What are some games where the childhood friend wins in the end?

What are some games where the childhood friend wins in the end?

What Atelier game is she from?

Lunar: The Silver Star
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Not Fire Emblem Echoes.

Twilight Princess
A lot of VNs
A few Fire Emblems have pairs that lean towards "canon", like Lute and Artur.
Faye is a cuck and will end in pitiful lesbian sex with Catria.

Alm and Celica are childhood friends, so you're wrong

Atelier Faye: The Alchemist of Fire


What kind of dumb logic is this?

You know how kids are dirty as fuck and don't give a shit?
Kinda warps your perception of the adult you're talking to when you remember shit about them like that.


What kind of dumb logic is this post?

This makes no sense, Japan is fucked.

I could only ever love someone who knew all of that about me and loved me anyway

So no one, but theoretically if such a person existed

There's a reason why the vast majority of couples hooked up within an hour of meeting each other as opposed to dating their childhood friend.

It's more to do with the main reason most people aren't attracted to their siblings. Aparently, people you grow up with / around you find less attractive. Certainly not true for all, as Sup Forums readily proves regularly, but for alot of people it is true.

Long lost siblings tend to find eachother really hot for this reason.

What are you even talking about? Are you insane?

She's from Fire Emblem Echoes.

Is this what he actually said. I don't remember jackshit about this anime except redhead's mom is smoking hot.

The reason being 99% of people don't actually have childhood friend of opposite gender. Not in the anime childhood friend sense at least.

>What are some games where the childhood friend wins in the end?

Fucking underrated post.

FE echos is getting the same artist that did Ayesha.

Expect great waifus and husbandos
