that bad of an expansion, but it's the fucking awful decisions, QA and communication that ruin the good parts.
And before you ask, the leveling was GOAT, raids were really good so far, world quests and artifacts provided something to do and a sense of progression that an MMO needs. Too bad they're fucking killing the good bits they did well.

>forced 30-inch long dick into players asses
>reeeeeee wtf I hate Blizzard
>pulled it out a little
>omg thank you so much you are greatest developers ever
Words can't express how much I hate blizzdrones.

>first problem
Hasn't existed for like 2 or 3 expansions now
>second problem
>flying mounts
Flying is removed early in the expansions for almost a year. Only accessible after long achievement chains that are timegated and released later in the expansion.
>third problem
>areas too big for players to actually interact
Clearly hasn't played WoD or Legion. Areas are one of the few things they did right.
>4th problem
>they made pvp dungeon bosses and dungeon bosses easy to kill fucking 3 hallway with 3 bosses dumb shit
Only Maw of Souls is linear like that, and that's because it's in a fucking boat.
>takes 5 people to kill one healer
Not in Legion.
>5th problem
>gear became super easy to get
Gear has always been easy to get, good gear is never easy to get.
>6th problem
Why? Don't like them, don't do them. Shit sucks, but other people like them and use them, no reason to steal it from them.
>7th problem
>arena killed world pvp
World PVP was never good to begin with.
>8th problem
>made town guards 1 shot you instead of letting pvp happen in towns
Griefing low level players while stroking your dick is only """fun""" for one of the persons involved.
>9th problem
>crits for 5 percent of health to replace 20-50 percent on players.
No clue what you even want to say here.

Blizzard does a lot of shit decisions, but you're just fucking retarded, desu.

you're a proper legend

Baffling how they can try to defend stealth adding such a major change to the retail servers as a normal or acceptable thing to do

>fixing the problem literally less than 24 hours after a shitstorm happened for it because it didn't work the way they intended it to
>muh backtracking
As usual, people here that don't even play the game that are ungrateful about Blizzard.

>QA and communication that ruin the good parts.
This is the real problem. Mainly the communication as with MMOs historically totally brand spanking new ideas/mechanics don't work perfectly anyway and idk if that's necessarily on QA.

They didn't fix anything, they just tuned it down a little.

>Blizzard wanted X, so instead they implement X times 5, and players revolt, so Blizzard "gives them what they want" by scaling back the changes to just X, which is actually what Blizzard wanted all along.

>fixing the problem
absolutely false, they just tweaked it. ilvl scaling is still there.

It's just fucking lazy changes to make people spend more time playing. They quote being able to kill open world quest mobs as a problem, but their "solution" is to just make blanket changes to the entire world, instead of doing any meaningful balance changes

They tuned it down massively and completely removed the part that scaled up mob damage.

First post is the most honest post.

Without the senior developers to hold back their insanity, Holinka and Watcher are going nuts with horrible ideas.

>tfw no Pardo and Kaplan

Watcher can be reasonable at times. Holinka on the other hand, I still wonder how he has a job.

>they just tweaked it.
That's why I said fixing the problem.

>It's just fucking lazy changes to make people spend more time playing. They quote being able to kill open world quest mobs as a problem, but their "solution" is to just make blanket changes to the entire world, instead of doing any meaningful balance changes
Their goal since the beginning of this expansion has been to make every bit of it relevant throughout. This is literally why they did this. Balance changes isn't a solution to this. Not to mention that individual player scaling like this is anything but blanket, though it seems they did take too much of a blanketed direction at first.

The main problem is their lack of communication for such a large change. In fact it should have been one of the main things to advertise and walk players through before it happened, or else everybody wouldn't be as confused/frustrated as they are now. The problem's far more emotional/human on both ends than mechanical.

No, the main problem is it removes any last bit of feeling of character progression that was left in the game

The world itself shouldn't change with your gear. At all. In any way. Period. Kill yourself.

the problem of not being able to kill people in pvp still exists

removed completely it still exists

i have played those expansions and i want a vanilla experience not every zone being the size of a city

all of them are linear
none of them are like original wow dungeons

i disagree

good gear is laughable to get compared to vanilla

they should not be in the game because it destroyed the community

world pvp is the only good pvp in this game it is what made the game fun a new experience and great

i do not care about low level players but you do not need guards to protect anyone just players equal to your level to show a true skill

something that you never experienced obviously

crits are not enough in the game

thank you for being part of the people who killed the game

but it doesnt
im still killing mobs at ilvl 875 within a few seconds

I remember every time a new MMORPG was released and people started sperging about it being the WoW killer.

Who would've guessed that the game to kill WoW would be WoW itself.

I had my account closed and now I have plenty of time for other games. I just have no clue where to start.

I think there is a saying that no great empire fell because of external threats, they were always destroyed from within.

The game that killed WoW was actually Diablo 3 because Blizzard moved all the retards who designed it to the WoW team.

This is a game that requires a monthly fee and they're this inept at providing quality service.

I've had less problems with fucking Comcast.

They did that after they got rid of competent devs.

>it removes any last bit of feeling of character progression that was left in the game
This is a little too hyperbolic of a statement as progression would still be there, but absolute one button faceroll wouldn't. It's not this last little bit left, if anything most of this problem is related to the fact that there's too much ilvl progression in Legion thus creating a super large gap between entry 110s and well geared 110s when it comes to world content.

I lost my screenshot folder a few months ago, feelsbadman

I got a 6 month ban that's about to expire soon but I don't even want to go back to this trash fire now

>no MMO will ever recapture the magic of raiding with my friends in BC
>no MMO will recapture the wonder of early FFXI as a teenager

What's the MMO you miss the most, boys? I just don't get enjoyment out of them like I used it because I'm not a retarded kid anymore? To me it feels like the communities are ruined and all I play with is memeing spergs.

What did you do?

I know dat feel. I lost screenshots of my vanilla paladin.

How the fuck did you manage to get banned for 6 months?

>always say that tons of stuff happening on the PTR is subject to change and won't ever make it into the main game
>players aren't autistically nitpicky on the PTR anymore
>probably disregard something as the PTR being fucked up in general
Blizzard logic. Complain about stuff like Legion PvP in the beta, nothing happens, PvP is a shitshow on release. Don't complain about something on the PTR, it's your fault, faggots!

I also remember every time a new WoW thing would be introduced people start sperging about how it's a shit decision in every iteration of the game even the casualfest yet most popular Wrath. Gotta look at the actual facts and mechanics of anything than people's exaggerated reactions. Go to the Blizzard forums right now and posts claiming that this change wasn't in the PTR are getting many upvotes while people that rightfully claim that the stuff was already in the PTR aren't as popular.

it's dead John

lets go

I can already tell, first time offender using honorbuddy gets a 6month ban

>removal of addon access to friendly nameplates in raids

>How this shit slips under the radar of a QA team

That's simple user, the only QA team WoW has is the community. As if Blizzard does any actual QA testing themselves. That's evident with the changes that keep happening.

Try a private server with less than 200 people on it, you won't get the same feels as a teen playing XI for the first time, but it's a pretty good feel

Just don't play on Nasomi


they said yesterday that the scaling was way off what they wanted and this is just fixing it

they aren't removing it completely

early Age of Conan and LOTRO were top tier fun, most I've ever had

nobody tests shit on the PTR because all of the feedback is fucking meaningless. They use it in order to find big bugs, not to actually gain feedback from players regarding their changes.

why not?

>They're even holding back most of the class hall/pvp brawl stuff for a month

The amount of content gating is utterly pathetic from Blizzard.

I honestly want to come back and play WoW for a bit, especially now that I have a stronger laptop but then I see shit like this or reminded of time gates and RNG bullshit.

I don't think it was removed, just changed so if you fuck with options you have to leave the instance and then zone back in for the changes to take effect.

You can't dynamically change shit during combat like have low HP name plates glow or increase in size while those on full HP etc disappear.

yup. not quite first time user, but it had been several years since I used it last

What is pretty amazing is that NOBODY made a video or said anything about this, PTR cucks aren't there for testing, it's just thirdworld people who play on PTR to play it for free and youtubers/streamers to record content videos

>early Age of Conan and LOTRO were top tier fun
my nigga
I miss my necromancer from AoC

I was actually considering playing live FFXI on Asura or w/e with the Sup Forums guild. Seemed pretty chill from the few threads it's been talked about.

My only issue is I've always been too casual and lazy to learn about gearswap luas and shit. Dunno how necessary all that is, but always feels like I'm way behind other people because of it.

This is the worst possible time you could pick to resub. Fucking don't.

>When that feedback never came, we assumed that meant it was an acceptable change

Because the server is too big and it's all selfish elitist mindset on that server
I also wanted to join on live server Asura for a while browsing the XI threads, but I don't know, I just havn't taken the jump yet

People don't bother leaving feedback on the ptr because they know it all goes ignored.
Remember Legion's launch where problems and class balance issues that were in the alpha and beta were still there despite blizz knowing about them? Remember how the outcry from Warlocks about their class being totally destroyed went totally ignored?

Well, that's why I said first time offender, if you get caught again it's a perma or 12 month ban iirc.

Honorbuddy is so shit though, did you use it for honor farming or what

I unsubbed a few months ago because it seemed all I was doing was going and killing the same mobs over and over for job points or whatever it was.

Was probably limiting myself, I try too hard to be a min maxing fag sometimes. Game always felt like there was too much to do at once time so I felt overwhelmed.

If you like dungeons and power creeping greater-rifts/mythic+ or alternatively/both raiding, then I guess it's good to play, if you play the game and expect a good singleplayer experience then don't bother

Just got back in the game and was using it to level and farm a bit of gold for endgame.

I always kept an eye on it and got banned within a week of using it. They must be getting a lot better at detection

>Play an MMO for a good singleplayer experience

>They must be getting a lot better at detection

Nah, you just used someone else's profile instead of making your own.

>They must be getting a lot better at detection
Well, they have a much easier way to detect it, also it's really fucking easy to spot a bot because of the way they move.

I saw this one Tauren outside of Shal'aran trying to mine this basilisk that spawned after he mined a ore and some other player targetted the basilisk so he wasn't able to mine it because the other guy didn't loot.

He ran back and forth 5 yards away from the mob in a perfect pattern for 10+ minutes before I got bored of watching the bot, this kept going even after the basilisk despawned

Did you use it in a crowded area, like a city or something? Funny enough, I was only banned once for using a bot even though I've been botting for a while. Enabled it once in a city because I was too lazy to manually move to my farming spot and as soon as I got to the flight master I got my ban.

That's what a lot of people do actually, I know plenty of people irl who do, it's the lfr/heroic dungeon people.

>try out brand new dungeon
>the interior is just reused Suramar City assets
>the first boss is a recolored nightmare treant and the other three are generic demons that look the same as the billions you've already fought before (yes I know Mephistroth was in WC3 but he still looks identical to every other dreadlord so whoop de doo)
>all four of them are easy as shit tank and spank bossfights
What a great patch

Nothing surprises me after the debacle that was Ashran.

>Testers say Ashran isn't fun and bet that one faction will farm the side events while the other runs the main road since that's vastly more rewarding than actually playing the mess of a map
>Nothing happens
>Testers say Ashran isn't fun and bet that one faction will farm the side events while the other runs the main road since that's vastly more rewarding than actually playing the mess of a map
>Nothing happens
>Game goes live
>One faction farms the side events while the other faction farms the main road, common complaint about Ashran is that it just isn't fun
>Blizzard's response: nerf the rewards and make it that a portion of your weekly PvP points HAS to come from Ashran
>Players flip shit, constant threads with titles like "trAshran" popping up and getting purged
>Blizzard reps whine on Twitter about getting their feelings hurt from negative feedback

I still feel bad that I fell for Legion.

>all four of them are easy as shit tank and spank bossfights

aka, "I did heroic once and the dungeon was easy lmao, can't wait for ToS LFR"

Worst part of Mephistroth being a sideline antagonist is that you pretty much already ruined his life if you're playing a warlock; you literally steal his planet and beat his face in when you're getting the demo artifact.

it was on my personal WoW and HB accounts
I always keep an eye on it in case the bot starts doing really obvious stupid shit like that so I don't think i got reported by anyone
I was leveling from 100-110, I used it mostly from my garrison and the surrounding quest areas so there wasn't too many other players

You also seem to have fell for waifu bait the game, the grind, the mgr clone

>it was on my personal WoW and HB accounts
That's not what he said though, he said you used someone's leveling profile, instead of making your own leveling bot

Honorbuddy is trash, and so is all their other bots.

If you're playing Legion you cannot accuse any other game of grinding.

>areas too big for players to interact?

What? There are times where world questing or just going to a town is literally impossible because of how vicious world pvp currently is or everyone is racing to tag mobs because there are so many players from both factions fighting over the same things

I know Legion/WoW is grinding, so why can't I say that other games are grindy? Seems your argument is a bit flawed

What MMO on the market has a good singleplayer experience?


Oh yeah, I did just grab a random profile from the forums that's probably what got me caught


Can't speak for XIV cause I only played it for 20 hours before I got bored

""""""""PvP"""""""" servers are fucking garbage and after playing since vanilla and dealing with the same shit in every zone I have no regrets moving on to a PvE server.

Not the guy you replied to, but I agree, been playing on Ragnaros EU for most of my WoW time, moved to a low pop PvE server and it's all good and comfy

swtor would be a good single player experience if not for all the mmo shit you have to put up with between story missions.


uh oh its the delusional mythic hero

I was told that Elder Scrolls Online is mostly single-player with optional multi-player but I never played it so can't confirm.

There's nothing amazing of doing +15 mythic dungeons prepatch, you're just lazy

its more of a the endgame hard content is group based stuff (raids, dungeons, etc.)
but theres so much questing content that is viable throughout all levels that yeah, you can get a ton of mileage out of it

just go farm these shards goy!

you need them after you've done all the world quests!

because then you can buy upgrad-----

um no because then you can buy fun toy-----

um no because you save tons of them for a mou-----

actually, they are entirely useless! you just don't know yet!

What? The new patch has no content??!?! you're not farming them fast enough!!!!!!!!!

I never thought I would unironically miss WoD.
The apexis crystal shit was better than this.

I was very enamoured with vanilla WoW since I started in the open beta. However, nothing will ever reach the overwhelmingly glorious feeling of leading a small, elite outfit in Planetside 1.
Seriously, the impact that game had on its players was impressive. YOU still love *your faction* and think the other ones are a bunch of pussy fags.

I still have dudes recognise my name in different games if they played on Markov.

I would love it if every single player quest dungeon was instanced. Fags running around spamming shit ruins an otherwise decently fun game.

PTR is used nowadays used for marketing rather then feedback. It's been like this since cata with TB and other youtubers basically selling that expansion.

Look up your faction's sanctuary theme music if you don't believe me.
Feel those feels.

The secret world

Its a shame hardly anyone plays, some of the group content was cool even if the combat was mediocre like going to hell or going to the past to fight aztec cthulhu cultists

>grind forever for a miniscule increase in power but raiding guilds won't accept you unless you have certain number of points in your weapon
>you're a good player but there are people that play this game for 90 hours a week and do .5% more damage than you xd
>facebook/mobile game mechanics; wait a day so you can do this again
>RNG legendaries that will put mouth-breathers ahead of you in this game because they got lucky
>grinding the same dungeons over and over again for a chance to get the gear you need and for it to titanforge to an ilvl that makes it worth equipping
>run a mythic raid for gear thats 10 ilvls above heroic but then some guy can run an LFR and get titanforged geared better than mythic gear
>gear scaling was the final kick in my ass

Guild Wars
I fell for GW2 and I'm mad there won't ever be a good GW sequel

you farm them to have a chance at getting a legendary for w/e slot you pick up.

The longer a game runs the more out of touch developers become and the more they resent them.

They're apparently re-releasing it for free and they're updating the combat. Hopefully that will bring some new people in.