Why the fuck does he have an AoE heal?

Why the fuck does he have an AoE heal?

It's bad enough that Blizzard thought it was a good idea to combine infinite sprint mobility with a ridiculously high DPS weapon and a high splash damage rocket ability, as well as an aimbot ultimate ability to boot.

And he gets to heal himself and his fucking team too? wtf?

Other urls found in this thread:


he's also squishy af, has no armor and you can hear his ult coming from a mile away.

That's the whole point of the DPS class though

Giving him a healing ability makes no sense at all.

his sprint is a mediocre mobility tool compared to characters that can fly or dash everywhere

his rocket's splash sucks ass and all the damage is in direct hits

his ult is only especially effective when paired with ana ult, other wise you would waste half of it shooting at a single tank

why are we complaining about some stupid shit like that when roadhog consistently places silver in dmg even though he's a tank with self heals.

you've just gotten ulted one too many times. get over it dude, learn to take cover and play as a team.

I'd also fuck him, and that alone is enough to keep him in game.

Periodic reminder

because he's just enough squishy

its also his utility. he has sprint but that's just increased speed.

Soldier was originally supposed to NOT be a monster. He was created to be a nice, consistent stream of damage to introduce players into the game from other games.

Now that he's the most broken damage in the game, he's just flat out better than any other hero. Even if you're really good at McCree, Soldier's ultimate alone makes him an essential pick over him. McCree can compliment him nicely, though.

>soldier has better TTK than _

It still puts him as faster than any other hero at normal walking speed.

And like I said about his squishyness,

His ult is kinda shit though

How would you change things so that McCree and Soldier are both useful and one isn't just flat out better than the other

Considering he's an assault he's pretty well off.

McCree was originally supposed to be an 'Anti-flanker'. You were supposed to stun and FTH on people trying to fight you.

I don't know how you'd bring that playstyle back if they're so insistent on making FTH useless.

McCree is actually fine, if you've mastered him to the point as this guy,


But as you can see, his ult is useless.

>It's another 'THIS CHARACTER IS AO OP NERF PLS' episode
And it was only months ago that Soldier was considered to be one of the worst Owerwatches.
Heroes may change, but Sup Forums never will.

He received a pretty substantial buff(~20% damage boost for his bullets) and the other offense characters have either been untouched since launch(reaper) or have been nerfed(mcreeee). What was once a mediocre character because he was just average now does better in most situations than the other assaults, invalidating their existance. Healing getting buffed too only hurts the other offense characters further

The problem is that S76 was meant to be "Jack of all Trades and master of none", but the damage buff + spread reduction makes a must pick for offensive. He easily counters every other character in his tier.

IMO, S76 only needed a damage buff versus shields otherwise he was fine. He now needs some minor nerfs (revert damage back versus non-shields and give sprint a resource bar) to make other offensive characters viable.

>But as you can see, his ult is useless.
Dead eye it's a shittier version of tactical visor in a way.

>S76 only needed a damage buff versus shields
76 isn't supposed to be busting barriers, that's Junkrat (and Bastion) job.

But I do think they buffed him too much.
76 needs a slight nerf. Reduce maximum damage to 18 from 20, but that's about it.

he got a 3% buff on his bullets. stop bitching.
people didn't care about soldier damage and treated him as a non factor until now. If he hitting you with bullets go to cover.

Kill him before he heals or shoot his healing field bot. He can't shot while running so either aim better or have a flanker finish him off.

17->20 is 17.6%

he also got increased spread, limiting his potential dps to shield breaking.

He's best girl

>we're all pedos now
made me laugh

This. He literally has more healing ability then symmetra

They've made FTH useless because it used to be that if you got stunned, you were dead. McCree could bust tanks single-handedly with almost no risk.
>b-but Roadhog
Yeah that shit is stupid too.

He's meant to be the Jack of all trades. He can do a little bit of every hero catagory, but he sucks when he actually has someone from said catagory. (Instance, he can tank for little amount of time, but gets easily overwhealmed and reinhardt is better.)

4 shot capacity. No armour. Frozen in place to heal.

If you weren't a silver shitter you'd know that McCree is still VERY good and often used in GM, top500 AND competitive games.

How can you be so much of a shitter and still talk like you know anything.

Practically every hero, including Widow and Hanzo, black sheep de jure of OW community, is used in GM effectively, the problem is that not every hero scales the same with skill. Compare a good Mercy with Mercy that doesn't know what awareness and escapes are

>his sprint is a mediocre mobility tool compared to characters that can fly or dash everywhere


Well yeah.

The CoD fans need an intro character and Soldier 76 is it.

its good for finishing sqyishes and mobile stalls, its a supporting ult.

They really need to just make her a Defense hero and be done with it

>aimbot is a supporting ult
I don't even know
What would you consider a damage ult?
Or is this like a zoning ult meme

The other damage heroes issues is that they are fundamentally flawed and don't work as well in a team combo, Soldier being statistically strong and fitting in perfectly in a setup is what makes the game seem unbalanced, but its just a fact that Blizzard goofed up quite a bit by being naive to how hard it is to make this type of game work.

Either way, Reaper could use a buff to his effective range and Pharah is a hovering duck when she flies because she is to damn slow, but that is about it.