Emulator issues

I'm having a really hard time getting cemu to work

Whenever I download something it can't open with the 7.zip console ("cannot open file as archive") and of course cemu can't do anything with it.

How do I make this work???

Other urls found in this thread:


Buy a Wii U faggot

No u.... wait...

So none of you use cemu?

I haven't tried cemu yet but what exactly is the problem? What sort of file are you trying to extract? Grab some screenshots and I'll try to help out.

Basically I tried to open a file with 7.zip, and just ended up making the file unusable. Now it won't open unless I use notepad.

screenshot what you are trying to do

and click on the file property

show us the file properties.

How do I check that

Did you use 7zip to open the fucking file or did you fucking try to use regular windows zip program. "Cannot open file as archive" is a big fucking hint.

You can't seriously be this retarded.

.....kidding, right?

Right click the file and select "Properties". Then screenshot that shit and post it here.

And what this guy said. If it's archived as a 7zip, then you need to use a 7zip unpacker.

I'm in the properties, and it's a .torrent file that's under 1gb when it should be around 5gb, and I want it to be a .iso.

Plus, the site I'm using is supposed to download the game as a folder (at least that's what it does for other people)

>pc master race


What's wrong?

He's serious, he posted this shit in Sup Forums as well.

Take a screenshot of your desktop right now.


You made this thread yesterday. I'll repeat myself. If you are too stupid to fucking pirate games, buy a Wii U.

I'm on mobile


Is this some very esoteric type of cemu shitposting?

Torrent files are not the data file you want to use. Torrent files contain the information needed for a torrent client to download the files you want. It's customary to chew you the fuck out for being so dense but I'm angry enough IRL right now that I'll just spoonfeed you like the cuck you are. No links will be provided, google shit up.

1. Get a torrent client. Google that shit up and you'll get free links to download one of your choosing.
2. Use the torrent client to open the .torrent file you have. It'll start to download the files you actually want.
3. Google up winrar, download and install it.
4. Once the torrent client is done downloading your files (it'll let you know), use winrar to unpack the files you want (if you need to).
5. Then use cemu or whatever the fuck to open the file or whatever you need to do to emulate your game.

Fucking cunt.

Op is cute, CUTE

I'm not too stupid, I just haven't been shown how computers work. If you haven't noticed, none of this is straightforward enough to just do.

No, it's a mobile retard. You can take that literally.

If you don't have the very, very minimal tech savvy necessary to get a game without paying, then you should pay like the average customer. If everyone knew about piracy or how easy it is, I'd wager it'd be more rampant than it is now.

I'll come to your house and help you set it up if you suck my dick.

It's straightforward enough to anyone that even has a laptop. What have you been doing with your life. Get on your desktop right now and post a screenshot of the issue.
Or buy a Wii U. You don't have the brain cells to pirate.

Thx, currently downloading torrent

Hey OP download a program called Teamviewer it will help me fix your problem by allowing me to remote connect to your PC.

Download that and then i'll help you from there.

Few hours later OP will be back when someshit.dll is missing because he didn't install C++ redist.

i'm pretty sure OP is a 12 year old mexican, he came here yesterday and posted a spanish version of a rom site.

What dafuq is that

something tells me OP is underage

>He tries to use notepad to emulate games

*portalroms to be exact

>only mexicans speak spanish

europeans aren't that stupid.

got a link? if it says descarga or someshit it's huehue

I'm entirely new to emulators and am only trying them so I can play BOTW in April.

From all the YouTube tutorials I saw for cemu they said to use portalroms

I saw your thread on Sup Forums, you said you were using portal ROMs? Use this instead. Always worked for me. pastebin.com/U5whGFCf

you must install gentoo to find out


CEMU requires a good PC and a budget GPU yours is probably a toaster and will crash and burn

>using winrar instead of 7zip


>implying OP can download from MEGA

>these are the people donating to Cemu and making Cemu threads

I'm only mad that I didn't think of it first. All those shekels from gullible goyim.

OP here how do i click the link?

Thanks for ruining the fun, cunt.

My PC isn't great for cemu (i5 4590 and gtx 1070), but I'm hoping to get close to 30fps

top kek

>Haswell CPU
>Nvidia normalfag GPU
That's more than good enough, you really don't know how good you have it

Have you tried looking into wii u usb helper? It allows you to download and pack the games to loadiine(.rpx), which allows cemu to run it fairly easily.

Op here

So I used utorrent to download the files, and still on cemu the only file it can open is the shortcut back to the site. There's no wud, wux, iso, wad, or rpx files.

This fucking nigger made the same thread yesterday.

I'm just a nigga who wants to play BOTW

Did the torrent of the game finish downloading? What size is it? Is it fucking 100% on the torrent program? What is the file type at the end, filetype = .iso .exe .ngg etc.

It was 100%, but then my antivirus said the files were harming my computer

Long story short I had to delete utorrent, and all the files for the game

he's baiting. stop spoonfeeding him

OP here the torrent file still appears as notepad, it downloaded 100%

You're pirating things user. Legitimate anti virus software will ALWAYS flag illegal shit (cracks and shit) as harmful. You either make the folder and file or entire drive an exception or just stop because this won't be the last time your anti virus software will give you a false positive.

I choose to stop then.