I just bought an original Xbox. What games should I get?

i just bought an original Xbox. What games should I get?

"Common sense" is ment to be the best exclusive title op.. grab that

install gentoo and use common sense 2017

Mech Assult and Ninja Giaden Black

You are supposed to get a Scorpio for backwards compatibility.

Halo 1 and 2, I guess

JSRF obviously

fuck everything else

Ninja Gaiden Black

Riddick if you've not already played it on PC
Breakdown was kinda cool
Def Jam FFNY if you have friends to play with
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 2

Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy

I'd like to make a top 50 video for the original Xbox. Which games would you say I should definitely put in it?

>tfw no Psi-Ops sequel

Ninja Gaiden Black should be everyone's first Xbox game

HaloCE number 1

Before you get the games, check and make sure you pull the fucking capacitor if it's still there. That shit will leak and brick your console if it's the one it shipped with.

make sure you open it up and check for leaky capacitors

>Halo on multiplatform list
>Halo 2 on exclusive list

bring me the head of whoever made this chart

Does anyone know where I can buy an xbox that small?

You're missing Full Spectrum Warrior

Conflict: Desert Storm
Ninja Gaiden
Halo 1 and 2 (though the MCC did improve these)
I also enjoyed Black but I forget if it was 360 or XBO

>blinx 2
>shaolin monks
rest are fine, totally forgot about kung fu chaos

>Conflict: Desert Storm
Second this. Even better if you get the whole series and have someone to bro-op them with.
Had a blast playing them all several times with my brothers.

>halo 2 pc release date = may 2007
>xbox 360 release date = november 2005
>chart literally states that exclusivity is only during 6th gen

Don't try to outsmart an autist, user. Think before you get mad.