Can someone do a TL;DR on the story?

Can someone do a TL;DR on the story?

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Ryder awakens in the Andromeda Galaxy in 2819, following a 634-year journey on the Ark Hyperion. After having a checkup performed on them by Dr. Lexi T'Perro, Ryder meets SAM, an AI that is in charge of the Hyperion. While the crew are getting ready to awaken Ryder's sibling, the Hyperion strikes a dark energy cloud, knocking out its power temporarily and interrupting Ryder's sibling's wake-up protocol. Ryder, along with Cora Harper, is called to the bridge where their father, Pathfinder Alec Ryder, is arguing with the captain of the Hyperion. Ryder discovers that the planet that they were sent to scout out, Habitat 7, is drastically different from what the long-range scans told them. Ryder gets ready to be deployed as they are part of the Pathfinder team, led by their father. While on the shuttle down to Habitat 7, Ryder gets acquainted with Liam Kosta, a former security officer. The Pathfinder shuttles are suddenly struck by lightning, and Ryder and Liam end up separated from the crew. As they attempt to explore Habitat 7, they come into contact with an unknown hostile alien race, as well as many strange alien structures. After performing a search and rescue for other crew members, Ryder and Liam eventually reunite with Cora, and fend off another alien attack. They later join Alec, who previously went ahead to scout out the monolith. They storm in an alien structure, hoping to be able to shut it down and cease the lightning storm. Ryder and Alec find a hologram inside the structure, which Alec interfaces with to shut down the monolith. A large blast blow the two off an elevated platform, smashing a hole in Ryder's helmet. Alec uses his helmet to save his child, sacrificing his own life in the process. Ryder is later brought back to the Hyperion and saved, and in the process, also merged with SAM. Ryder also learns that Alec, before his death, has made them the new Pathfinder in his place.

The Ark reaches the Nexus only to find it incomplete and no other Ark in si

basically gay niggers from outer space: the video game

The ending is worst than 3, to put it in perspective

>The AI in your head lets you interact with Remnant technology
>This technology lets you terraform planets for colonists to live on
>There's a good race called the Angara who are at war with an evil race called the Kett
>The Kett leader is obsessed with the Remnant
>He eventually learns how you interact with their technology
>He kidnaps your sibling you also has an AI implant in their head
>Goes to a place called Meridian that acts as a control center for all the terraforming bases on a bunch of planets in the cluster
>Plans to reverse the terraforming to destroy all the planets
>You stop him, rescue your sibling and save the day
>Also there's an entire empire of Kett out there and the main bad guy was just a sub leader
>Also the Angara were made by the same people who made the remnant
>Also there's an evil anomoly in space that destroys things called the Scourge that was made by someone unknown to destroy the Remnants creators
>Also there's some subplots about exiles from the Andromeda initiative, anti Milky Way Angara group, a mysterious benifactor behind the initiative etc

Ancient terraforming technology is desired by cats

you travel for 600 years to court an alien

that sounds fucking dumb

damn, that's pretty fucking disappointing

>an ancient evil awakens

>You get cry frozen as part of an colony project
>Shot across the cosmos
>It takes 200 years
>You wake up 20 years after everyone else
>everything has gone to shit.
>But you THE GUY so you make everything right
>The NOT-COLLECTORS are kidnapping people
>You make an alliance with one of the races they are kidnapping
>You defeat the big bad
>Turns out he was just the pawn of an even bigger bad
>Cut to black

Any questions?

I really hate how the Kett are set up to continue being the big bads of Andromeda. They were really boring as villains

no its not fuck face. its average at best.

NOTHING beats the shit heap that was mass effect 3's ending.

>>Turns out he was just the pawn of an even bigger bad

Not really. Archon went "rogue" by being obsessed with Remnant technology instead of exalting.

The bigger bad is the Kett Empire.

>Also the Angara were made by the same people who made the remnant
There's nothing that says that the remnant are made by the Jardaan.

>mfw people are in denial that Andromeda was made mostly by white people
Dude, americans have never made a single decent videogame, stop trying to salvage the western videogame industry.
Only Japan knows what they are doing.

No it's not.
Andromeda just ends, it's not bad, nor good.
ME3's ending completely destroyed everything the franchise had built and ruined absolutely everything.
It was so bad that the next entry had to take place 600 years in the future and in a different galaxy.


The kett look like they're just bargain bin version of the Protheans.

>a mysterious benifactor behind the initiative
I thought that was the Illusive Man.

Yes, Jardaan.

>Plans to reverse the terraforming to destroy all the planets
Can someone tell me why?

The Kett are just the dark spawn from dragon age. They are mindless orcs that kidnap the other races and mutate them in to Kett variants.

Even dragon age moved away from the dark spawn after the first game, because of how boring they are. Bioware Montreal is retarded

To threaten people into either submit to exaltation or die.

>The Pathfinder shuttles are suddenly struck by lightning

You'd think that almost 1000 years from now they'd have found ways to insulate spacecrafts from electrical surges like lightning.

>The kett look like they're just bargain bin version of the Protheans.
Fits considering Mass Effect is nothing but a cheap, bargain bin version of Star Trek that, after 4 entries, still hasn't managed to develop a personality of it's own.

So they built a death star



The purpose of the death star was just killing.
The kett don't to kill you, they want to convert you.

It was 600 years after leaving.

You wake up the same time as everyone on the Human Ark, "Hyperion". lol

You arrive 20 years behind the Nexus, which was the mixed race massive space station. Everything went to shit, including riots, so they spaced the shitty people and froze the rest.

For some reason, the Human Pathfinder gets to decide the unfreezing process for literally everyone on the Nexus.

But they'd have to kill a ton of people on the now airless planets wouldnt they?

>reddit spacing


Race mixing aliens go around Andromeda absorbing the genetics of other species and killing off their original form and culture. You have to stop them.

When the kett un-terraform planets, wouldn't they occupants of those planets die?

That's why you either submit to exaltation or die.

I can't tell if it's one autist that believes reddit spacing is actually a thing, or if multiple people are actually dumb enough to believe the guy that started it.

So to refer to this post , both the empire and the kett are killing massive amounts of power to make enemies submit.
They both destroy planets, thus i called it a death star

>>Also the Angara were made by the same people who made the remnant
>>Also there's an evil anomoly in space that destroys things called the Scourge that was made by someone unknown to destroy the Remnants creators
>>Also there's some subplots about exiles from the Andromeda initiative, anti Milky Way Angara group, a mysterious benifactor behind the initiative etc

At least this bit sounds interesting

massive amounts of people *

Mass Effect humans arrive in the Andromeda galaxy and have to fight the Forerunners from Halo and the organic Borg. Also Cerberus is back.

>Cerberus is back
Ehh, just in a sidequest, it's closer to being an easter egg.

He was referring to the fact that they hired a bunch of women, not niggers.

Even TW3 had plenty of women working on it.

Doesn't explain why pretty much all Bioware games except Baldur's Gate 2 have been forgettable trash, though.

it is strongly implied that he is the illusive man

the one in Mass Effect 3 is a clone, he has plan Bs for everything

>Its reddit spacing to paragraph your text in a shitty NEET forum because the site only pushes lines based on screen size.

Keep at it, James

I lost interest in finishing the story not long after you establish a connection with the Angara and decide to take on the Kett. I thought this was going to be a game about exploring not another save the (new) galaxy from mean aliens adventure.

I'm talking about the benefactor behind the initiative. 95% sure it was the Illusive Man and he has a clone somewhere in cryo.

It feels more about exploration than the past two mass effect games did though. ME2 is still better but this is better than 3.

>Ehh, just in a sidequest, it's closer to being an easter egg.
Thats what they were in ME1

It's the same as the original trilogy but orange flavoured instead of apple


special kind of stupid aren't you

you have 10 seconds to explain why you're such a huge faggot and bought this game

or any bioware game since EA takeover

fun fact, the only explanation is that you're a huge faggot

well I do enjoy the taste of penis

Wtf i love ea now

bioware took a poop and stuck little trans fags in it. the end

You arrive 14 months after the Nexus, not 20 years.

>blah blah blah you're the chosen one
>blah blah the big bad uses your sibling's power aka your power to destroy the galaxy because that's his fetish
>blah there's two less endings than ME3

>Nick Wilde likes it
This amuses me more than it should.

So should I pick this thing up for 40 buckaroos?

Wait until it's under $20 or they release a "complete edition".

The side stories are more interesting than the main story desu, but the revelation of the Angara and Remnant's origins did take me a little by surprise.

Depends what are you hoping for

wait until it's in the clearance box with battleborn
shouldn't be long with how quickly discounts are rolling out