It's just loot crates

>It's just loot crates


>easier to get heroes
>can now get skins without paying cash
>new battleground

It's okay

>Fixes account progression
>Three new heroes being unveiled over the span of about 30 days
>Lots of new cosmetics
>Skins and cosmetics can now be acquired for free
>At least one new battleground

HotS just got more in one update than League and Dota get in five.

keep telling yourself that buddy

Bluepill that tasty?

id complain that it took bliz too long to push this update

dota and league get more frequent small adjustments, which is probably preferable

Fuck off blizzdrone


Only thing hots had that was unique

I fucking hate these games and even I know you're wrong

It's way more than that.

what? all they are adding is more visual clutter. stupid flags that look out of place, lol xd emojis . 75 skins nobody will care about because they come out of casino chests and
the devaluing of master skins and gold.

All we getting in terms of content is new heroes that were on the release schedule anyway and a new battleground.

I cant wait til we get in game advertisement skins like mountain dew lucio, comes with the mountain dew spraypack

What more can a MOBA offer besides new heroes and maps?

you are right, all MOBA should be outfitted with casino's for extra content.

They already are and have been for awhile now. Have you seen Dota 2? The entire main menu is nothing but ads for treasures.

yet Dota still gets frequent gameplay updates

people who play mobas should be grouped up and taken to concentration camps where they get gassed

Yes, and not for the better.

Yeah, its sad to see hots go the same route.

But i don't see why this new system is in anyway a bonus, hots had a decent working system before, heroes being a little bit too expensive. But it was a good system.

Play heroes get gold
Use gold to buy more heroes or prestigious master skins.

with 2.0 it's play heroes get gold and crates
use gold to buy crates, open rng crates and hope for something you want.

>D2 Amazon

All I care about desu senpai

t. Overwatch player

I just unlocked Probious for shards I got through the quests. I'm getting more rewards for playing the game and skins and shit aren't locked behind a full paywall anymore.

Loot crates is a system people like. Thank Valve for that.

the banners, emotes, voice lines, and emojis are just useless filler shite

i like free skins and mounts though


overwatch is just as bad as mobas, its literally a fake game, it basically plays itself for you

i feel bad for 15 year olds like you, never having gotten to play actually skillful competitive games

As opposed to you 14 year olds who think CS:GO is skillful?

They are actually developping an addictive system that i don't appreciate.The game was free of that until now.
Master skin are devaluated in order to make people buy more content, because those skins will mean nothing., more than ever.

You can think that you will only have to get new stuff with the game currency but here is your error.
With the ton of shit things they are adding, the % of having something you really want on your heroes can be particularly low.
But if you have spent in the past a lot of real money , the chance to get something New 2.0 or Unique will improve a lot.
Each skin bought in real money will give you all the color for that skin, making you save a lot of time.with the casino, because in the casino you only get color for a skin.

No i don't think that system is a good thing for the game, every change is made to make people invest more real money in game.

You're suppose tos play a hero because you like that hero, the rewards are just side bonis

I don't play csgo either as it has ruined all of what counter-strike once stood for

>caring about what it was to begin with

go back to plebbit


>Novazon skin
>Amazon hero
The HotS team knows boner fuel and it's wonderful.

But when you really like a hero, you want at least to be also original with it. If it wasn't tue, everybody would be playing with the 1st color of the 1st skin, but everybody try to change that as fast as possible most of the time.

Some of the voice clips are worth it

When you get a hero now you get the 2 tints from the default skin out of the box now.