
Persona 5 BTFO. Sterling does it again!


The absolute madman, yet another metascore tarnished. Can he get anymore based?

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so he loved it

Honestly? The game looks like it's using the exact same formula as P3 and P4.

Why should it get a pass for this while other games dont? Even Zelda, the king of rehashes, tried something new and revolutionary with BoTW

It's a decent score for a PS3 game in 2017.

That review was written by a transsexual, not Sterling himself.

Throwing out everything good about your franchise to chase after the open world craze stopped being revolutionary several years ago.

>The game looks like it's using the exact same formula as P3 and P4.
oh no!

What's wrong with 8.5?

>those dead expressionless eyes

>something new and revolutionary

Nothing, kiddies love getting their panties in a bunch over magical numbers and other people's opinions.

>Reviewed by Laura Kate
Why not Jim himself?

> Zelda, the king of rehashes, tried something new and revolutionary with BoTW

Like what?

Well, to be fair, most Nintendo fanboys don't play much else, so it's likely BoTW was their first open world game.

>New and revolutionary
Yeah no, I really like BoTW it's one of my top personal favorites even, but it didn't do anything new or revolutionary, it was just a good open world game done right. At least in my opinion.

There's no reason to give Persona 5 an 8.5. At this point Jim Sterling is reviewing just to hurt people. The guy will be fired any day now. Unacceptable.

jrpg fans or weebs in general don't want new. Recent final fantasy entries case in point.

the reviewer said their only big complaint was the game not being on the Switch


By revolutionary you mean copied what others had done and slapped Zelda on the cover and contents?

Is he tried to brand himself as the contrarian?

Gotta love arbitrary numbers.

Seems like a positive review.

never played persona. whats the appeal?
is game fun?

>Man, this game would be really nice on a handheld
What did he mean by this?

And it got 98 on Metacritics while those "other" games cant even hit 85

fat faggot saw all the attention he got on the last incident

Agreed. It deserves worse.

For a game that was teased to break the chains of the current Persona formula it delivers an all too familiar experience.

It's Zelda. The sacred cow of gaming.

It's 97 now, sweetie :)

>The absolute madman

Yawn. Still adhering to the "7 and above" bullshit most IGNs are paid to go for.

Call me when he has the balls to use the full 10 point scale, give persona 5 a 4.5 and then we're talking.

Sorry I don't take fat people's opinions seriously.

>fat literal cuck has shit opinion

Wow what a fucking surprise.

Who fucking cares. It's his opinion. If you were interested in Persona 5 you'll most likely buy the game anyways since it's a niche title.


>the slow intricate social life management sections of Persona are honestly perfect fodder for playing on the sofa while watching TV or on a quick bus ride to pass the time.
I really dont want to imagine seeing this fat fuck playing any handheld in public.


i dont give a fuck.

I want to point out it was the tranny that wrote this review and the only reason she didn't give it a 9 or more was because it wasn't portable. Which is funny since my main complaint for P4 Golden was that it was trapped on the shit machine that is the Vita.

>Hur dur numbers! Numbers are life GUYS LOOK! NUMBERS!
Fuck off metascore faggot a number tells you fucking nothing about the game. A number is not a review, a number will not tell you if you will like a game.

Says it by someone who publishes an image of Zeda

Even then it's a non-issue as all PS4 games can be streamed to Vita anyway.

Lol what are you retarded? The bigger the number the better the game. Why even waste time on games that get less than a 9? Are you a NEET loser with too much free time on your hands?

>A purse owner game that isn't portable
Should be a crime

We can all agree that autumn plains was more comfy than summer forest

also Spyro thread

>new and revolutionary

>literally reviewed by a tranny
Why would anyone even read this?

He was cucked out of reviewing it.

That may be true but I CAN use meaningless numbers to shitpost on the internet. And that's the only real reason to read these things anyway.

>let's copy every other videogame instead of continuing our formula
>something new and revolutionary
they fixed something that's wasn't broken.
and everyone ate it up.


>gave Persona 5 an 8.5
>but gave BotW a 7

Thanks for confirming that Persona 5 is the better game, OP.

metal gear solid V is the perfect game because it did the exact same breath of the wild did.

mgsv isn't even a finished game lol. Not to mention you have to suffer through cutscene after cutscene after cutscene.

don't mind me just posting a masterpiece

No you don't. Theres barely any cutscenes. Thats part of it's problem

>lol Persona BTFO!

Did Sup Forums always care that much about reviews?
Seriously, they don't matter that much, you can paly a game with a score of 60 on Metacritic and still like it

Would you be satisfied if you got 85 on a test? Would anyone be impressed? No. Of course not. It's just mediocre, average, plain, and why waste time on mediocre video games when there are plenty of 95+ ones?

>Would you be satisfied if you got 85 on a test?

Who the fuck worries about tests anymore? Are you in middle school?

MGSV was better because you could pretend it wasn't open world if you wanted and still have fun with it.

since Zelda yes

Yeah what the fuck was this, read through the reviews and then get to this one on metacritic, the difference in tone is astounding, it's wildly unprofessional in comparison.

Seriously though who starts a professional critic review with "I've been playing a lot of Nintendo switch recently"

Um ok? Fuck imagine a movie critic being like "I've been watching Netflix a lot recently so when I went and saw this screening..."

What a joke

>Theres barely any cutscenes
Someone didn't play the game.

A high school drop-out, I take it? Well, don't know what I expected from a weeb NEET. I just hope you can realize just because you don't care at all about quality, whether your own or anything else's, doesn't mean everyone likes to waste their life on being inferior and on inferior things.

If he had given it a 7 like in BoTW I would have understood the rage, but this is just petty.

>open world

>new and revolutionary

what fucking year are you living in?

user, as long as I pass the fucking test, I don't give a shit if is a score of 85, 95 or whatever

You're one of those people that tried really really hard in high school to get straight As and then wound up unemployable because you didn't know shit outside of textbooks. I get that feeling from you.

>high school

Dang man, you're really shooting for the stars working on getting your GED right now. Wooeee!

It's clear he uses his own scoring system instead of the weird skewed one we seem to have these days. It's annoying because his review would have been good back in the 00s but these days it's expected to be scored in the 60-100 range. An 85 is a slightly better than average score these days.

>Persona 5 - 8.5
>Breath of the Wild - 7
>Vanquish - 5

>Fallout 4 - 9.5
>Horizon Zero Dawn - 9.5
>Watch Dogs 2 - 9

Is Jim /ourguy/?

>brainless retards can be entertained by anything no matter how shitty it is
Wow, what a revelation.

>m-m-muh streets smarts!
The cries of the peasants are always so amusing.

isnt it on vita?

>reading cuckman's reviews

are you absolutely sure about that

>fallout 4-9.5

God, I forgot about that.

>projecting this hard

It's not my fault people are bullying you at school man. Don't air your dirty laundry on here, we just want to discuss video games.

>Watch Dogs 2 - 9

>Not available on a handheld
Literally unpalyable, I give it a 5/10

>we just want to discuss video games
>I don't care if a game is a 6/10 or a 10/10
So, how many logical fallacies can I expect from your kind?

Pretty sure he's his own boss, but otherwise I agree. He's kinda just becoming a fat contrarian fuck, though to be fair that's how he started too.

No, you can remoteplay it on vita though.

Taste in games aside, can we all agree Sterling is an obnoxious fuck?


Weebshit, and yes

dear god what an embarrassment

>wanting to talk about playing games and how much fun they are
>wanting to cry about ecelebs and why they don't like a game you like

These two things are not the same. I know you want to spout the most recent terminoligy you learned in your intro to psych class, but try not to let your autism flare up too much kiddo.

>The cries of the peasants are always so amusing.
Who hurt you user?

Iam happy for atlus and the persona team but honestly Reviews dont matter.

Zelda is uglier than every girl in Persona 5. Also the only written negative I've seen from anyone is you can't be a fag or the game is actually challenging instead of baby mode P4. Too bad atlus doesn't have the Zelda bump.

You're forgetting something




>Open world's are new and revolutionary
Is this 2007 again or is it just that amazing when Nintendo does it?

>my biggest gripe is that I can't keep playing the game outside of my house
What a fucking joke, manchildren were a mistake

This can't be real, Dead Rising 4 is unanimously acknowledged as an embarrassment.

>The cries of the peasants are always so amusing.
Hoh boy, we've got a theater major on our hands.

After this review any credibility this guy had was GONE

Nice, yet another logical fallacy.
"wanting to talk about playing games and how much fun they are" isn't a discussion, it's a circlejerk. If you don't want any opposing opinions I recommend reddit.

>wanting this to be /ourguy/

Makes sense seeing how the entirety of Sup Forums is faggot twinks that worship a fat nerd cumming on himself

>asspained PCnigger trying to turn Persona and Zelda fans against each other


Why does this fat cancerous fuck have such shit taste?

>Horizon Zero Dawn - 9.5
>Watch Dogs 2 - 9

Guess he has a thing for ugly chicks.

Let me know when you learn about "Straw man" in your chapter during next week's class, big man.