What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this? I picked it up on Steam when it was on sale a few days ago...

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this? I picked it up on Steam when it was on sale a few days ago, I'm looking to plug a few solid hours into it come the weekend.

Loved Morrowind and Skyrim, will DD scratch that itch? Cheers.

An user put it well in a recent thread, "it's the best 7/10 game you'll ever play.
I adore this game despite its many shortcomings, and I tend to dislike open world fantasy games.
That said the world is fairly small but the enjoyment for my comes from the combat system and pawn system.

Love DD. Havent gotten to Bitterblack Island yet but I heard its like an entirely new game. I play it off and on though. Solid gameplay.

Some people complain it can get repetitive. I can see that. Like I wouldn't sit and play it consistently because I think I would tire of it.

Just don't do any escort missions until the end otherwise it will fuck your locations up.

>skyrim world to explore itch
honestly no
but it is a fantastic game.

i will never understand threads like this. you BOUGHT the game you already own it and yet, you are wasting your time on Sup Forums asking Sup Forums if its good or not.

It will. Then it will make you wonder why the fuck either of those games don't have combat as good as this.
Play well, so your pawn picks up good tactics and traits.
Have fun. Don't goto Bitterblack isle until after you've beaten the game once. Maybe.

>implying you have no backlog
cmon now

9/10 for me
Pawn system is fantastic
Open world done right (but not nearly as big or densely packed as Skyrim)
Combat is fun and every class is enjoyable to play, although some are less viable at high level content
One of the best dragons in any video game
Interesting NPCs with lots of missable quests/interactions

>it's the best 7/10 game you'll ever play.
Wouldn't that put it above a 7?

It's a good game, but it's hard to get into. The first hour or so doesn't do the game much credit since it's main strength is the combat, and you only have access to three classes at the beginning and it takes a while to unlock their better moves.
It picks up when you get to Gran Soren, but there's a bunch of side-quests you can permanently miss if you rush there straight away, so explore at your own pace I guess.
Also the open world is kind of small and although the encounters in it can wreck your shit early on, you'll probably get used to it.

nah it has the graphics, sound, dialogue, and writing of a 7
gameplay is above that, but the world views it as a 7

"best" isn't the right word. You can enjoy a goofy B movie a lot more than an acclaimed classic while still considering the classic a better movie

Fun combat, shit story and quests. Feels like an offline MMORPG.

I enjoy playing as a loli mage accompanied by Strider Big Boss

>I'm looking to plug a few solid hours into it
could you be any more of a faggot

No, just play Witcher 3
Better combat, exploration, story, and everything


Very MMO-ish. Samey combat and baddies. Kept my interest with the story and world up untill the endgame though.

Almost fell for it

Loved the game but i wish there was some actual party members with back story and characterization. not just peoples bitch slaves.

Pretty average or below average in just about every aspect but the combat is so good that it makes up for it.

so the deal ends in 8 hours, should I?

It's one of my favorite games despite its flaws.

I really enjoyed it user and some post describe it spot on.

Mind the shitposts.

>Better combat

Are you retarded? I'm not saying the combat in DD is great but the combat in TW3 is terrible.

This is an amazing game, most people who call it mediocre is shitters who can't deal with a game that doesn't let you teleport to any place on the map at any time
9/10 for me

It was a really fun game that I only played because my boyfriend is into dragons. Probably the best open-world RPG combat I've ever seen. The only problem I had was having to level up as a different class in order to increase certain stats. You should've just been able to put your stat points in manually.

Escort missions are fine in the PC version. Just make sure to place portcrystals on every relevant location beforehand and just use you eternal ferrystone to get close or even directly to the destination. Do not make the mistake though to accept an escort mission to a place that is not nearby or has a portcrystal close to it. Also, take Madeleine with you in the first city.

>start the game
>on normal it's literally click to win

Does it get better?

Yes. The first 20 hours or so are really boring, but the payoff is worth it imo. If you are not willing to invest this, you should probably look elsewhere, no bad feelings.

The game is fun, challenging at times, frustrating at times, and will leave you wanting for more if you enjoyed it. Granted it's not for everyone since it sort of does play out like an MMO but if you're into exploration, monster hunting, or just a huge fan of traditional fantasy this is a good game and chances are you will have fun.

The visual direction is top notch with character creation being amazing as well as the armor and weapon designs; I'm a huge fan of the armor+clothing integration.

Combat is tight and engaging, especially fighting large monsters; there is a stop frame on impact hits but again thats supposed to add 'impact' and weight behind your hits, it's offputting at first (for me atleast) but I got used to it.

The pawn system is fairly unique and the way they mimic your fighting style will make things.... interesting to say the least. It's a complicated system and they don't really explain it too much in the game so looking up a small primer on that would be recommended but ultimately unnecessary unless you're trying to whore your husbando/waifu out for rift shekels. With all that said the pawn's generally tend to be incredibly helpful and useful no matter what and is a very unique experience that I think no other game has come close to emulating which is a damn shame.

The bossfights are for the most part quite excellent with the main Dragon having one of the best voice acted lines in any game ever. The story is quite decent to boot as well despite being fairly generic.

If you do buy it there are a couple resources on the /vg/ general that should help, namely pawn traits as well as the file for the original game intro which is a must have in my opinion.

I rolled thru it not so long ago, got it from the humble monthly thing since everyone said it is great. I can tell you, it's not that great.
>The story is shit.
>The secondaries are shit.
>If you miss the secondaries you end up confronting bosses you should have known as NPCs or some shit
>balance is fucked up, started as strider and did literally no dmg, swapped to Magick Archer and obliterated everything
>Armor and weapons are ugly as shit
>Theres actually no difficulty, you either die in 1 hit or spend 20 hitting a boss or both
>Theres like an option for romancing characters, never explained. Later turns up it was somewhat relevant for the story. Psych, enjoy "being in love" with this random loli
>Tho the map feels big, it's just like 2 or 3 areas
I dunno, with the bundle i got it for 12 eurobucks and got some extra games, was worth it i'd say, but it definitely isn't that good.

The DLC is better than the vanilla game

How do I play the MMO? Do I need a VPN?

>Loved Morrowind and Skyrim, will DD scratch that itch?
Haven't really gone balls deep into any of them but from what little I played, no. DD has a much smaller world to explore, a story that's pretty much set, your choices dont really matter besides a few small things like which NPC will appear in a cutscene or how other NPCs will talk to you based on your choices and thats it.

Its selling point is the gameplay and the ambience. The rest are not bad, not by a longshot, they are decent enough with OST being also pretty good, you just wont find much variety in the rest, something Elder Scrolls series is better at.

Its Dark Arisen content though is ballbusting fun from all aspects except duration. Its a short but exciting expansion I feel everyone should play.

Try it out.

holy shit all that wrong.
You literally haven't played the game have you.
>balance is fucked up, started as strider and did literally no dmg, swapped to Magick Archer and obliterated everything

This has been my issue with the game. The opening is SO SLOW and there are so many little missable things and my OCD drives me nuts because I don't know when I can move on safely.

I've restarted the game like eight times and I've owned it on both PS3 and PC. I've only ever gotten to Gran Soren.

I'm also a fucking min-maxer and this game does NOT play well with that mindset.

This. I fucking hate the class and levelling system in this game.

>Pawn system is fantastic
Seriously? going around with 3 clowns that NEVER shut the fuck up to do some shit or just going alone and dying in the first random bandit is not fantastic. I could see it fine if you were to go with your waifu/husbando and that that affected your gameplay in some way, makes enemies harder but you can carry more stuff or something like that. Also is confusing as shit, since these clowns do not level up you need to change em up for another ones every now and then OR you could just summon some from 20 levels above of you which takes some fun away.

>armor is ugly
Why would you tell lies on the Internet?

You wont enjoy it at all if you play like that. Doing everything doesn't even give you cheevos from what I've seen and minmax is just +20dmg unless you fuck it up impossibly bad, even then the game is viable because action games rely on your tactics/skills to pull through, that or just stacking periapts and watch everything die effortlessly.

Play normally man, at least try to.

Not quite on the level of Skyrim, but it's alright, worth a pirate. Don't buy it though, not worth the money unless it's on sale for like 5 bucks.

Fuck off, dude. When i say started i mean i rolled with it until perk or whatever level more than the half of the red level things. 0, shit damage. Daggers suck dick

You literally cant into a yellow vocation, that says enough about you honestly.

>This is considered "fashionable armor" in this shithole on the year 2000+17

Empty and boring weeb single player MMO.

>49 hours
Strider does a fuck ton of damage you nitwit. It's literally the most versatile and easy mode of the classes

The only area where MA outclasses strider is in BBI due to the presence of ricochet arrows in those hallways, which ofcourse you shouldn't be able to hit at 49 hours.

I've been on Sup Forums too long to see these teenagers fucking comparing dragons dogma to skyrim and actually saying skyrim is better.

>Not quite on the level of Skyrim
Damn mate you sure want to collect some you's with this kind of comment.

One of the greatest Action Adventure RPG's in the last 10 years.

It one of those games Sup Forums pretends to hate because it's really good with a few noticeable flaws

Great game but starts kinda slow and the story doesn't really picks up until later in the game still worth playing it for the combat alone, also BBI is top tier.

What kind of literal rock are you running that on. I don't think it looked that bad even on consoles when it came out
>those proportions
Why are you playing as a deformed midget?

That bulge on the left

>Posting low res screenshots from the inferior console version of the game
>Posting screenshots of a guy that's not wearing any torso equipment and a guy that's only wearing clothing with no armor on top

>not able in 49 hours
Are you seriosly just trying to fuck with me right now? I didn't even know this game cause i didn't have a console since fat PS1 and "managed" to do it

>strider spin2win and attack on titan flying into monsters
>fighter is an absolute manly class
>sorcerer spells

Why does DD get the classic rpg archetypes so right?

Google images since i'm stuck at class, not actually screenshots from my not toaster gaymen pc

You'll like it if you can appreciate diamonds in the rough. The main overworld can be empty in some places but if you can stick through the main story it really picks up in BBI

Took me a while to get started, but I did love the game in the end.

In retrospect, I think the atmosphere and the setting did it for me. I loathe generic medieval European style fantasy settings with orcs and shit at this point, and at first this seemed an awful lot like another fucking one of those games. However, the world is actually really well done, and the setting is interesting. Somehow, I ended up not even minding the fact that you spend the majority of the game hunting the most cliché fantasy baddies ever, dragons. Or rather, the dragon.

As for the game world, it remains very consistent in its terrain and yet manages to not get repetitive. It's believable, and feels like an actual world. All the terrain transitions make sense; no bullshit like a smoking hot desert bordering snowy mountains with a tiny bit of something in-between. The day-night cycle actually matters in the game, too, and really adds to the atmosphere.

The way the game generally works is that you go to the capital, choose some goals to pursue, mostly in the form of quests, and then set out on what feels like an adventure. You complete it and then head back, deposit your shit, upgrade, and go out again. There's no level indicators on any zone, so you're on your own in figuring out where you can dare to venture next. Simple, and sounds boring on paper, but manages to be surprisingly interesting.

Bonus points for the surprise yuri.

Cherrypicking, here have another one fashionable armor. i swear theres literally 3 good in the game, feather cape and such. The rest are all the same shit recolored to red/brown/black/grey and/or mail

>now were you rushing or were you dragging?

i took my time that's for sure, i don't like to rush games. i remember spending time trying to explore and get to the amazon fortress thing, get fucked and run away. but theres also things like when you go to the big wall mission and theres this old dude that's like a boss or something and he went all "HAHA! we met again" and i was like who the fuck are you, so maybe i skipped an important secondary or something

>skipping cutscenes

I put this game on the same list as God Hand and Shadow of the Colossus, a Sup Forumscore game that is flawed but ultimately a good experience in terms of gameplay and some world building.

>literally skips cut scenes and god knows what else as indicated by his substantial "49 hours"
>too autistic to remember and/or doesn't pay attention to anything meaning he doesn't know characters and most likely doesn't know what the story is about
>claims game is shit

great review there ebert

>on normal it's literally click to win
Sure buddy, you go "click to win" an armored cyclops up near the female bandit hideout. I'm sure you'll do just fine.
If you even manage to get there.

If i did it wasn't on purpose, i can tell you that. Anyway, i thought i would love this game as much as i loved Dark Souls, turned up to be OK-ish. It went inot my fav folder thing on the steam library, but i don't really feel like playing it again in a long time

I have 79 hours, did all quests (not counting notice board), killed the offline Ur-Dragon once, finished BBI twice killing Daimon in his second form. Got some best weapons. One playthrough.
I'm guessing completionist is getting all achievements/trophies, which I did not.
I was playing around a lot, not rushing.

>the main Dragon having one of the best voice acted lines in any game ever.


>low res

Goddamn user, you're allowed to hate the game but don't fucking lie about shit.

Then don't review things you clearly don't have the qualifications to you silly memester.

Literally everything you talk about in your original review is completely wrong and or you're talking out of your ass completely.

Man, everyone forgets Ranger. Deathly Arrow is literally 'either the enemy moves, or it fucking dies'.

>Skip 1 cutscene accidentally
Fuck off, it's not out my ass, you review things based on your experience/your thougts about something. Everything i said is fine from all points of view imaginable

>spreading falsehoods is fine

bitter black is like the fucking reason to play the game in the first place

>i cant stand opinions that disagree with my opinions!
That's how you sound

Offline mmo

You admit that you skipped over parts of the story and then don't know whats going on.

You're essentially blaming the game for a shit story when you didn't pay attention to it.

reviewing games has nothing to do with the game

a review of the game is someone telling you how they felt about playing the game

>reviewing games has nothing to do with the game


if anything he is most likely from neofag or reddit, pls do not lump me in with that tard

I didnt say that, i said i must have skipped a cutscene, anyways the story is shit. See bluemoon tower ring quest.
Also, is kinda right, you review something considering your experience with it, otherwise you are describing, not reviewing

So to you there is no difference between an opinion about a game and a review of a game?

>reviewing games has nothing to do with the game
He's absolutely wrong. Reviewing VIDEOGAMES has everything to do with VIDEOGAMES

The problem with a lot of 'reviewers' are that they don't realize that opinions can be wrong. Yes there is the subjective aspect of a review, but your opinions are supposed to be based on well informed facts and a proper, if not average, experience, not half assed speed runs and ignoring and skipping dialogue entirely. The problem here is that he's claiming something is bad without even having played it properly as an average user would.

Thats why the credibility of a reviewer is really important. It's very much obvious he rushed through the game at best and probably got carried by high level pawns, which the average player isn't going to do. Thats why he's not entitled to review this, or if he must he should state that he is a massive shitter and that his opinions should be taken with a barrel full of salt if not discarded completely.

All he does is just spout anecdotal bullshit about how his level 1 class did no damage and how his higher level prestige class did a gorillion damage or how the story is shit when he didn't pay attention to it and skipped a bunch of shit.

Surprise, if you play like shit your experience will most likely be shit.

fucking thank you

You dense motherfucker, i, at most, skipped ONE cutscene, ONE. The story is still being shit, you could have enjoyed the game, thats for sure but don't you go here to my face saying it is flawless. Same goes for that blonde fucktatd, you see him 1 fucking time with Mrs.Bigtits and then boom, you see him 1 more time as he is revealed as a villain. Both the story and the pace suck fucking dick

You encounter Julian 4-5 times, not twice.
You really didn't pay any fucking attention.

> but don't you go here to my face saying it is flawless
I never said such a thing

>Same goes for that blonde fucktatd, you see him 1 fucking time with Mrs.Bigtits and then boom, you see him 1 more time as he is revealed as a villain.
Hmm, it's almost as if... wait.... like you skipped something and now it doesn't make sense! Which also explains why you call Elysion "old dude that's like a boss or something and he went all "HAHA! we met again" and i was like who the fuck are you, so maybe i skipped an important secondary or something"

>Both the story and the pace suck fucking dick.
Wow, if I skipped a hundred pages here and there then maybe I wouldn't have enjoyed crime and punishment!

It's more like Dark Souls than skyrim.

what do you think the story is, go for it

BBI island is pretty fun and not even easy, especially if your level is quite low, but if you want to clear out the whole content there, don't play as a warrior, because this vocation is broken and you can't beat the final boss of BBI with it.

I enjoyed it

>you encounter julian twice
-first time at the castle
-second time in the night
-3rd time in the crypt
-4th time when you give rations to his troops
-5 time when mercedes face him

all along all pnj are talking about a possible mole, and the whole time, you're supposed to pick up clues about the interest of a foreign country in this business

so yes, it's not game of throne where all the "serious betreyal plot" is revealed in a long ass scene where the camera focus on the head of an actor then he starts to laught like a maniac "yes! it was I! the traitor! now let me monologue about why I am evil"

you know julian is the one who put the cockatrice you fight later on right?


>cucked out of his wife, kingdom and life by the arisen
Edmun had a hard life.

So what did i skip? a quarter of the game's story? how so?

I remember seeing him in the castle, the second time i take it you are refering to when you spy on him.

Never seen him in any crypt, never given rations to his troops.

What the fuck did i do?

My main complaint? Too easy.
I started the game and got my ass wrecked in the first quest with the lizards down the well. Fucking awesome, actually had to play the best and use consummables to make it.
Then I reached Gran Soren and started going around exploring and naturally grinding, and soon I was destroying everything as an assassin with no real effort.

By the mid-late game I had to actually gimp myself by hiring underleveled pawns and wearing scrappy equipment in order to keep some semblance of challenge.

>What the fuck did i do?

nothing, you just missed half of his story behind optional quests
I love this game, but I never said the pacing was perfect, capcom also probably tried to blend the quests with the story, to make the player play "more" to discover things, but yes, it's an unfinished game and you can feel it on every possible way

You mean the teenager he 'wed' to replace the wife he sacrificed to the dragon?
Yeah I don't feel sorry for the cunt, especially after he tries to kill her in a fit of madness.

>don't play as a warrior, because this vocation is broken and you can't beat the final boss of BBI with it.

True? Playing the game right now and planning to just stay as warrior for most of it

Warrior is stuck with only physical attacks, they're slow, and you ca only slot in three (3) attacks where every other class has 6.
Warrior got supercucked in the design stages.

How much of an issue does that become later on? I'm not too bothered about the whole slow/3 attacks thing as long as i can just smash shit with a huge 2h