What was your favorite quest?

What was your favorite quest?

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The one where you go into a tomb/cave and kill some Draugr.

the uninstall button
followed up by the quest where i reinstall new vegas instead

Is it weird that I don't have favorite quests in games like these? I guess i'm too emotionally broken to tell what I like.

Not really.
Bethesda games are just incredibly bland with no real memorable characters or stories.

the one where you went with the wizard into the tower and went back in time or sommething, don't fully remember it

Probably one of the daedric ones. Sanguine, Sheogorath, and Clavicus Vile ones were fun times.

Blood on the Ice. I really like quests with eerie plots and a mystery though. Oblivion's Hackdirt quest or Andale in FO3, gimme more of that.

The quest where you went to go slay Movarth the vampire was meh, but I felt like it had some weird charm to it, as if it was a much older game there.

I disagree. Skyrim and Fallout 4 are actually my favorite games. I just don't have a favorite quest in any of their games really.

Same goes for most games even non bethesda games.

the one where you go to the dungeon with draugrs and then there's a draugr who uses shouts at the end.

I know Sup Forums hates this game but I actually thought this game had some really fun quests. I like the one where you get sent to prison or something in Malkreath and you have to shank a dude.

This doesn't happen nearly as much as people say.

>Fallout 3
>game about guns where you can pick up swords and chop off enemies limbs
>game about arrows and swords where you can't chop enemies limbs off with swords

>both made by the same company

the one where i murder the emperor and nothing happens.

Good thing mods exist.

>Skyrim and Fallout 4 are actually my favorite games

>Someone has a common opinion that doesn't line up with the hipster hi/v/e

skyrims targeted at all ages, where fallout is not

you dont kill the emperor, its a body double, but youd know that if you played it


Does anyone think that Skyrim's quests were much better than in Fallout 4? I mean seriously, I went into the game expecting a bad RPG but with some fun quests like Skyrim had but they almost all sucked.

It was fun until all the towns people pussied out on you.

Was that a bug or did they actually leave you to complete the quest or die? Because I don't remember getting an explanation from any of the people outside the cave.

The quest where you LEARN you are going to kill the emperor (The Silence Has Been Broken) is actually the most exciting quest in the game

Can you at least explain why those two games of all games are your favorites?
Are you one of those people who just plays Bethesda games for lewd mods or do you seriously enjoy the gameplay?

The one where I make a waifu and don't actually play the game much because Skyrim's quests are boring and the story is bland. The only thing that can redeem it is extensive mods for the gameplay, graphics, and character models. I'd rather play New Vegas if I wanted quests and story.

Been replaying this recently. Why is the Thieves Guild so retarded?
>muh 1 year to make poison
>not shooting the bad guy anyways
>everyone accepts the journal isn't forged
>muh key unlocks unlimited potential
The worst part is you can't even keep the Skeleton Key

Here's a long rundown on the Thieves Guild and how it all makes no sense.


>you dont kill the emperor, its a body double, but youd know that if you played it

you kill both. the double you poison, the real one you kill on the ship. YOU would know if you actually played it.

the quest back to the store to return it

>make a game with few memorable quests and repetitive dungeons that hardly vary in theme where you solve easy puzzles and kill draugrs
>lauded as greatest open world game of all time

>make a game with no memorable quests and repetitive dungones that don't vary at all in theme where you solve easy puzzles and kill only guardians
>lauded as the new greatest open world game of all time

that was his body triple you idiot

All of them except like 1 npc just say they're too scared to keep going once you reach the entrance of the vampire lair so I assume it was intended.

I know Sup Forums hates this game and I'll admit it's not that good but my nostalgie won't let me hate it. I really enjoyed The College of WInterhold questline especially the part where you find that old guy in his tundra hut.

>nostalgia for skyrim

I play it for the content/gameplay. Not really many games offer the same experience Bethesda games do. Big open world with tons of locations to explore, mods that add tons of new quests, locations, gameplay tweaks, etc.

I'm a gameplay elitist I guess? I don't care about dialogue options or RPG elements really its the core gameplay that matters to me and stuff you can do.

Fallout 4 with mods can become as realistic and tactical as a stalker or metro game but with a vastly bigger and more interesting world. Sadly not many mods for Fallout 4 in the new content department I guess people are more interested in fantasy shit for some reason and weapon mods but Skyrim is never ending for me.

I play Skyrim with realism mods aswell game is hardcore as fuck and very enjoyable with an experience like that. Plus hundreds of decent quest and location mods. No other game offers these things. Plus its in first person the most immersive perspective.

No other game offers these things.

Witchers gameplay is eh in comparison, choose your own adventure shit that isn't gameplay not that story shit is bad or anything but its not gameplay.

Anyways because I prefer fun gameplay over story shit and goosebumps choose your own adventure novels I guess I like a lot of things Sup Forums doesn't like.

Dark Souls 2, Resident Evil 6, I think the syndicate reboot is better than the turn based trash, prob some other things that trigger story/nostalgia fags.

Just my opinion man sorry if I didn't format this post that well i'm sick rn.

>The College of WInterhold

you mean the questline where you become head of the mages guild without needed to use magic?

it's because one of the first quests do that, so people who haven't played the whole game assume they're all like that.

>walk into riften
>this fucker starts following you like a horror movie villain

it came out in 2011, I was 16. You don't have nostalgic memories from when you were 16?...

Outside of Sup Forums, pretty much everyone loves Skyrim. This board is just contrarian as fuck and loves to praise Morrowshit.

I don't remember what it was about, but you go down this rabbit hole of unremarkable caves until you emerge into the underground mushroom cave. Pretty cool the first time you experience it.

I think it was the one where you have to kill the emperor, dress like a chef and get tricked into killing the fake emperor, then escape that shit, shit was cool because it had everything, you had to sneak your way in to find out who the fuck was the chef, maro shit talks you then you battle the guards and then get back to what's left of the dark brotherhood.

What about all the animations for things like backstabs and throat cuts?

Fallout 4?
Stab em in the neck also DETECTED

This game had cooler Dwemer ruins than Morrowind

>Why is the Thieves Guild so retarded?

It has one really good sub-quest, the heist on the island honey farm. It's a good little set-piece thing with distinct objectives and even a fail state that doesn't stop the quest progress.

I guess that's fair. I won't argue that beth games have one of the largest and most active modding communities out there, though I hate games that only become "good" after you install 200+ mods out of sheer principle.
I can't believe people actually play them on consoles given there is nothing you can do about the awful combat or constant gamebreaking bugs.

The way the thieves guild quest starts is just terrible. I feel like you, the player, should be seeking out the guild instead of that guy just trying to recruit you in broad daylight apropos of nothing. It feels very stilted. Like, what if I'm playing a character that isn't stealthy at all and hasn't stolen once? Beth couldn't even be arsed to put in different voice lines like Obsidian might have.

Sadly on console that's all we really had and I put at least 200 hours into Fallout 4 before I started modding the shit out it.

I still think the games are good vanilla they just become masterpieces when they're modded since you can literally get the exact experience you want. Well at least as close you're gonna get.

That quest would have been better if it had gone the Hitman route and given you multiple options when it came to assasinating him. Dressing up as a chef would have been the clever route, whereas you could have just slashed your way through the hold and his guards if you were feeling impatient.

The fact that the College of Winterhold starts with a field trip to an archeology site is really cute and is one of my favourite moments. The whole quest goes downhill though and get kind of generic.
>we found thing. thing can destroy world.

Most of the Dark Brotherhood is good. It is by far the best quest line. It has character arcs, folly and tragedy.

>You don't have to cast a single spell during that entire quest and you become an arch-mage at the end of it

Eye of magnus should've been discovered mid way through the college questline and saarthal should've had more comfy archeology questing.

to the op, the whole dragonborn dlc quest, it should have been in the game in the first place

anyone have any good mods? im an archer if that helps

the one where you have to find the uninstall wizard

the entire gourmet quest. literally the only time the dragonborn gets personality

Yeah not gonna lie, these are some pretty shit opinions. Not only for the "NOT REAL GAMEPLAY" approach to something like decision making but because even from a gameplay purist perspective Bethesda is mediocre at best. You'd assume games like One Finger Death Punch, EDF or even various digital TCGs would appeal more than the goofy shit that happens in Skyrim.

I mean shit I still think Skyrim and Fallout 4 are some of Bethesda's better works, but generally just because it seems more their speed whereas previous titles are just very poorly executed.

Just my opinion that you're a fucking casual man, sorry.

Realtalk, I hated that the the thieve's guild and the companions were both secretly mystical cults. Why couldn't they just have been the mafia (like in Oblivion) and the jomsvikings instead of lame imitations of the dark brotherhood?

The one where I browse the nexus for an hour and spend another 3 hours troubleshooting my downloads from there so it can look like this and pic related


You needed to cast a firebolt on that seal.

It does though wtf

>No option to just burn the city to the ground

None. Even Fallout 3 and 4 did better quest wise.

all the mystical shit with the theives guild was fucking wack. I mean I like mystical stuff but if we're talking about a group of theives living underground?

You're right, all the other quests are to go to a bandit's lair and kill bandits

At least ditch that cape. The shoulder armor plates and the sword clips right through it and looks like shit.

I hope the next game doesn't have radiant quests. I hate them so much

Because people liked the Thieves Guild in Oblivion so they tried to have the same beat.

why are dragon battles in this game so utterly shit?

any cool mods you guys can recommend for special edition of skyrim?

They wouldn't be as bad if fighting them in melee meant not having a 50/50 chance of getting bitten and dying instantly

>>You don't have to cast a single spell during that entire quest and you become an arch-mage at the end of it

Yes. But it starts off pretty good. I mainly just like the first couple parts of the Mage line.

>Eye of magnus should've been discovered mid way through the college questline and saarthal should've had more comfy archeology questing.

Very much so.

I wish magic had way more non-combat applications and you could rely on a squad of NPC fighters to defend you most of the time.

>You needed to cast a firebolt on that seal.

Fire/ice for both a pair of elementally locked doorways as well as the giant Dwemer crystal, analog, computer the size of a house.

This was actually a pretty fantastic moment. It really was the high point of probably the whole game for me

What a shame how awful and inconsequential the actual assassination was.

>all the mystical shit with the theives guild was fucking wack.

Especially since you have to sell your soul to a Daedra.

>Game all about being the ultimate slayer of dragons
>Dragon slaying is fucking garbage in the game

Thanks, Todd.

The one with Randy Savage.

But why?

They should have just been the mafia and their quest should have been all about pulling off increasingly ballsy heists. Forget all this convuluted crap about selling your soul to a daedra, just have it be about you and your gritty thief buddies going around taking shit and making cash.

Because sometimes an elder scrolls game is written so poorly that Randy Savage is closer to the real elder scrolls lore.

>There isn't an option to side with the silver hand and wipe out all of the companions who are furries
>The silver hand are just bandits but with silver weaponry
>They didn't just use the Vigils of Stendarr instead

The one where you pretty much experience The Hangover but in medieval times

Wait for the script extender

Skyrim quests were honestly rather samey and not memorable, in comparison to oblivion quests
Skyrim was still gr8 tho


how long will that be?

did the midget die?

This makes me sad man, poor little gerbil

Weird Al is still alive.

nobody knows really. they said "mid march" and that was 3 months ago. everyone pretty much gave up and went back to regular skyrim.

if its any indication skyrime se brought over all the same pain the ass shit that was in fallout 4. f4se is still nowhere near feature complete either and fallout 4 came out over a year ago.

I like the Dawnguard quest line.

It's decent from beginning to the end and doesn't end up with you being their leader like you do in literally every other organization like that.

Doesn't that have something to do with the eula update, literally claiming that "all your mods are belong to us"?

solid bait

Literally no less than 30 percent of the quests are that.

I think we have a good chance at swaying normies.
They're turning against FO3 as more and more realize how much better Obsidian is at making story-driven games.

I just did Blood on the Ice today. It was an interesting and unique concept compared to the rest of the game, but the broken quest markers and the amulet forever stuck in my inventory kinda ruin it

Praising Morrowind isn't contrarian. In fact, I'd argue calling it shit is contrarian.

I didn't say I just liked it for the gameplay did I? I also mentioned content which it has plenty of. Also sorry dude CYOA shit isn't gameplay never will be.

Proof you didn't read my post. Gonna turn that word into a meaningless buzzword that has no meaning

Saying its shit is contrarian to who? Sup Forums? Big minority of gamers who don't even like decent modern video games anymore? Fuck off.

That haunted stone house one
