Vidya confessions thread

Vidya confessions thread

I enjoyed the wolf sections in Twilight Princess.

Pic unrelated

I think Metal Gear Solid games are lame and that Kojima is overrated as fuck.

Is that something that belongs in a confession thread?

I thought every non hipster was in agreement with this?

Soulsborne is one of the most absolutely annoying games to me and not because of the praise it gets. It's all the "muh superior game design" and "muh visual story telling" that pisses me the fuck off.

I savescum like a mad cunt in every game that allows it and in some that don't.

I think jaggies have great appeal and give a videogame with models a really good "video gamey" feel.

Also I genuinely think Nintendo should not focus on graphics and keep the gimmicks for both vidya and hardware, as for every 10 misses they make they also deliver a great hit.

Mass Effect: Andromeda isn't any more terrible than any other AAA game released these days.

That's a little far, user

I think that:
>Shadow the Hedgehog is the best Sonic game
>Sonic's friends should all get spinoffs
>BoTW sucks and the regular Zelda formula is far better. It just needs changes to the setting and story, which BoTW didn't do. Spirit Tracks was great for this.
>Torchlight 1 > Torchlight 2
>Super Monkey Ball Adventure was a good game
>Every Souls-like game is shit. No exceptions
>>Red Dead Redemtion was a bad game that changes nothing from the stale Rockstar open-world formula that we've come to expect other than the setting
>Mario Kart 8 is the best in the series thus far, purely because of 200cc
>The Fancy Pants Adventure games are the best 2D platformers ever made
>The EBF games are in the top 5 best turn-based RPGs of all time and would rank number 1 if they were longer
>There isn't a single good horror game out there. Resident evil is pretty good, but I don't consider it horror.
>Isran is the best Elder Scrolls character and I want him and Pelinal Whitesnake to team up somehow

Same, OP.

Half of that is gold, half is utter garbage

>isn't a single good horror game out there
mind elaborating on what is considered good and what is considered horror?

Like, the Resident Evil games are good, but they're more "action-horror". I need to get around to playing Silent Hill, because I've been told that that might change my mind.

I find Aloy to be very attractive.


Did you play PT? That was more frightening than most well received horror movies to me.

Fucking finally. I never see people talk about EBF.

The only reason I don't like Zelda BOTW is because the "Main Story" is pretty shit.

The voice acting just feels like a mistake, and Zelda herself has the worst.

The main story is pretty fucking shit though. You spend ALL this fucking time getting prepped for Calamity Ganon and you get some bullshit two-phase (and the last phase is literally just target practice) battle while Zelda's dumb fucking robotic british voice drones on in the background.

Open world is alright though

i regret buying my nintendo switch now that i'm over zelda

I play on easy because I'm too lazy to git gud.

I tend to end up having more fun in the world than i do playing the campaign of most open world games.

I work in the industry.
And I hate every second of it

I really, really like Bethesda games (I put almost 100 hours into Fallout 4) and I honestly can't tell if it's because they're legitimately good or if I'm just a contrarian cunt when it comes to things that Sup Forums dislikes.

I've never beaten any souls game, I always get right to the last boss and then put the game down for awhile. Then why I come back I decide to just start a new character. Rinse and repeat.

There was nothing wrong with Fallout 4, it's my favourite Fallout game and in my opinion the best in the series to date. (Yes, better than new vegas you shit eating sperg lords)

I don't like Soulsborne games because the average person would have to follow a walkthrough in order to properly play the game in the "correct" way the fans think it is

I respect where you're coming from with the Ganon comment, but here's a counterpoint: if I spend 80+ hours getting prepared for a fight I fully expect to be kicking ass and taking names by the time that I get there. If it was too challenging I feel like my time would've been wasted, considering the fact that you can take him on at any point in the game and the only gameplay incentive you have to do the story is to make the fight easier.

Thats fine user its your opinion, but to insist that the writing isn't garbage is ridiculous

I think Mae from Night in the Woods is a terrible person that is a burden on her friends and family and Angus should dump Gregg.

I enjoy Telltale's games. I think even the worst one they've made is still pretty ok.

It could have told a better story, but it was still the most fun to play.

I've never beat Metroid Prime 3 Corruption despite owning it for almost 10 years.

Never beat Metal Gear Solid 4.

Beat Doom 1 for the first time this month.

So did I. I also like Skyward Sword and Wind Waker.

I haven't bought a new game in about three years.

Sometimes I play strategy games with no opponents and just build a big autism fortress and march my army around the map like a kid with a dollhouse.
I had a lot of fun playing League of Legends when it was the "flavor of the month" for two years. I wish more games would bring huge groups of friends together like that.
I used to masturbate to female character models in my youth. Character models weren't good back then.

Along these lines, I have never beaten an NES game. I have played dozens if not hundreds, and I've gotten far in many, but I've never beaten one.

I never got around to it and missed the opportunity, unfortunately.

I'm trying to clear my backlog these days but it's up to 700 games now. I'll be at it for years.

>Never owned a GBA, DS or 3DS

>Only beat Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker out of all the Zelda titles

>I like Soul Calibur 4

>Never gave the Wii a chance because of it's low resolution output

>I've played through Resident Evil 5 like a thousand times and think it's a great action title. A sub par follow up to Resident Evil 4 but an excellent action title compared to other third person shooters of the time like Gears of War or Uncharted.

>Hate to play new games and would rather replay games I like

>>Torchlight 1 > Torchlight 2
>>Mario Kart 8 is the best in the series thus far

Well I agree with these bits at least.

Nothing surpasses modded TL1

I still can't solo Apex Rajang with GS

Never played any Metal Gear, Resident Rvil, Silent Hill, Souls, or Final Fantasy games cause they don't look entertaining. I like games with cartoony or anime characters more because real 3D human looking characters aren't "fantasy" like enough to help me with "escape" so to speak into the video game world.

>>Never owned a GBA, DS or 3DS
Missing out I'd say

I never used mods

I think RE6 is a great game. One of the best TPS and lots of content

Mass Effect: Andromeda is a really fun game with a few shining moments that got a lot of bad press for shit all around animations. I feel those bouts of negativity based on the animations alone soured people's views and lead to a general feeling of disappointment for a very enjoyable game.

Metal gear rising is great though, there are few action games I can think of that are more fun.

Also that Armstrong boss fight, it was pretty fucking hype you gotta admit.

>I've never finished a single Zelda, FF, or Mario game
>I have over 50 hours in DOAX3 mainly because of Marie and Momiji
>I honestly 100% think that Nintendo should go 3rd party so we don't have to deal with their shitty hardware or gimmicks anymore
>Zelda is the only good Nintendo franchise
>I legit think that the SNES is the only good Nintendo console, and that even the Saturn is better then the SNES
>I play COD every year for the campaign and enjoy it a lot for mindless fun
>I have tried to get into PC gaming so many times but its just so damn boring and I would rather play on a console
>I have built 3 gaming PCs and sold everyone only to go back to using my MBA to play CSGO, LOL, and the GiTS FPS
>I love horror movies and books, but can't finish horror games, they push my anxiety over the edge
>I love Hatsune Miku but have to play on easy to finish any songs at all
I want a girl to squirt on me so bad
I sometimes "climb the wall" and fuck my ass with a small vibrator and then cum on my own face licking my lips like a slut
I am in love with my lesbian best friend
I really want a cute boy to suck my cock and eat my ass out and let me cum on his face and his cock so he can jerk himself off
I sometimes wear a lace thong to work, it makes me feel dirty and I get off super easily when I get home.

Oh, I know. It makes sense that you'd kick some ass around that time, but I just wish that there was at least a little more to it.

Spending 80+ hours to get ready for a 10+ minute battle makes me feel a little robbed. I wish there were more scenes or something.

None of the souls game final bosses are actually difficult though except arguably soul of cinder from DS3.

>never beat a Zelda game
>only Mario games I beat are 3D world and super mario world
>never beat an elder scrolls
>never beat a fallout
>never played a soulsborne
>never played Mario 64 except like 1 level
>never played an actual jrpg

Play superstar saga it's a mario game and an excelletnt jrpg/platformer

>Only MGS game I've played was V
>I don't really like the final fantasy format, but put over 700 hours into FF14
>I've raided in MMO's for almost 16 years now, but I have always hated doing it. Would much rather do small group content, but tanking and healing in raids is something that I'm good at, and it makes me feel good that people ask me to help with something
>I have tons of N64 games emulated on my computer for free, but I always go back to buying and playing them on my N64 and old CRT
>Saved all of my gamecube games, but my gamecube got broken in a move. Paid $120 for a new one
>I have over 600 hours in Borderlands 1. Only 15 hours of that was with someone else, the rest was all solo
>Have over 700 hours in Borderlands 2, all solo

>I hoard PS3 Japanese developed games then never get around to playing them (Bayonetta, Yakuza 3, Catherine, P4 etc.)
Even now, I'm still trying to hoard, currently looking for Tokyo Jungle and Drakengard 3

I only buy physical, even if it's in the worst condition.

>I have the shittiest taste on Western games, I buy them based on their cover art or the little thumbnails on the back. It's why I only buy jap games because I'll know they'll either be cuhrazy or have a sick art style

>I buy CI games, Sniper: Ghost Warrior series and Enemy Front, they're all so bland but their cover art and bullshot thumbnails look so good I can't resist.

>I play a lot of openworld games then never get around to finishing them because I feel the open world aspect would get uninteresting without the drive of the main story, I only play them to get all of the fun tools and never follow the main questline to the end. The only open world games I've actually finished are GTAIV and GTAV, especially the latter, since it combines it's huge maps with its main plot so well, i.e heist preparation.

>never beat a Zelda game
>only Mario games I beat are Galaxy and new supermario bros
>never beat an elder scrolls
>never beat a fallout
>never played Mario 64 except like 1 level
>never played an actual jrpg

changed a few things but; woah r u me

The Last of Us is my favorite game followed by Half-Life 2 and Ocarina of Time.
I've played through Human Revolution five or six times but have no intention of even touching the original.
I love Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, but can’t stand any other game in the Zelda series. Twilight Princess is alright, though.
I played through DMC1 once and disliked it despite playing through 3 and 4 countless times.
I'm a PCc u c k but would happily pay for the hundred dollar version of Injustice.
I bought LMAOBox about a month before the big ban because I thought doing exceptionally well would help me get online friends. I have about 3.3k hours in the game overall.
I pretty much exclusively play Mercy/Lucio and mute team/voice chat in Overwatch because it's the only role I'm good at and getting berated by my teammates when I fuck up damages my ego. I managed to make it to Master rank, so I guess I'm doing something right.
The only RE games I've played are 4, 5, 6, and 7
I used cheat engine to get bunch of achievements in Metal Gear Rising to make my friends think I was really good at the game..
I played through FEAR 2 twice but gave on the first one after 2 hours.
The only fighting games I play are Injustice and Marvel Capcom games because I like the characters even though I'm shit at fighting and can't play online because my anxiety goes through the roof.
Never played a Final Fantasy, Witcher, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Crash, Spyro, or Diablo game. I'm sure there's a ton more I can't think of at the moment.
I watch Oney Plays and Super Mega. Also sometimes GG, but only for Danny, Brian, and Barry.
I played through RE7 with all the cheats on and in windowed mode so I could have music/videos on in the background
I write shipping fanfiction
I love the new Power Rangers movie.
I unironically think Whiplash is the worst movie ever made.

I think mass effect andromeda is a very good game, just very rushed

Wait I think my might have beat nsmb as well
And maybe nsmb2 come to think of it...
Also forgot
>never beat half life 2
>never played a metal gear

same here on half life; the game just hasn't caught my attention

i did play mgs1, but I didn't beat it cuz I lost my playstation emulator save file

some more i didnt play

>never played Resident Evil
>never played Silent Hill
>never played Deus Ex
>never played Hitman

>I thought Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts was fantastic

Me neither for all those games
I actually did play the original half life but used a walthrough for a lot of it

>1300 hours of borderlands
