This is a PS4 game in 2017

This is a PS4 game in 2017

Not even a single detail on a NPC's face

I prefer stylized games.
I hate this ultra-realistic shit everybody seems to aim for.

But that's how I feel about all the people in the crowds....faceless drones, barely people at all.

dude, that's how japanese people really look. Haven't you ever watched their TV? Don't be racist.

It also has framerate problems at 30fps

That is intentional. That's how the protag sees the world around him.

I think it's supposed to be a stylized version of a "faceless crowd", but you are just shitposting anyway so continue on, user.

>The Point

Do you want low budget games to be 25fps with drops?

The details are where they need to be.

It's a stylistic choice

Same with #FE

its a ps3 game though

>I wonder which one is the protagonist....

I know this is b8 but I can't help respond....

That's the fucking point, retard. All non-important NPCs are made into faceless drones to represent a real life feeling of how nobody besides the people important to you really mean anything or feel like people. They just exist and take up space and their names and faces are unimportant so we just don't even bother to recognize or process them in our minds. It was done as a stylistic choice to convey something we all feel in real life.

better than THIS

This game oozes with style. I wish more games could do this to cut down on the cost of graphics so they could pump out more interesting games.


>have to know japanese to hear the sound effects
fucking burrushitsu


That's a PS3 game ported to PS4.

on the PS3 maybe

It's an intentional stylistic choice. There's billboards in the game that have the same thing no eyes thing going on(for example, over by the rise/kaname display, there's a big one of a black silhouette lady with a mouth but no eyes.

Is the era of shitting on P5 because it got high review just started?

I miss the good ol' days, when Persona 4 was just some weeb game nobody was excited for except Atlus fans, and we were just happy to talk about the characters without it devolving into unironic waifu wars.

Persona 4 Golden was a mistake

Eh, it is like the JoJo argument. A lot of people hated how they translated the onomatopoeia into English. Personally I don't fucking care, but I feel like if it had big 'ol english it might look pretty terrible.

Man I wish I didn't play Golden first. I am so sorry that game happened to you guys.


isn't that convenient?

still, I hate how they replaced shadows with generic demons. now it just feels like every other smt.

Been watching a P5 stream on youtube and i'm happy to say I picked up on that engrish. Not as good as the P4 engrish though.

I've zipped my balls in my pants once or twice in my life. Hurts like a motherfucker.

I can't imagine the kind of pain it would be to zip your labia.


You tell me, I actually discovered this serie thanks to a weird friend and Sup Forums.

I still remember the constant P3 topic and obscure discussion about this atlus thing, now it's a just a recurring meme and waifuposting, and where is MUH LGTBBBQ.

It's a PS3 game in 2017 user

Are you kidding? Shadows are generic and boring as fuck
Demons may be in every smt but they are still a lot better than fucking shadows
Plus Demon negotiation is back so it's even better

Oh man right? I loved fightin black masked blob! And Masked Table! And Masked S&M fatty!

Jesus christ you are a fucking idiot

Those days didn't exist.

Even then half the Atlus fanbase were laughing at the casualization of Purseowner to SMT.

Which one is the killer?

Are you still only allowed to do like one thing after school in this game? I stopped playing Persona 4 because I hated the "School - Single task - Dungeon" schedule.

That wiiu personas crowds were more aesthetic

>Not even a single detail on a NPC's face
That's anime for ya.


This is not confirmed for the Vita right? I have a PS4 but I actually prefer these games on a portable system, hell I'd get it on the switch if it was there but there's literally no chance of that happening

Right, but i'd take SMT vs Persona shitposting any day over these days.

You can't even make a thread discussing persona these days without it just becoming filled with contrarian hipsters saying it was never good, "ironic" waifufag memesters, legitimate waifufags, sonyfags trying to use it alongside Bloodborne and Horizon like some kind of trophy in their shitty consolewars. You have anti-weebs and actual weebs.

You know what we don't have? Discussion about the actual fucking game.

How does it look on the Switch, OP? HOW DOES IT LOOK?

But the actual game is about waifus.


You can play the whole game without dating anyone. P4's mostly a fucking murder mystery.

>I hate how they replaced shadows with generic demons
>generic demons
Holy shit you are a fucking retard. Sure now it has many of the same enemies as smt games but those enemies are way the fuck more interesting then black masked blob #3683

I expected a fedora reaction image by now....what's the hold up?

here you go

why is this bad?

not sure what's wrong with that. some of those designs were really inspired. better than fucking tam lin for the billionth time. they actually helped give 3/4 somewhat of their own identity, and didn't make demons feel like they're your enemies.

I wouldn't mind so much, except for the fact they still call them shadows.

so you'll see someone in mementos and it's [X]'s Shadow, but then it's just a jack frost.

doesn't really make any sense.