A message from the Mass Effect: Andromeda team


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>tfw the fix the facial animations on Sara and they kill our waifu
We must protect Sara from Bioware.

Sounds like they're going to apologize

>Some of it positive

What, from your mom on Facebook?

Maybe the thanks for the representation from the autistic community?

jesus christ I haven't even been following the ME:A shitstorm that closely - is it really this bad?

They are going to introduce the incest romance which just glitched out.

worse than bad

It's a solid 7/10. The circle jerk on Sup Forums makes it seem worse than it really is, but it's still not a great game.

she'll still act autistic if you ever romance someone

>closely - is

Please, avoid talking like a marketeer.

There's some really nice scenery tbhq

They won't fix the animations. It's too much work.

They are only responding like this because of the poor sales, not because they actually want to make a good game. Fuck them.


that's what it's going to be

dont listen to this idiot, its a DEFINITE 5/10, maybe a 6 at best


This has to stop.

Proofs? HZD fixed their animations.

>They are only responding like this because of the poor sales
Source on that?


>How dare a company respond to market forced and try to improve! I can never forgive them for doing what literally every capitalist enterprise is supposed to do!

7/10 in AAA games means 2/5

You have to subtract 50% from the shill ratings.

80 / 100 - 50 / 100 = 3/5

>April 4th comes
>they announce they're patching in an incestuous romance between Ryders

It's Neo-Bioware

Have you played the game to completion?

>announcing the date when you'll announce your plans for fixing the game
>instead of just fixing the fucking game

This is like announcing when a trailer will come out, but worse somehow.

It would completely fix the game.

fuck - you

Yeah, but it's a new studio and this is their first full game. They might be more open to responding to feedback than the other Bioware studios.

The point is that they never wanted to make a good game in the first place. The only thing their response is going to do is try to maximize the profit that they get from the existing work.

Nothing wrong with profiting from your work, but the fact that they even released MEA without a single play-tester flagging the massive amount of shit in it is beyond pathetic. Their objective in releasing the game was strictly profit. Making an actually good game was never a factor for them.

So what, it's not like the old-bioware did anything right.
Shattered Steel is still one of my biggest dissapointments ever, and they did nothing remarkable aside from Baldur's Gate 2.

>Some of it positive
Why most you turn the gaming community into a house of lies?

No one makes a videogame for the sake of making a good game, it's always about money.

>posting the edited picture

20 dollar animation fix DLC

those Banner Saga guys did
and the Papers Please guy
and the Shovel Knight guys

So why are you here instead of out making profit by putting together a game or something?

Maybe you are paid to post here?

And? Do you think CD Projekt released the Witcher for any reason other than to make a profit? Literally all games, good or bad, are made exclusively for profit.

Their purpose was making money, the game's quality is just a matter of chance.

Because the government already pays me enough ever since I convinced them i'm autistic.

Whos ready for another Citadel DLC tier "we're sorry" expansion? Nothing short of a livestream mass sudoku will please me

What is Team Silent?

So some indie games that were made by a small handful of people? That doesn't scale up to AAA games that require hundreds of people working thousands of hours.

If they had released a 5 hour demo of the game a year before launch, they would have had all of the info they needed on what they should fix because all of the things we see posted that are zany are before you get to the first planet. Alternatively, playtesters.

Fuck no, Citadel was absolute cringe, it's as if they took the entire thing from some reddit fanfiction.
Although the entire franchise has always been like Star Trek fanfiction.

Developers that died for a good reason.

You can't patch a shitty script

>apologize for an apology
this meme is really being taken beyond its logical extreme

Leftist parasite

It's a videogame, why would you expect a non-shit script?

Meh no one forced them to kick out the old guard and hire people that never ever animated anything not to mention hire racists lol.
I really dont fucking care about bioware anymore even looking back at dragon age or mass effect shit was just average all around feels like their 5mins of fame from the insane golden age of pc games if officially over with me.

>complain that he's a corporatist
>complain that he's a leftist

Nigga these ain't compatible insults

She's safe.

They'll have to fix animations in general and rewrite the entire game too. They won't do any of that because it's a lost cause.

I'll side with whoever gives me autismbux.
The only way to be happy is to care only about yourself, so politics are a waste of time.
Last thing i'm going to do is waste precious time that I could dedicate to myself in shitposting in the name of other people.

By the time they actually release a patch everyone will be done with the game anyways. What's the point of the patch then?

People with autism tend to be on the right side of the political spectrum.


They're trying to save their jobs from lord EA

I sent them a email saying that some of the were not as fuckign terrible as eveything else. That's relatively postive. In a way


Jesus fucking christ

>30/100 = 3/5

I'm not autistic, I only pretended to be autistic.
I can speak to random people with no problems.

trying to recover from bad word-of-mouth and get people to buy the DLC

Its square on 5/10. Its worth playing if you happen to have it and nothing else to do, otherwise I'd take almost anything else over it. I have to pretend its a 3rd party spin off just to enjoy it. I'm not sensitive to retconning and writing missteps usually, but Andromeda really does take a shit on the whole universe that was built up by the original writers.

And the original writers did nothing but build a mediocre and personality-less Star Trek clone.
This franchise has always been shit.

Sounds like console bros are getting the early access alpha aids too.

>marketing guy write up something that sounds meaninfgful and will make those pleb cutomsers feel valued

They're gonna delete her autism. We have to stop them!

if your going into it without playing any of the others- 6/10

if you have, it deserves a 3/10. and you know it

And? We all know this and accept this. Our weaponized autism is why we're so good at capturing Shia's flags.


it's true

I'll protect her from bioware.

if the exact same game was released by another studio, and without the Mass Effect name behind, it would be getting 4-6 across the board.

>We've received quite a bit of feedback, some of it positive and some of it critical.

"Critical" isn't the opposite of "positive". A positive evaluation is also criticism you fucking cucks

No. Get fucked cunts.

How DARE you critique their writing AGAIN!

If that's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a girl's ass, you need to blow your own fucking head off.

I'm not paying 60+ bucks for a "solid" 7/10 game, money doesn't grow on trees you know.

120 bucks*, don't forget the good 'ol downloadable content

you have to understand, that to a sjw liberal socialist cuckhold, the very act of 'discussing' something is 'progressive' and 'groundbreaking'. You've never noticed how they always put an emphasis on the importance of things like 'dialog' and 'conversations'? Literally talking about shit is WORK to them. They are conceptually the same in their insane little minds.

>he fell for the "the opposite of communism is capitalism" meme

protip: communists = globalists = international businessmen who want to rob your dumb ass with a bullshit ideology designed to turn you into mindless consumers.

Capitalists fucking love socialism because they arent the ones who ever get robbed and lose their shit. It's the BOURGEOIS who get their wealth redistributed. And who are the bourgeois? THE MIDDLE CLASS. The top "2%" of whatever number you want are the fucking party heads, the rulers of socialist dystopias. Look at every single billionare in china. They are ALL members of the communist party. Not a single one of them ISNT.

I am now wondering if maybe just maybe did a shit job not just because of incompetence but also as part of a gamble in which releasing the damn thing in the state it was on release was so they can lower the bar as far as possible.

So then with the bar lowered so damn much any improvements or fixes made to it could be lauded as good and make it seem like they are listening and actually doing shit.

And then when and if a sequel comes out they can just make shit a lil bit better in the parts they horriblely fucked up in. Leading to underserved praised of them at least not being as shit as before.

This is the only way in my mind I can justify them spending so much on such a shit product and how however was managing the incompetent works would justify the shit quality work to the top brass. Just you wait. Whenever the sequel comes out you will see how much undeserved praise and scores higher than it should receive it will get. Simply for not being utter trash when compared to its predecessor and not because it can actually stand and earn such things on its own merits

this shit should be illegal we need some regulations and ethics in this industry.

I didn't tell you to?

The counter point to that would be that while it would be compared to mass effect since it would still be the same game just different dev and hence it would have to be a different/new IP. Then it would probably get more slack to the point that it would probably end up where it currently is anyway. Like if a different dev were to have done this he leway and forgiveness over the shit it did horrible would be massive more so that given that this type of game ,in the more or less large openish world rpgs genre, are kinda of scarce really and people tend to eat this kind of game and want them to succeeded as to make it possible for more to exist and be made

Okay m8 to be fair shut was written so like even 5th graders reading at like 3rd grader level could understand what its trying to convey. Sure the words are some what misused but then again the general audiences who play/buy this shit ain't that bright either. So you got a write that shit in way to make it so their dumb db audience can understand shut yet not feel talked down to by using words they are unable to comprehend their proper meanings and use of.

So be nice to the dumb dumb autismos and pleas understand why such shitty language and grammer must be used to make them feel not as dumb by talking to them in their own dumb dumb level of language.

>fix the animations and bugs
>your narrative driven game still has horrible writing

No. This game is fundamentally bad

Narrative driven games must die.

The game's quality is a matter of skill and work hours put into it, shill

That skill is irrelevant, the purpose is always making money.
Good devs can make terrible games, Bioware for example, made Baldur's Gate 2, yet they also made KOTOR and Mass Effect.

which are the terrible games in this scenario

This is rape, that autistic woman can't consent

That's what happens when you fail to protect her.


>listing kikestarter stuff
you just proved his point

You think the jews at EA who made them rush it in the first place will pay for those extra man hours when they could be working on DLC to make more money?

People won't buy the DLC if they have a sour taste in their mouth from the main game. If I was EA, I'd invest in fixing the game, and then use the DLC released after the game is fixed to break even on the cost of fixing it. Doing so would help restore the brand image so that sequels can sell more.

To be fair, if you want to talk about Chinese politics, the way their society works is that if you want any sort of job that requires a university level education and a decent payroll, you pretty much need to be a member of the communist party, otherwise no one will hire you.

>no one forced them to kick out the old guard
No one, except EA

Kek it's just gonna be DLC announcements or something Jewish like that